Strength of the Week – Hope
Many, many years ago, a young couple, who were effectively homeless, found it difficult to find a place to stay, and were rejected repeatedly as they asked for help. As we all know, the young woman was about to give birth to a baby, the saviour of the world. Sometimes I reflect on that reality and try to imagine just how frightening that must have been, and how important the kindness and generosity of strangers must have felt at that very critical time for such a young family.
At this time of the year, when we remember the birth of Jesus who came to offer us hope and life, it’s fitting that we should end the year with a focus on the character strength of hope, just as we began it, months ago.
Over the course of this year, St Michael’s students have actively cultivated the strength of hope in Pastoral Care and in their many learning experiences. Working with goals they set and reviewed over the course of the year, they were inspired by their families, teachers, coaches, College staff and their peers.
Remembering St John Baptist de La Salle’s commitment to supporting those in need, in past days students have also been directing their gratitude and hope into the support they can provide for charities including Vinnie’s and Adelaide Day Centre for Homeless Persons, to direct assistance to those who need it most.
We take a moment to appreciate the difference this generosity can make, just as it would have for the Holy Family, such a long time ago. This important opportunity to make such a big difference during the Christmas Season coincides with the beginning of Advent, where we enter into the season of hope as we wait to celebrate Jesus’ birth.
While it’s almost hard to believe that the year is coming to an end, we consider new opportunities to care for each other with hope in our minds and hearts and answer the call with generosity of spirit and optimism.
The end of the school year also offers us the occasion to find the time to celebrate all that has been and all of our blessings; the many opportunities to learn and grow, and to show gratitude to all those who have helped along that journey.
Wishing you and yours a safe and happy Christmas and a fulfilling 2024.
St John Baptist de La Salle, PRAY FOR US.
Live Jesus in our Hearts, FOREVER.
Tonia Carfora, Year 7-9 Wellbeing Initiatives Leader