Weekly Communication and Important Dates
Mrs Mary Schechter
Much loved Great Grandmother of Joseph Henry-Davies (Year 8).
27 May – 3 June
National Reconciliation Week
31 May
Year 7, 11, and 12 school photos
8 June
Primary Campus school photos
Please click here to view our online calendar.
Recently parents and caregivers of the College would have received an email regarding the Parent and Caregiver Survey (PaCS) which seeks feedback from key stakeholders and is being undertaken in conjunction with the Curtin University’s ‘National Schools Improvement (NSI) Partnerships Effective School Improvement Program’.
The PaCS collects Parent/Caregiver experiences regarding:
- teacher support, student behaviour, student progress and assessment criteria;
- affirmation of diversity, welcoming ethos and communication, and
- aspirations for your child’s education and your satisfaction with the College.
If you did not receive the recent email to participate, please contact smc@smc.sa.edu.au and the information will be forwarded to you.
The closing date for the survey has been amended to Sunday 5 June, 2022.
Please note applications must be submitted to the Registrar no later than 16 December 2022. For more information or to access the application form, please click here.

Click here for Term Dates.
Click here for Uniform Shop hours and information.
Click here to purchase the Entertainment Book.
For previous editions of The Star Newsletter, if using Desktop, please navigate to the side bar to view previous editions or if viewing on a mobile phone scroll to the bottom of the page.
Not all College activities make it into The Star so please be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date.