Secondary Campus
House Captains 2023
We would like to congratulate our newly appointed House Captains for 2023. Our Captains are a lovely group of students who reflect the College’s values.
Benilde – Izac Carrozza and Alexis Rapuano
Jaime – Will Ashton and Isabella McGorman
Lasalle – Noah Woolcock and Jovana Obrenovic
Mackillop – Hayley Conlon and Isabella Martino
Miguel – Isaac Edwards and Scarlett O’Shea
Mutien – Harrison Cavallaro and Isabella Struga
Solomon – Harry Carroll and Samara Menezes
Turon – Harry Dodd and Evie Kitschke
Sally Nicholson, Head of Department – Health and Physical Education
Year 9 Food Tech
As a part of the Year 9 Food Technology curriculum, students have been exploring how to utilise and integrate native foods into their cooking. The Year 9 students were given the opportunity to widen their taste palate and cook new and somewhat unusual Indigenous meats. These consisted of Emu, Kangaroo, Buffalo and Crocodile. Buffalo and Crocodile were the overwhelming favourites of the students. In the upcoming weeks, we look forward to further broadening the students’ palates, with the likes of Green Ants, Rosella Flower, Saltbush, Davidson Plum and Wattle Seed.
Ms Becky Parker, Food Technology Teacher
Year 11 Blue Tree Project
Last week, a group of Year 11 students ran a men’s mental health awareness initiative. Anabelle, Caitlin, Chelsea, Olivia, and Isabella aimed to raise awareness for the Blue Tree Project, a charity which focuses on the way we talk about men’s mental health, encouraging individuals to share their feelings and break down the stereotypes of toxic masculinity. The Year 11s took part in the Blue Tree Project’s t-shirt campaign, with every class aiming to create a design that spoke to this important issue.
This group of students also created a mural and placed informative posters around the College. Well done!
Ms Anna Porcelli, Year 11 Director
Year 11 – Domestic Violence Awareness Day
Domestic violence can be defined as ‘violence, abuse and intimidation between people who are currently or have previously been in an intimate relationship.’ The perpetrator uses violence to control and dominate the other person. This causes fear, physical harm and/or psychological harm. Above all, violence is a violation of human rights. Since COVID, emerging data shows that domestic violence has intensified.
On Tuesday the 1st of November, a dedicated group of Year 11 students and staff, facilitated our annual Domestic Violence Awareness Day. During the campaign, we acknowledged victims, both past and present of domestic violence related issues. We sold awareness badges and white ribbons (for a gold coin donation), as a symbol of recognition on this matter, with $290 donated to Centacare Family Services. There were various other ways in which our Year 11 students raised awareness of this terrible issue; these included a Year 11 Chapel Service, a school-wide multimedia campaign and an ice-cream stall at lunchtime. We came together to provide a voice to those suffering at the hands of domestic violence in the hope of helping to prevent this issue from causing so much pain. As young men and women in our St Michael’s community, we take a stand against this type of appalling behavior. Let’s Be the Change.
Ms Anna Porcelli, Year 11 Director
Some MORE exceptional Year 7 artwork – with a focus on patterns!
Visual Art classes, 7GPC-02 and 7GPC-04 used a combination of tribal art, mandalas, psychedelic art and pop-art. These Year 7 girls used their drawing, colouring and pattern work skills to create these brilliant pieces! Enjoy! We will also share some additional artwork in the upcoming weeks, including some progress shots of their current Author/Illustrator project (English/Visual Art interdisciplinary project)!
Mr David De Lorenzis, Italian, Digital Technologies and Visual Arts Teacher
World Educator’s Day
As a celebration for World Educator’s Day, the Year 9 Student Leaders hosted a thank you morning tea for all staff. This year we took our hats off to everyone who contributes to making the College run efficiently and effectively – our teachers, ESOs, maintenance, IT and administration staff. The Year 9 cohort also created gratitude cards, which were placed in the staff room, posted in staff pigeonholes, or personally delivered to their offices. Happy World Educator’s Day!
Ms Jessica Capitanio, Assistant Year Level Director for Year 9
Outdoor Construction Cubby Houses
The Year 12 Outdoor Construction class of 2022 built two cubby houses during Term 3. Students used various tools such as circular saws, nail guns, electric planers and a drop saw. Here are some of the reflections from the class.
“Any kid who gets to play in one of our cubby houses will enjoy every single minute just as much as we enjoyed making them!” – Brett Hargreaves
“I feel as a group we worked really well. I felt I contributed to the task to the best of my ability.” – Lyndon Williamson
“I believe that this project was one of the best I had ever done in a school environment. Being with peers, working together, having laughs and jokes whilst also smashing out the construction was some of the most fun I’ve had at school” – Lucas Sebastiano
“The most enjoyable aspect of making the cubby house was feeling a part of a team” – Jaxon De Bono
Mr Matthew Anderson, Teacher