Absentee Line - Text 0417 596 611 or Phone Primary 8150 2397, Secondary 8150 2323 or Email student.reception@smc.sa.edu.au

Enrolment Information

How to Enrol

St Michael’s College is a Co-educational Reception to Year 12 Catholic College in the Lasallian tradition. We are an inclusive and respectful community where each individual is known, valued and cared for, enabling them to feel confident to explore their curiosities, flourish and fully realise their potential. We are a community of diverse cultural, social, and religious backgrounds, all aspiring to a common purpose – for young people to flourish and be the best they can be. Our quality education recognises and supports the individual to become a valued community member.

The College has over 2,100 students enrolled in a Primary, Middle and Senior School structure across two campuses – Reception to Year 6 at our Primary Campus in Beverley and Year 7 to 12 at our Secondary Campus at Henley Beach.

To meet College and government requirements, a completed Enrolment Application Form and all supporting documents must be submitted online for each child. Please prepare clear copies of the relevant documents, in individual files ready at the point of applying. There is a non-refundable enrolment application fee of $95.00 to be paid by credit card at when submitting the application. Unpaid applications will not be accepted or processed.

Please refer to the application deadlines below for mid-year, Term 1 Reception, and Year 7 enrolments.

Depending on vacancies, enrolments during the year may be considered. However, we ask that you contact the College before applying.

Primary Campus: smcprimary@smc.sa.edu.au
Secondary Campus: Registrar@smc.sa.edu.au

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Further Information:

College Prospectus

Enrolment Application Due Dates

Reception Term 1 and Mid-Year Enrolments

In 2019 the St Michael’s College, Adelaide Board and College Leadership Team announced that St Michael’s College will be offering Primary co-education, beginning with Reception from 2021.

St Michael’s College offers an additional mid-year enrolment intake for Reception students giving families the flexibility to determine the best time for their child to start school.

The criteria for starting Reception on the first day of school in Term 3 is that the child will have attained the age of five on or before 31 October in that year. These students will complete six terms of Reception. The mid-year intake is in addition to the regular intake at the beginning of the year (where students complete a full year in Reception).

To register your interest in enrolling your child in Reception or if you are considering a mid-year enrolment, please contact our Primary Enrolments Officer, Mrs Annie Clift on 8346 6548 or smcprimary@smc.sa.edu.au.

Commencement YearApplication Submission Due Date
Reception Term 1 & mid-year, 2025Closed - Applications can be lodged but will be waitlisted
Reception Term 1 & mid-year, 2026Closed - Applications can be lodged but will be waitlisted
Reception Term 1 & mid-year, 20271 December 2024
Reception Term 1 & mid-year, 20281 December 2025
Outside of School Care (Primary Campus only)

The College partners with Extend, a quality outside school hours care service provider. Extend offers after school care and holiday programs which are fun, exciting, inclusive and safe. Extend has qualified and dedicated educators who have chosen to work exclusively for Extend. These educators make a difference by spending time getting to know the children and families so they can provide a variety of tailored programs to engage and stimulate the children every day. You can find further information about the program here.

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Year 7 Enrolments

Commencement YearApplication Submission Due Date
Year 7, 2026Closed
Year 7, 2027Closed
Year 7, 20281 December, 2025
Year 7, 20291 December, 2026

There are limited positions for students in Years 8, 10, 11 and 12 in 2025. If you are interested in seeking admission for your son or daughter in these year levels, please contact our College Registrar on 08 8150 2310 or via email registrar@smc.sa.edu.au

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It’s never too early to submit applications for younger children. Although priority is given to siblings, your child may miss out on an enrolment position if applications are submitted after the due dates and positions are filled. Our Year 6 Primary campus students automatically transfer to the Secondary campus for Year 7.

An application is required for each child.

Enrolment for other year levels

Enrolments at other year levels and during the year can be considered only if there are vacancies. We ask that contact be first made with the College as follows before applying:

Primary Campus: smcprimary@smc.sa.edu.au
Secondary Campus: Registrar@smc.sa.edu.au

Offers of Enrolment and Selection Criteria

What Happens After an Application is Submitted

After lodging an application with payment, will you receive an automated notification that the application has been received.

Reception enrolments

You will receive an acknowledgement letter, and in due course, be contacted regarding the interview process.

Year 7 enrolments

Offers for Year 7 are guided by our enrolment criteria. Offers are typically communicated by the end of Term 1 when your child is in Year 5. The College may request to meet with families if deemed necessary in some situations. Applicants who have not received an offer in the first round will be placed on the waitlist until a position becomes available.

Other Secondary year level enrolments

Applications for other year levels will be reviewed, reference checked, and if shortlisted, the student and parents/caregivers will be invited to an enrolment interview where we hope to learn more about the student, their interests, hobbies, and learning strengths. The interview also provides families with the opportunity to learn about St Michael’s College, including our school values, subject and co-curricular offerings, and the expectations of our students. After a successful interview, the offer of enrolment will be sent to parents/caregivers.


St Michael’s College welcomes Catholic families, as well as families from other churches and faith traditions, and non-religious backgrounds who value and respect the ethos, values, liturgical and sacramental practices and traditions of the Catholic Church within the context of the school.

For applications received before the advertised closing date, the following criteria are used as guidelines for enrolment of students at St Michael’s College.

  1. Brothers and sisters of St Michael’s College students.
  2. Children of old scholars.
  3. Children who attend local Parish Schools.
  4. Catholics – those who have demonstrated commitment to the Catholic faith.
  5. Parents seeking a Christian education for their children.
  6. Date of application.

Final decisions pertaining to enrolments are ultimately at the discretion of the Principal.

Late applications

When applications exceed places, in addition to the above criteria we then consider the date we receive your application.

Educational Support

The needs of a student requiring additional educational support are considered, prior to enrolment, to establish the reasonable adjustments that are required so the student can participate in the educational environment on the same basis as a student without additional needs and without experiencing discrimination.

St Michael’s College will work with parents/legal guardians to determine the best outcome for the student.

Acceptance of Enrolment Offers

To accept and secure a position, a $500 non-refundable enrolment acceptance fee will be required. However, $400 from the enrolment acceptance fee will be credited towards the first tuition fee statement.

Once the paperwork and payment are received, we will send you a confirmation. After this, administrative matters, such as subject selections (Secondary Years 8 to 12 only), will commence.