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Weekly Communication and Important Dates

Weekly Communication and Important Dates


Matt McLaughlin
Much loved Father of Cooper in Year 5.

Matt was a wonderful man who engaged staff from the time he walked through Admin. He is greatly admired for his love and care for his family and his tenacity in fighting his health battle. The detail Matt went to when coaching the Year 5 basketball team to their premiership late in Term 2 was something all the players and parents of St Michael’s will remember forever.

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest In Peace. Amen.


Year 11 (Year 12 2022) SACE Evening (2/8) – video link will be sent
Year 12 SATAC Evening (2/8) – video link will be sent
Careers Night (2/8)
Catholic Cross Country Carnival (5/8)

Holy Communion Preparation (27/7 – 1/8)
Year 7 (2022) Music Information Night (3/8)
Year 11 Lasallian Reflection Day (4/8)
Year 12 Seminar Day 3 (5/8)
Vocal Performance Night (5/8)

The Primary Academic Awards and New Student Welcome Assembly scheduled for 5 August is currently under consideration and will be communicated in due course.



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