All co-curricular sport training will recommence from Monday 2 August. Games will be confirmed during Week 3, please keep an eye on your emails and the Daily Notices in SEQTA.
Mr Jordan Young, Secondary Co-curricular Coordinator and Mrs Leanne Burton, Girls Co-curricular Officer
Congratulations to the following Year 7 girls who played in the SAPSASA Airport District team in Term 2. This team played in Division 1 and were undefeated over the three days of the carnival. An amazing effort, well done girls!

Ruby Lynch (7GPC-01)

Ava Mackenzie (7GPC-02)

Jasmine McCaffery (7GPC-03)

Jemma Mutton (7GPC-01)

May Northcott (7GPC-01)
Mrs Leanne Burton, Girls Co-curricular Officer