Zak Dumanovic
College Leader
College Leader
My name is: Zak Dumanovic
My Leadership role in 2024 at SMC is: College Leader
As a leader I would describe myself as: Genuine, hardworking and friendly.
The things that I do that I am the proudest of are: Playing soccer and being a part of Archangel Theatre Company because it provides me with a place to be myself and excel at what I love.
My favourite TV programs are: Schitts Creek & The Good Place
My greatest sporting moment: Scoring in my soccer game against Para Hills Knights in the final minute.
My favourite bands are: Queen and ABBA
My favourite songs are: The Perfect Pair – Beabadoobee. When Memories Snow – Mitski. Dreamer – Laufey
Someone I admire: My Bushka (Great Grandmother)
My favourite books are: The Lord of the Rings Collection – J.R.R Tolkien
In my spare time I like to: Go fishing on my kayak.
The best thing about attending SMC is: Seeing all my friends during the day.
One chore I don’t like doing is: Mopping the house.
Leadership means to me: A responsibility to lead my peers with integrity and collaboration to bring our community together.
I have a pet: Dog whose name is Rosie
To be a Lasallian Leader means: Carrying out the values applied by De La Salle in our community.
This year as a College Leader I wish to be best known as: Someone who is inclusive and considerate of all.
Five words which best describe my personality are: Creative, Dramatic, Flamboyant, Friendly, Intelligent
A person I most admire is: My Mama
If I could create one change for SMC in 2024 it would be: To have drama be more represented school wide.
A quote that I believe in is: Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. – Anton Ego (Ratatouille, 2007)
Something interesting about me no one knows? I am very proud of my Serbian heritage and am passionate about the food and accomplishments of Serbia.