Where it all began
“The name of St Michael the Archangel, would be a fitting designation to our new venture… We would like the vision of this great Champion of God to be continually before the minds of our Parishioners and the gaze of the rising generation that will come to many developments in this new School…” – Fr C. Hoy MSC
After the Second World War, a growth in popularity
occurs, particularly with strong Catholic affiliations. To alleviate the situation, the Parish Priest of Hindmarsh established a school in Allenby Gardens, and in July, the Deed of Transfer is signed.
Catholic education, at this time, is run by Religious
Orders. The De La Salle Brothers’ Provincial, Br Jerome Ephrem, is nominated to run the school. The invitation is accepted.
The buildings are completed and furnished for the start of the school year. Fees are introduced, equating to $12.60 per term for Primary and $8.80 for Secondary students.
A school uniform is introduced. The summer uniform consisted of a short sleeved shirt, tie, shorts and anklet socks all coloured grey and brown. The winter uniform consisted of grey melange pants for Primary and long trousers and a blue shirt for Secondary. The colour maroon chosen in honour of the Sacred Heart and the colour blue, for Our Lady.
The school year started on 9 February with three teachers – Br Victor Eviston (Director), Br George Kane, Br Ephrem Gilfedder and twenty nine boys.
Diary events from the first year reveal a number of activities that the boys were involved in including the first Mass celebrated in the College Church, a trip to Wayville showgrounds to welcome the Queen to Adelaide, attendance at a Mass to celebrate the Feast of St Michael followed by a tennis tournament at the Allenby Gardens Courts and Confirmation Day at the Parish Church of Hindmarsh where 24 SMC boys were amongst the 35 confirmed.
It was also the beginning of the sporting tradition where SMC fielded a couple of cricket teams and a football team, a tradition that has grown and lived on many years later.
The parents donate 70 trees to protect students during summer, cementing the parental involvement that also continues today.
Domestic life for the Brothers was hard with snags and beans being the staple diet.
The Parents and Friends Association and Mother’s Committee is formed. Members support the physical, social, sporting, and education life of students, with William Tonkin leading the P&F group as President.
Br Finbar Kelly assumes Headmastership and staff
increases with the appointment of Br Basalian Robert.
Enrolments pass 200 and classes ranged from Grade 3 to Intermediate, (a Year 11 equivalent) with the number of teachers also growing.
The first swimming carnival is organised at the Old Baths, on King William Street, Adelaide.
Br Finbar introduces a Prefect system. The first five Prefects elected were J Vilmanis (Captain), Denis Pellizzari, Neil Murphy, Ian Matthews and Michael MacFarlane.
Br Finbar forms a band consisting of seven buglers, bass drummer and a drum major.
The first edition of the school magazine, Maroon and Blue is introduced.
In the summer holidays, the school purchases the adjoining two-acre block.
The first fete is hosted as a major source of fundraising.
The P&F invest in a Physics and Chemistry area.
Three tennis teams win the challenge finals in A, B and C divisions in the SA Catholic Lawn Tennis Association.
Br Finbar establishes the Cadet unit.