Year 9 Boys Wellbeing – ‘Outside the Manbox’
The Year 9 Boys Pastoral classes have spent time time reflecting on getting ‘Outside the Manbox’. The various sessions covered what it means to be a human, handling big emotions, reflecting on role models, and respect.
The following reflection is by Max P and Jaxon L:
“We enjoyed getting to know a little more about Mr Parfrey and Ms Capitanio. It’s important to have a good connection with the teachers and sharing parts of their story is a good way to connect with us. Another great aspect of the day was talking with our friends about who our idols are and why and learning about some good role models for people our age, because idols are someone we are inspired to be.
The talk about leadership was interesting because of the examples like Darcy Moore (the Collingwood FC Captain), and how he transformed Collingwood to a team that shows great sportsmanship and teamwork. When Ms Capitanio told us about her past and all of her challenges, it showed us that you should always look on the positive side of things and that better days will come, and reminds us to never leave anyone out or judge them.
A take-away was that you can always look on the bright side of things, and that you should always give people respect no matter what. We also learned how to be a good leader and how you don’t have to have a badge or a title to be a leader. When Ms Carfora talked about what being a man really is, it was really good as well because of the image that social media and movies put into our brains and that being a man is much more than muscle and body image.”
Jessica Capitanio, Assistant Year Level Director for Year 9