Secondary Campus
The 2021 SMC Visual Art, Design, Photography, Design and Technology Exhibition showcased an amazing array of work created by our Year 12 students.
We are so proud of the artistry and creative skill set demonstrated by our students this year. They have shown determination and resilience under the challenging circumstances of 2021. We are thrilled to be able to share highlights of this exhibition.
We thank the parents for their support and the trust they have placed in us to guide our students through the creative processes. We would also like to thank our Year 12s, who have risen to the challenge and have displayed great courage to create technically refined and meaningful works.
I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to the Year 12 Art and Design teachers – Sally Armour and Leanne Michalik. They have gone above and beyond to bring the best out in our students. They have mentored, encouraged, and inspired them to create unique works of art and design where our students have not only developed their skills, but learnt more about themselves and their world.
Ms Nicolle LeRay-Warren, Head of Visual Arts – Secondary

This year our annual Movember fundraiser was revamped by the Year 11 cohort. An inspiring speech by Year 11 student Halle Rigney, whose family has been personally impacted by cancer, motivated the whole cohort to get involved in ‘Make a Move’, a Movember initiative where people ‘move’ 60km over the month of November. That’s 60km for the 60 men we lose to suicide each hour, every hour across the world. The campaign saw a combination of Year 11 students and staff who walked or ran 1km over the course of the day, accumulating to 156km. The event cultivated a collegial spirit between the Year 11 cohort and staff to change the face of men’s health.
“The ‘Make a Move’ for Movember cause hits close to home for me as my dad has been battling cancer. When first organising this event, I believed only a few people would support my idea, but I was so overwhelmed with the support and love from not only my year level and teachers, but also the wider school community. I would love to give a special thanks to everyone who came out and donated to this amazing cause and hopefully St Michael’s can continue supporting this cause in the future”. – Halle Rigney (11PC-03)
If you would like to donate, please click here. This link will be live until the end of November.
On Wednesday, the St Michael’s College Secondary Campus students were fortunate to receive a visit from the Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter. With the campus situated so close to the beach and many students who live locally, it was a great chance for the crew who patrol our coastline to share the lifesaving capabilities of the Helicopter and some safety tips ahead of summer.
Students were able to ask the crew questions when they landed, and they had the opportunity to sit inside the helicopter and see the state-of-the-art lifesaving equipment designed to help the crew deal with emergency situations.
Last season, the Service undertook 200 hours, assisted with 2562 incidents and spotted 73 sharks from October 2020-April 2021. The Service also recently rolled out two new lifesaving rescue devices to assist swimmers in danger, and also features high tech radio and navigation equipment to assist in search and rescue missions.
On board the chopper was Year 10 student Sebastian H’s dad. Sebastian was unaware that his father was a crew member and when he emerged from the flight deck you could see the immense pride on Sebastian’s face. A very special moment to witness.
Next week, St Michael’s College will be supporting Surf Life Saving SA’s Boardies Day appeal. On Wednesday 1 December students will don their favourite boardies to raise funds for the Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter Service.
A big thank you again to Westpac and Surf Life Saving South Australia for this special and informative visit.
On Thursday 11 November, students and staff gathered in Founders Hall to commemorate Remembrance Day and pay their respects to those who have lost their lives in all wars and conflicts. Various members of the St Michael’s College Army Cadets Unit formed the Catafalque Party, whilst others greeted students and staff at the doors. Thank you to the College Leaders who were the speakers for the occasion. All involved did a fantastic job, and they should be very proud of themselves.
Mr Anthony Feleppa, Secondary Teacher
Week 5: Kindness
As I mentioned in an earlier edition of The Star, kindness can almost be considered to be a sort of vaccine; and it’s true that we have never spoken so much about vaccines as we have in the last two years. It seems a strange parallel to make, but evidence would indicate that kindness, as a character strength, has the capacity to prevent ill feeling, injustice, and offense, especially when employed in tandem with other strengths, just like a vaccine might.
Hugh Mackay, author of The Kindness Revolution comments that kindness is important for the future of our children, for our world and for their capacity to become the learners and leaders they choose to be.
Earlier this year I also alluded Mackay’s discussion of a Gospel story we all remember- the story of the loaves and the fishes where Jesus feeds 5000 people, and still gathers leftovers after the event. In some ways, Mackay suggests, kindness is like this. We can spread it all around and still have plenty to spare. It seems to regenerate, just like the loaves and fishes seemed to do. When we share kindness, we leave people feeling better than they did before, and we feel good about this too. The people we share kindness with can also be inspired to share their own kindness and before we know it, we have a wave of kindness- acts of kindness perpetuated by those whose lives or hearts we touched- as St John Baptist de La Salle would say.
In my email to staff and students this week, I wrote the following:
KINDNESS is a strength that protects us from the negative effects of stress and can also have a positive impact on our physical wellbeing and our relationships. It helps us to know, value and care for each other! Imagine the changes that can happen if we all commit to kindness!
- It is hard to be KIND and mean at the same time!
- It is hard to be KIND and jealous at the same time!
- It is hard to be KIND and exclude people at the same time!
- It is hard to be KIND and write hurtful comments on social media at the same time.
- It is hard to be KIND and knowingly create harm to our world.
I invited students to make a commitment to doing an extra act of kindness each day, and to plan for it, and I highlighted the fact that kindness doesn’t have to be complex or taxing:
What can we do?
- hold a door open for someone
- offer to help
- genuinely thank someone for something they have helped you with
- be grateful for the sacrifices others have made… Remembrance Day is a good opportunity.
- pick something up for someone
- offer to let someone borrow something that may help them
- be generous with your time
- contact an older or younger family member you haven’t seen for a while and check in with them
- post something kind on your Instagram page and send a kind message
- get behind a social justice issue and support it the best you can, maybe visit the Eco Squad
- pick up some rubbish and get in into a bin
- reduce, reuse and recycle – this week is National Recycle Week!
- use less resources – turn off lights, save water, act on the invitation of Laudato sí
- smile and be present; really LISTEN with all of you. Put away the device and attend to that person completely
In closing I invited all of us to the mission to scatter kindness this week. Let’s hope we see lots of it all around us!
Have a great weekend ahead!
Mrs Tonia Carfora, Year 7-9 Learning and Wellbeing Initiatives Leader
Student Responsibilities
- Students should be ready to enter the exam room 15 minutes before the starting time. Please assemble in the adjacent courtyard; for example, for all morning exams, please assemble by 8:40am, sign the attendance sheet outside the room and you will be directed from there.
- Students are not to enter the exam room until invited to do so.
- Students are to ensure that all the necessary equipment has been obtained for the exam. NO borrowing will be permitted. NO pencil cases allowed.
- Where the exam is undertaken in electronic format, students are responsible for ensuring their laptop is fully charged and updated and wired headphones only are used if required (check requirements with Subject Teacher).
- Students plagiarising will have their paper cancelled. However, the exam must be completed. Final assessment will be adversely affected.
- No student will be permitted to leave the exam room before the appointed finishing time.
- The allowance for reading time varies depending upon the particular exam. Students must listen carefully to instructions from the invigilator regarding reading time. All notes must be written on the sheet supplied ONLY. Before the exam, consideration should be given as to how best to use this time. Check with teachers if uncertain.
- If a student is ill and unable to attend, a phone call must be made to Mr O’Reilly, ideally prior to the commencement of the exam.
- Full College uniform is required for all exams, including compliance with the Uniform Code.
- Students are encouraged to bring a dictionary into the examination room, but only unmarked dictionaries are to be used.
- Students will not be required for formal lessons during the exam week. Instead, private study should take place at home.
- Graphic calculators need to be cleared for subjects other than Mathematics.
- For online exams students will need to clear their laptops of any unnecessary files, undertake a complete shutdown, and restart the night before the exam to avoid being disrupted by updates, and ensure their laptops are fully charged.
- Mobile phones are NOT permitted. Teachers will not be responsible for these during the examination period.
It’s that time of year again when the Music Department is asking for participants in this year’s ‘SMC’S GOT TALENT’ extravaganza.
Our annual talent show will take place in the last week of school (Thursday 2 December after lunch) and is a wonderful way for all members of the SMC community to wind down after a hectic school year.
All students and staff are eligible to participate, all you need to do is come up with any type of performance that shows off a talent or skill that you believe needs to be shared with the world!
Entry is free and participants simply need to email Mr Musci to nominate themselves ASAP.
Successful contestants will be contacted closer to the event. Don’t be shy, start rehearsing now and contact Mr Musci so you can be part of this great event.
Mr James Musci, Head of Music – Secondary