Weekly Communication and Important Dates
Mr Emeritus Professor Reginald Coutts “Reg”
Old Scholar from the Class of 1967.
Reg arrived at St Michael’s in 1959 as a wide eyed enthusiastic Grade 4 student. That infectious enthusiasm was to be his hallmark. Although Polio at an early stage in life crippled his right arm it did not stop him from participating fully in school life. Whether it was mobilizing support for the school’s fund raising activities or being involved the various clubs and societies – Reg could be seen at the forefront ready to engage and enthuse his fellow students.
He was the first School Captain at St Michael’s College, Henley Beach. Reg was awarded a Commonwealth Scholarship and completed degrees in Science and Engineering at the University of Adelaide before undertaking a PhD.
Reg then embarked on an outstanding career, which involved helping to set up the framework for the National Broadband Network. In the 1990s Reg returned to the University of Adelaide as the foundation Professor of Telecommunications. In 2018 he was inducted in the Pearcey Hall of Fame. The Pearcey Hall of Fame recognises individuals who have made very significant lifetime contributions into one or more of Australia’s ICT research, industry, or professional development.
Reg never stopped thinking about ways in which telecommunications could contribute to improving the quality of life for all. At time of his death he was working on a book that described the way telecommunications may enable the world to develop a sustainable future for all. – Written by Reg’s friends Stephen and Leigh
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest In Peace. Amen.
15 September
Vocal Night
Football and Netball Presentation Night
16 September
Write a Book in a Day
24 September
De La Salle Day
End Term 3 Early Dismissal 12:45 pm

Dear Parents, Guardians and Caregivers
On behalf of the St Michael’s College, Adelaide Board I wish to provide you with the following information pertaining to 2022 Tuition Fees and Charges.
Despite such a challenging economic environment in 2021, we are most appreciative that parents, guardians, and caregivers continue to support the College by meeting their financial obligations in a timely manner.
As you are aware there was no fee increase applied for the 2021 school year. Although the Board is very sensitive to the impact on families, it is deemed necessary to increase the fees in 2022 to enable the school to continue to provide a high quality, well-resourced education for all students. This includes:
- Class sizes below the Enterprise Agreement.
- College supplied and maintained IT device.
- Ongoing commitment to capital development to refresh and improve learning spaces.
- Staffing above the minimum requirements to ensure quality teaching & learning and wellbeing programs, partnerships with families and a genuine intent to ensure all individuals are known valued and cared for.
From 1 January 2022, tuition fees will increase by 2.5% for Reception to Year 12 students.
Due to the transition from Year 7 to the Secondary Campus in 2018, a transition period was established to align the Year 7 fee to the Year 8-10 tuition fee. This period will now be extended for a further two years (2022 and 2023).
The 2022 School Fee Schedule can be accessed here.
Should you require clarification of any matter pertaining to the school fee schedule, please do not hesitate to contact our fees staff at the secondary campus on 8356 5966 or via fees@smc.sa.edu.au
Yours sincerely,
Mr Dominic LoBasso, Business Manager

Please be reminded that the Year 7 2022 Orientation Day is being held on Monday 29 November. More information will be communicated soon.
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