Whole School
On Wednesday 2 March, our Primary Campus students and staff participated in an Ash Wednesday Liturgy. The day marks the beginning of the season of Lent for Christians. Lent is a time when we pray, do kind things for other people, give up things and give to others, as we prepare to celebrate the great feast of Easter.
For forty days, we accompany Jesus on his journey to Calvary and we see the mercy he shows towards others, despite his suffering.
Just as God shows mercy towards us, like Jesus, we try to show mercy to others.
This Lent, we are also making our journey alongside families around the world living in poverty, especially those who do not have the basic things they need like enough food or clean water. (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD) – Just One World)
Ash Wednesday Liturgy Opening Prayer:
Let us remember we are gathered in God’s Holy presence.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Let us pray
Loving God, be with us in a special way during this time of Lent so that we can become a people of love and service.
Help us to think about how we treat others, the way we act, the way we live our lives and how we look to the needs of others rather than our own needs.
Help us to challenge ourselves to be beacons of hope For all future generations and to show more kindness, forgiveness, compassion and gratitude.
We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Mrs Patrizia Puglia, Director of Religion and Spirituality – Primary

Ash Wednesday is one of the most important Holy days in the liturgical calendar and begins the season of Lent, a time of fasting, almsgiving and prayer. As we journey through the Lenten period, let us remember and pray for the people who are less fortunate, suffering from illnesses, grieving and experiencing hardship in their lives.
The Secondary Campus participated in Ash Wednesday during pastoral class as students are unable to gather in the chapel. Thank you to Mr Robert Dempsey and Sr Nithya for organising this service.