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Integrated Learning Technology Program

Integrated Learning Technology Program

St Michael’s College is committed to providing an outstanding contemporary learning environment where students and teachers are afforded the very best opportunities to develop their skills and effectively utilise available technologies to improve learning outcomes. Much has been achieved in recent years and this will continue with the development of integrated learning technologies across the College. With this in mind, the one-to-one initiative at St Michael’s College is designed to enable students to seamlessly engage with an information-rich world. This initiative includes:

  • The further development of SEQTA, a web-based learning management system that enables teachers, students and parents, to collaborate more effectively to establish better teaching and learning opportunities.
  • Primary students will receive 1:1 access to Apple iPad technology during their primary school years. This will also include the right to take the device off-site, in selected year levels only, to assist with homework.
  • Secondary students will be issued a College supplied device (ILT Device). Currently, a Microsoft Windows 10 based touch screen, this device will be handed out at entry into the Secondary Campus, and a replacement device will be issued three years later (subject to program modification).
  • A commitment to professional development and technology-integrated teaching and learning programs.

The cost of supplying devices is included in the College tuition fees, no extra surcharges apply to this program.  Students are not permitted to connect private devices to the College network.

As part of this initiative, St Michael’s College offered a fully serviced device to our valued staff and students.  Should there be any issues with the device, simply visit the ICT Support office for assistance, for both warranty and non-warranty (physical damage) assistance. Loan units are available for use whilst any device requiring repairs is repaired, subject to availability.

We are excited to be moving in a direction that will further develop rich, collaborative learning opportunities that inspire engagement and lead to improved outcomes for all.