Weekly Communication and Important Dates
Years 10 and 11 Exams
Below is information regarding upcoming exams for students in Years 10 and 11. Students are requested to also note and carefully read the Student Protocols & Responsibilities.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the College.
- Students should be ready to enter the Exam Room 15 minutes before the starting time. Please assemble in the adjacent courtyard; for example, for all morning exams, please assemble by 8:40am, sign the attendance sheet outside the room, and you will be directed from there.
- Students are not to enter the Exam Room until invited to do so.
- Students are to ensure that all the necessary equipment has been obtained for the Exam. NO borrowing will be permitted. NO pencil cases allowed.
- Where the exam is undertaken in electronic format, students are responsible for ensuring their laptop is fully charged and updated and wired headphones only are used if required (check requirements with Subject Teacher).
- Students plagiarizing will have their paper cancelled. However, the Exam must be completed. Obviously final assessment will be adversely affected.
- No student will be permitted to leave the Exam Room before the appointed finishing time.
- The allowance for Reading Time varies depending upon the particular exam. Students must listen carefully to instructions from the invigilator regarding reading time. All notes must be written on the sheet supplied ONLY. Before the Exam, consideration should be given as to how best to use this time. Check with teachers if uncertain.
- If a student is ill and unable to attend, a phone call must be made to Mr O’Reilly, ideally prior to the commencement of the exam.
- Full College uniform is required for all exams, including compliance with the Uniform Code.
- Students are encouraged to bring a dictionary into the examination room but only unmarked dictionaries are to be used.
- Students will not be required for formal lessons during the exam week. Instead, private study should take place at home.
- Graphic calculators need to be cleared for subjects other than Mathematics.
- For online exams students will need to clear their laptops of any unnecessary files, undertake a complete shutdown, and restart the night before the exam to avoid being disrupted by updates, and ensure their laptops are fully charged.
- Mobile phones are NOT permitted. Teachers will not be responsible for these during the examination period.
Year 11 Exam Timetable

Year 10 Exam Timetable

Lynda White, Senior Administration, Curriculum and Assessment