SEQTA / Consent2Go
St Michael’s College uses Consent2Go to manage parent/caregiver contact details, student medical information, and media permissions. This system also handles excursion processes, including notifying parents and obtaining necessary permissions.
Parents/caregivers can update contact and medical information as needed. Keeping this information accurate is essential for your child’s care. All data is stored in compliance with Australian privacy laws.
Update Student Details
If you don’t have email or internet access, please inform the College to be included in the Consent2Go paper process.
Email Whitelisting Instructions
To ensure you receive our emails, add to your contacts:
- Hotmail: Add to People
- Gmail: Add to Contacts
- Yahoo: Add to Contacts
If you’ve already received an email from us, search for, click on the sender, and select “Add to People” or “Add to Contacts.”
SEQTA – Learning and Management System
SEQTA is a collaborative teaching and learning system that connects teachers, students and parents as an interactive and supportive community. To find out more, please follow this link:
SEQTA Learn: Students: All students at St Michael’s College are able to access SEQTA via their student portal, which is called “SEQTA Learn”, by using their username and password. All students must access the site through the following link:
SEQTA Engage: Parents/Caregivers: All parents/caregivers can access SEQTA to keep up to date with their child’s work, academic progress, assignments and pastoral classes. This system allows parents to access school reports and read the daily notices in a similar interface to the students.
Functionalities of SEQTA include:
- Recording students daily attendance;
- Communicating with parents/caregivers;
- Recording student achievements and awards;
- Storing teaching and learning resources;
- Uploading student reports.
New families will receive a unique link to access SEQTA Engage at the beginning of the school term.
Parent SEQTA Access
Parent access to SEQTA begins on receipt of an activation email from SEQTA with an invitation to create a username and password within seven days of receipt of the email.
Parents are encouraged to install the SEQTA Engage app on their Apple or Android device:
- Search for SEQTA Engage in the appropriate ‘store’ on your device.
- Enter details manually including in the ‘school website’ field.
- Log in with your SEQTA username and password.
For existing parents who are experiencing problems with SEQTA Engage passwords, please contact from your registered email address for assistance.
Please note that SEQTA provides an App on both Apple and Android. Simply search for ‘SEQTA Engage’ and log in with the credentials received in the email. Major advantages of the App include push notifications and fingerprint /face ID security.