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Secondary Campus


Last week our Year 7 cohort attended AFL Max’s ‘Camp Max’. There were plenty of opportunities for the students to be physically active and healthy, develop leadership skills and resilience through various challenges, enhance social and teamwork skills, and build new relationships with their peers and staff.

Students were extremely respectful and engaged throughout the camp and should feel proud of their efforts in this unique experience. All students and staff had a great time and were very appreciative of the special guest visitor, Adelaide Crows captain, Rory Sloane!

Students provided the following reflections of the camp:

“We had a scheduled plan of four quaters of leadership, our favourite was the performance quarter where we learned about achieving our challenges to the highest possible standard. The overall best part of the camp was the game of dodgeball. Throughout the camp, we had lotsof fun and learned many life skills and lessons about leadership. I think everyone came back to school wanting more”.  Ollie Van Dommele and Alex Slattery (7BPC-02)

“My favourite thing about camp was mixing with other classes and learning new and valuable skills with them”. Sofia Moffett (7GPC-03)

“The activities at Camp MAX were incredible and the staff and teachers were so nice and inclusive”. – Jett Faulkner (7BPC-01)

“Camp MAX was by far the best experience that I have had all year. The staff at Camp MAX were very kind and were getting us out of our comfort zone and getting involved in activities”. – Kaylan Patel (7BPC-01)

“Camp MAX was an enjoyable experience because we got to hang out with friends, do activities, and most importantly have fun”. – Grace Fitzsimmons (7GPC-05)

“The best part was the inflatable obstacle course, playing with my friends, and running around the trampolines”.  – Tanmay Pawar (7BPC-04)

“I really enjoyed camp because I got the chance to meet new people and extend my friendship group”. – Chloe Davies (7GPC-02)

 “I enjoyed Camp MAX because I made so many new friends”. – Marisa Sghirripa (7GPC-02)

 “I enjoyed all the fun activities and the way that AFL was incorporated into each learning aspect which made the camp more enjoyable”. – Peter Atsikbasis (7BPC-06)

 “I enjoyed the performance part of this camp as it got everyone to encourage each other and to try their best”. – Kalan Morgan (7BPC-04)

 “I loved getting to know new people whilst spending time on the fun and educational activities”. Hannah Charalambides (7GPC-01)

 “One thing that I really enjoyed about AFL MAX was the opportunity to engage with other people that I have not met before and have a fun and enjoyable time with them”. – Nicola Tedesco (7BPC-03)

Mr Daniel Jones, Year 7 Director


On Monday 5 September Year 7 and 8 students participated in our annual Athletics Day. Usually held in February with the entire Secondary Campus, this day was all about participation and it was fantastic to see the number of students entering events, many participating for the first time at St Michael’s.

It was perfect weather for various track, field and novelty events and students were awarded House points for each event they participated in. Thank you to the PE staff and student House Captains for their assistance with ensuring the day ran smoothly, and well done to students for their involvement and enthusiasm throughout the day.

A special congratulations to this year’s winning House, Benilde!

Mrs Sally Nicholson, Head of Health & Physical Education


Recently our Stage 1 Metal Engineering students had the opportunity to cook up some sausages while testing a charcoal grill they are about to commence making. Students needed to consider the construction and heat aspects of the design so that they are informed of all the elements prior to creating their own. As part of their skills tasks, students used a charcoal chimney to start the coal fire. We look forward to sharing their finished charcoal grill projects in a future newsletter.

Mr Thomas Crouch, Design & Technology Teacher


It has been a busy and exciting seven days for the Food Technology faculty! Last week our Year 9 students visited Sprout where they cooked a two-course meal consisting of chicken burritos and lemon mousse cheesecake with blueberry compote. They also learned about food sustainability and how to make the most of fruits and vegetables that are currently in season.

On Monday 5 September we were delighted to welcome back old scholar and owner of Nido and Fugazzi Bar and Dining Room, Max Sharrad. Max led a two-hour pasta masterclass, demonstrating to our Year 11 students how to make fresh pasta from scratch and cooking it to make Pasta alla Gricia (Carbonara with no eggs). This masterclass has provided the students with valuable skills to assist with their upcoming fresh pasta practical component, and the delicious lunch afterwards was a bonus! We look forward to welcoming Max back in 2023.

Ms Myri Kyriacou, Food Technology Assistant


On Tuesday this week, the Year 10 cohort was fortunate to hear from old scholars Daniel Scali (Class of 2010) and Michael Sorgiovanni (Class of 1999) present their work on achieving a growth mindset. Daniel is a two-time Guinness World Record holder for longest plank and most push-ups in an hour, and Michael is a Mindset Specialist and Daniel’s mentor.

Daniel’s impact on the room was immediately noticeable as students were captivated by his heroic story through Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and the obstacles that life has thrown his way. His message was clear; Daniel instilled a belief that anything is possible if you believe it enough and take action to make it happen. It all starts with belief and a drive to push yourself past the walls surrounding you. Daniel’s message to students was, “don’t let pain determine the person you are; let it be fuel to the person you know you can be”.

Michael walked students through strategies to aid in self-transformation, providing them with the tools to act on elements of their life that they feel require change. Michael provided practical methods for students to utilise to aid in:

  • Individuality – what makes them unique in this world
  • Imagination – create a picture of what they want
  • Focus – create ways to get focused on a goal

Michael’s challenge for all, ‘You have one life in this body; what will you achieve with it?”

Students reflected:

“It was the best presentation I’ve had at SMC so far.” – Luke Kortessis

“We really enjoyed the presentation. We felt it was very inspiring and taught us a lot about the importance of focus and a positive and determined mindset.” – Emma Tippins, Victoria Bergkvist, and Chloe-Rose Stephens

“Very inspirational – I will act on what I learnt today; thank you Daniel and Michael”- Paris Vivlios

“I found the speech really inspiring and thought it was the best talk I have heard in school. I enjoyed learning about Daniel’s perspective on the world and his mindset and I believe I can relate to a lot of the statements he made”. – Ryder Finney

 Mr Aldo Calo, Year 10 Director


A small group of Year 12 Health and Wellbeing students will be running a bake sale to raise money for the Hutt Street Foundation for the homeless people of South Australia. Cookies, brownies, mars bar slices, and cupcakes will be available to purchase on Wednesday 14 September (Week 8) at lunchtime in the La Salle courtyard. Prices will range between $1 and $2 with all proceeds being donated to the Hutt Street Foundation. We would really appreciate your support!

Kayley, Montana, Amelia, Danica, and Emilia, Year 12 Students


Presentation This is Your Brain on Technology Dr Michael Nagel, University of the Sunshine Coast

Last year Associate Professor Dr Michael Nagel presented to a group of student leaders and several staff. His one-hour presentation focused on the nature of the brain, and its development during adolescence in particular. He then considered the impact of technology on our health and wellbeing and was able to highlight some areas of concern and potential actions that might help us all to be safer and healthier device users.

A dedicated group of student leaders, some of whom have now graduated, continued to meet after this presentation to consider how they could share some insight with their peers. The posters below were born from these meetings; as short, sharp and shiny tips that can help us all use our devices in a healthier way.

I was very pleased to be able to share these posters this week, as a part of the Tiny Habits to grow your wellbeing presentation offered to Year 7 to 9 students. The posters are also displayed in classrooms and on the TV monitors around the senior campus.

Well done to current students, Dimitrios Tsaconas, Arya Savaji, Sasha Corbo, Archie Coppola, Matilda Grant, Toby Burgess, Anelise Bewry and Megan Adrian, and the Communications and Community Relations Team for their commitment to this project, their leadership and for making a difference.

Mrs Tonia Carfora, Year 7-9 Wellbeing Initiatives Leader


The SACE Stage 1 and 2 Dance students will be presenting their final performance ‘ENCORE’ next week and would love the support from our community for their last show at St Michael’s College.

Wednesday 14 September at 4:00 pm
Thursday 15 September at 7:00 pm

The Drama Theatre, Room 72D, St Michael’s College Secondary Campus
The performance will run for approximately 1 hour with no intervals.

Please click here to book your free tickets.

Ms Hayley Kollevris, Dance Coordinator


During Week 5 and Week 7 of Term 3, Year 7 classes travelled to the Adelaide Zoo for the annual Italian/Science excursion. This term, students have learnt about the classification of animals and

the interconnectedness of different species. This excursion to the zoo provided an engaging experience for students to consolidate their classroom learning whilst also learning about the work the zoo does to assist with animal conservation. Throughout the day, students practised their Italian by engaging in conversation about the animals with their teachers and peers.

At the zoo I liked learning how to describe the different animals and getting raffle tickets for speaking Italian.” – Isla

“I enjoyed seeing the capybaras and their enclosures because the zookeeper spoke to us so that we could ask her questions to learn more.” – Ava

The students are to be commended for the positive way in which they represented the College at the zoo and for their participation in the activities.

Many thanks to all those who contributed to the success of these two days.

Ms Olivia Andreula, Italian Coordinator, and Mr Jack Alberton, Head of Science


Week 7: Social Intelligence

This week as we celebrate Wellbeing Week and PE Week, it’s the perfect time to think about social intelligence; the ability to understand our emotions and those of others around us; to perceive what makes us and them ‘tick’. This strength helps us to build relationships and navigate social environments with family, friends, colleagues, and even people we don’t know. It can help us to regulate our responses and impact positively on our physical and mental health.

Our special College activities this week during Wellbeing Week brought a focus on working on those parts of our lives that bring positive emotions and help us feel better when things can be challenging. While there were tips to develop our wellbeing each day in the notices and social media, there were many other events on offer. These included turning to furry friends in the petting zoo for example, amongst many others.

Further to these opportunities, classes in Year 7 to 9 worked on contributing to a Happy Snaps Display, coming soon, and several other sessions brought awareness to strategies that can help to boost our wellbeing. In Year 10, students listened to a presentation by old scholar, Daniel Scali, and Year 7to 9 students were invited to attend a session called Tiny Habits to grow your wellbeing, presented by Ms Zampaglione and Mr Viz.

I write this article having just returned from a Year 9 Religious Education Excursion to the Islamic Arabic Centre, St Francis Xavier Cathedral and the Adelaide Hebrew Congregation Synagogue. What a brilliant and enriching excursion this was in developing spirituality and social intelligence. As we listened to each speaker at each site, students were able to appreciate the commonalities we share in faith, which creates solid ground for understanding people better, and dispelling stereotypes. It reminds us that we are all children of God, made in God’s image, and while we may not always think alike or see God in quite the same way, we are called to love each other; the core of interfaith understanding.

Further to this, as an English faculty this week, Ms O’Hara led the staff in reflecting on an important artefact that was symbolic of their teaching. Invariably the stories shared reflected the strong value that teachers feel language and texts can bring to interpersonal understanding, relationships, and social intelligence. Research would also support the perspective that the reading of novels enriches our social intelligence.

The rich learning experiences of each day can help us to understand our individual experiences, emotions, and responses better, and really can help us know, value and care for each other, helping us to become learners and leaders of the world.

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy weekend!

Mrs Tonia Carfora, Year 7-9 Wellbeing Initiatives Leader


On Tuesday, Ms Zampaglione and Mr Viz presented a ‘Tiny Habits’ session to a group of Year 7 to 9 students. The premise of this session was to inspire students to make a tiny change of some kind towards improving their wellbeing. While Mr Viz managed to regale everyone with his sense of humour and Ms Zampaglione presented with such strong authenticity, the session left everyone smiling and feeling empowered to make a small change in the challenge to grow their wellbeing.

Student feedback highlighted the value they placed on the session. The advice around the tiny habit of being mindful and using their breath was soemthing students really seemed to appreciate.

Other student comments included:

  • The session got me laughing and smiling, along with lifting my mood for the rest of the day!
  • You can actually learn from this!
  • We would recommend it as it wasn’t one of those boring presentations – I actually found myself enjoying myself and engaged in it.
  • I would recommend this because you get something out of it.
  • This session is very helpful when it comes to calming yourself and keeping yourself happy. If I can tell a friend is struggling with mental health, I would highly recommend this session.
  • I would recommend this to other students under stress because this session can show you ways to calm down.

Thanks to Ms Zampaglione and Mr Viz for sharing your great tips.

Mrs Tonia Carfora, Year 7-9 Wellbeing Initiatives Leader