Secondary Campus
The Year 9 Boys Art class have created portraits of their beloved companions or favourite animal, using acrylic paint on canvas.
The students used a three-step process in acrylics (middle, a highlight and a dark), working and blending the lights and darks into the base/middle tone. After several layers they began to add details such as the small hairs around the muzzle and eyes etc.
They developed observational skills and painting techniques to successfully complete an imaginative painting.
Mrs Nicolle LeRay-Warren, Head of Visual Arts – Secondary
This year 28 students participated in the annual Australian Maths Competition. Congratulations to all the participants, and special mention to Valen Kostich for his outstanding achievement.
High Distinction
Year 12
Valen Kostich
Year 7
Scarlett Brown
Year 9
Sophia Goldsworthy
Jordan Kupeckyj
Year 10
Matthew Walker
Year 11
Jayden Nguyen
Year 12
Harry Lilburne
Year 7
Jessica Burton
Sasha Corbo
Archie Di Brino
Oliver Dichiera
Isabella Dragani
Maeve Nicholas
Bennett Townsend
Year 8
Sargun Thind
Year 9
Angela Chen
Finn Hagen
Chelsea Hodges
Year 11
Holly Dini
Please note that the certificates will be posted to all participants.
Ms Anne Finlay, Head of Mathematics – Secondary
Week 8: Hope
In past weeks we’ve compared several strengths to a triple antigen vaccine because we can consider that they help protect us against being unwell. The first two components were kindness and gratitude. This week’s strength is the third component of the wellbeing ‘triple antigen’-protecting us against choices that can hurt or offend, bolstering our wellbeing! It’s hope.
While gratitude and kindness help us to build stronger relationships with other people – to know, value and care for them, research tells us that hope has a positive impact on mental health, providing protection against anxiety and stress, and affording us a stronger ability to bounce back from challenge. It is essential in developing resilience. It also helps us to be better communicators, strengthening our relationships, and can potentially lead us to much better physical health and a longer life.
This year at St Michael’s, students have actively cultivated the strength of hope in Pastoral Care, complementing the goal setting they have all worked with over the year, inspired by their teachers and their peers. In past days students have also been directing their gratitude and hope into the support they are providing for Vinnie’s and Moore St. This is character strengths underpinning the College Vision and Mission in action.
This important opportunity to make such a big difference during the Christmas season coincides with the beginning of Advent, where we enter into the season of hope as we await for the celebration of Jesus’ birth.
This week at Tuesday morning Mass, Fr Paul McCormack spoke about one of the brothers at the Casa Generalizia (the Brothers’ Head Office or Mother House) in Rome. He mentioned that this particular brother was well known for his approach to each and every knock at the door. He would rise to his feet, saying “Coming Lord!”.
As Christmas approaches, let’s use hope and the other two components of the ‘triple antigen’ to help us do the same. As the year comes to an end, let’s view the new opportunities to care for each other with hope in our minds and hearts, and answer the call with generosity of spirit and optimism.
The end of the school year also offers us the opportunity to find the time to celebrate all that has been; the many opportunities to learn and grow, and to show gratitude to all those who have helped along that journey.
St John Baptist de La Salle, PRAY FOR US.
Live Jesus in our Hearts, FOREVER
Wishing you and yours a safe and happy Christmas and a fulfilling 2022.
Mrs Tonia Carfora, Year 7-9 Learning and Wellbeing Initiatives Leader – Secondary