Weekly Communication and Important Dates
Mr. Ngamaru Raerino much loved great uncle of Tioke Raerino (Year 9)
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in Peace. Amen.
Mrs. Provvidenza (Enza) DiStefano much loved grandmother of Nicholas Zac (Year 8)
Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest in Peace. Amen.
Important Dates:
Week 8
Tuesday 21 March
Harmony Day
Friday 24 March
Primary Swimming Carnival Marion
Early Dismissal – Reception & Year 1s: 12.30pm / Years 2 to 6: 2.30pm
(No later than 2.45pm)
Week 9
Tuesday 28 March
Primary Portfolio Conference Evening @ 1.30pm
Students dismissed @ 12.50pm
Friday 31 March
Mission Action Day Various locations
Student dismissed @ approx. 11.45am depending on activity
Week 10
Thursday 6 April – Holy Thursday
Students dismissed @ 12.40pm – Primary
Students dismissed @ 12.45pm – Secondary
Friday 7 April – Good Friday
Public Holiday
Week 11
Monday 10 April – Easter Monday
Public Holiday
Friday 14 April
End of Term 1
Students dismissed @ 12.40pm – Primary
Students dismissed @ 12.45pm – Secondary
Uniform Shop holiday opening hours for Term 2 winter uniform
Tuesday 25th April – Closed (Anzac Day)
Wednesday 26th April – 8am to 4.15pm
Thursday 27th April – 8am to 4.15pm
Friday 28th April – 8am to 4.15pm
Monday 1st May – 8am to 4:15pm (start of term 2) OPEN (if not a pupil free day)
We have commenced fittings for winter. Get in early to avoid the rush!
Year 12 Ties
Ties can be purchased from the Book Room.
Cash payments for ties can be made at the book room Credit card payment through the Front office and the receipt to the Book room for collection of the tie.
Cost of the Year 12 tie is $25.00
Mission Action Day

This year’s Mission Action Day (MAD) will be held on Friday, 31 March 2023. Steeped in our history, MAD began in the 1960s, as a walk-a-thon along our local beaches, from Henley to Semaphore and back. Today MAD has grown to include many activities designed to cater more widely for the interests of students in R – 12.
St Michael’s College prides itself on both the participation levels of its students and the success of fundraising on this special day, whereby we raise approximately $50,000 each year for those most in need. These donations make a very real difference!
As students and staff have the opportunity to spend a great day undertaking fun activities, we are encouraged to reflect on how the money raised goes straight to others in our wider community who are in greater need than ourselves. Proceeds raised are directed towards Lasallian projects throughout the Asia-Pacific region, providing children in need with an opportunity for a better future. You may like to ask your child/student in your care about the videos we watched at the MAD launch in relation to this. Funds from the event will also go to various local and national charities, including St Vinnies, Caritas and Hutt Street Centre, organisations that our Year 10 students visit each year to gain awareness of the great work that volunteers are undertaking to improve the lives of others.
Where does our fundraising go?
Funds that we raise contribute largely to the development of schools in Pakistan and Papua New Guinea. The Mission Action Day money you donate is greatly appreciated. We welcome you to view the heart-warming video from the La Salle School, Pakistan which shows the wonderful students our fundraising assists – view here

La Salle School, Pakistan Video
Some of these schools exist in areas of extreme poverty, where without a school like these, students in these areas just wouldn’t have an opportunity to be educated. Just as St John Baptist De La Salle had the opportunity to help the needy receive an education in France, we as a St Michael’s community now get to help others to have that same opportunity to be educated.
The Lasallian Foundation was established in 2004 by the De La Salle Brothers to support educational works and initiatives in the Asia-Pacific region. Since its establishment in 2004, the Lasallian Foundation has supported projects and initiatives in Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and South Sudan. In recent years, the focus of the Lasallian Foundation has narrowed so that Pakistan and Papua New Guinea are now its main areas of operation. St Michael’s College annually contributes to the Lasallian Foundation through Mission Action Day (MAD) fundraising, supporting the Lasallian mission, schools, students, and communities most in need. https://www.lasallianfoundation.org.au/
We look forward your support for MAD 2023. Mission Action Day 2023 (MAD) – St Michael’s College (smc.sa.edu.au)