Secondary Campus
Each year AGSA Education offers a series of specialty programs designed to give visual arts students the opportunity to develop their technical abilities, visual literacy, and arts language. Transforming Techniques is a series of student drawing workshops covering anatomy, self-portraiture, and life drawing. Each workshop comprises of a full-day intensive course facilitated by an established South Australian artist experienced in the relevant field.
Art students Luca Camozatto, Cesar Machiste-Guitian, Maddison Furnell, Emma Golik, Gemma Camozatto, Charlotte McCarthy, and Caleb Carroll had the opportunity to attend these incredible workshops.

“I really enjoyed the life drawing session run by AGSA. Ellie Noir was an amazing artist and educator, teaching us two easy techniques to sketch our subject. It was not only a life drawing session, but also it was great to learn more about anatomy and pose work. This was an amazing day learning about art and applying my skills through drawing the human figure. I met many wonderful people and would love to experience something like this again.” – Gemma Camozatto (10PC-09)
Mrs Nicolle LeRay-Warren, Head of Visual Arts – Secondary
On Friday 5 August the College hosted Glen Phillps from Troubie productions. On the day, Year 9 students watched a play titled ‘Who’ll Come a Fightin’ the Kaiser with Me’. The play is based on WW1 soldier Gassy, a wounded vet eternally inhabiting the no man’s land of a veteran’s hospital. Through song, the use of primary sources and caricature, larrikin humour, and great WW1 songs, the performer presents an entertaining and moving account of the typical experiences of Australian soldiers fighting in Gallipoli.
Year 10 students watched a very moving and poignant play on the historic struggle and continued fight for civil rights for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Using powerful protest music, primary sources, and storytelling, the play conveys the significance of the 1967 referendum. Both performances were very well received by students.
Ms Stacey Moros, Head of History

Last Thursday and Friday our Year 11 and 12 students were involved in Lasallian programs facilitated by Sharina Rabusic (Lasallian Campus Minister), old scholars Vincenzo Triulcio, Nathan Pellizzari, and Elena Antoniadis, COYA Juliana Kittel, and Sebastian Duhau (Young Lasallian Coordinator).
The focus for the Year 12 day was how building empathy, vulnerability and compassion are key requirements for healthy relationships, connections, and leadership. Students were involved with various activities to unpack the difference between these terms in discussion with their teachers and presenters. They looked at examples of great leaders and what characteristics make them great leaders.
“After a busy start to the term, it was great to get out of the classroom and spend time continuing to develop the connections and relationships across our year level. I enjoyed exploring the themes surrounding sympathy and empathy with the Lasallian leaders, specifically, when recognising the positive impact it can have on individuals and the wider community. This is something that I can foresee using in so many different elements of my life as I move forward.” – Lina Ciampa (12PC-07)
Year 11 students looked at the theme “Leadership is Influence” and how through leadership we have the ability to influence others. They examined the idea that we are all leaders and there are different styles of leadership including Autocratic, Laissez-Faire, Democratic and Transformational Leadership.
“The Year 11 leadership day was an interesting experience. I learnt new things about what it means to be a leader and its importance. I learnt exactly the differences between What, How and Why a person wants to become a leader. It made me think that everyone knows what and how they are going to be a leader but no one really and truly understands ‘Why’ they want to be a leader. That question really made me think about being a leader and why. I am also very grateful for the former St Michael’s students who came to the school and helped run the Leadership Day”. – Giovanni Troia
“I found that the day was extremely beneficial where key skills and attributes of leadership were shown. The day also allowed us to bond with our peers through group activities. Overall, the day was very enjoyable and I look forward to similar days in the future”. – Paul Choimes
“The Year 11 retreat allowed us to explore and reflect on the meaning and values surrounding leadership as we worked within our pastoral classes. The activities, games and group tasks contributed to a fun day where we strengthened our relationships with those around us and expressed our ideas on leadership”. – Hannah Moore
A special thanks to the support of parents who encouraged their young adults to attend and all the students who engaged positively with these days. It is always great to welcome back old scholars who assist on these days. On Thursday and Friday of this week, the Year 10 students have been involved with the Community Awareness Day and Reflection Activity Day which we look forward to sharing in next week’s newsletter.
Mr Robert Dempsey, Director of Mission

- Thursday 25 August 2022
- Please note this is a whole school closure day
- Due to covid restrictions, these interviews will be held online via teams
- Further information will be forwarded via email shortly
Summary of dates/times:
15 August | Families forwarded login details to make requests |
22 August 9:00 am | Program will close for generation of schedules |
22 August 3:00 pm | Schedules forwarded to families
Program will re-open for modifications |
24 August 9:00 am | Final close of program |
25 August | Student/Parent/Teacher Interviews conducted via Teams |
While every attempt will be made to ensure all requests are allocated, due to high demand and constraints of the program, not all requests may be met. In order to facilitate the process, please make requests wisely, identifying those teachers with whom you most need to have a discussion. Please be assured that should you have any concerns during the term, you are always most welcome to contact staff via email.
To make the most of this opportunity it is important to be prepared. Before your interview, plan specific questions you wish to ask and identify factors of which teachers may need to be aware. The interview process should be seen as an opportunity for a two-way discussion where the interests of your child are important considerations for both parties. We also strongly encourage students to attend the interviews in order to enhance the conversation and to hear constructive feedback firsthand. After the interview, it is important for parents to follow up on matters discussed at the meeting with their child/children. Acknowledge strengths, identify areas where improvements can be made and encourage your child to take responsibility for their own learning.
We look forward to seeing you and your child on your selected day.
Mr Gavin O’Reilly, Acting Director of Assessment and Curriculum
On Wednesday morning, all Year 11 students attended the ‘Impact’ Presentation run by the Sammy D Foundation in the MacKillop Centre. Neil Davis, the father of a ‘one punch’ victim, discusses the story of how he tragically lost his only child to this cowardly act. Furthermore, he explained the harms associated with alcohol and other drugs and how to ensure young people do not make poor choices when out socialising. Lastly, Neil challenged the cohort to look after themselves and their friends.
The Sammy D Foundation was established in Sam Davis’ memory to educate young people about the impact of violence, and the consequences it has on victims, perpetrators, bystanders, families, friends, and the broader community.
It was clear to see that the entire Year 11 cohort were deeply moved by Neil’s heartbreaking story, and he undoubtedly provided the group with various tools for those most at risk of being impacted by violence.
Ms Anna Porcelli, Year 11 Director

Week 3: Leadership
Leadership. For some people the idea of leading others can create feelings of anxiety and self-doubt. And yet we all lead at some time or another, whether we hold a position of leadership and title or not. We lead by example every day, and often we are unaware of the influence we may have. From the moment our children are born they are watching us and taking in the examples they see and every word and action they hear.
Leadership in a Lasallian school is based on commitment, trust, positive influence, and most importantly, service. Those who have previously served as College Leaders have left a strong legacy, and a foundation that can be built upon; developed in each person’s own way. College Leadership is a prestigious honour that must be carried out with distinction and pride.
When I spoke with her this week, Avah Topp, our College Co-Captain, indicated that she felt that leadership is about empowering everyone to be the best version of themselves supporting others so that they are able to achieve this. Massimo Cavallo, also Co-Captain, responded that for him leadership was guiding others to do their best, without considering self-interest. We see examples of these notions of leadership all around us across a range of contexts at St Michael’s.
Students are afforded many opportunities to explore leadership in a myriad of roles, in and out of the classroom. Class Leaders have just been appointed for Semester 2, College and Lasallian Leaders and House Leaders have now been working in their roles for a semester, and Eco Leaders never stop (have you seen the garden lately?)… just to name a few. There are many similar examples of fine leadership all around us for all of us to see and notice in our classrooms, and on the playing field, – it’s likely you’ll find them reported on each page of The Star.
Some examples of recent leadership include efforts over the past weekend, as the SAAS & SACSSGSA school sport associations promoted a ‘Blue Round’. Through this initiative, the Co-curricular department, raised both funds and awareness for Beyond Blue during this round of school sport. Year 7 Students heard about the leadership of St Mary MacKillop at Mass this week, with Father Paul Cashin, Year 9 students attended a presentation by Brett Hunt as a part of their English studies. They were led in a captivating performance, a tapestry of storytelling, music, and sound, that intended to create deeper understanding and compassion for those who have served in the armed forces, and their families, particularly those who served in Vietnam. Year 8 students also attended a presentation by staff of AFL Max who spoke to them about upcoming Leadership programs they will be fortunate to experience within their PE curriculum.
While many examples of leadership often do shine in classes, this past week I saw leadership organically emerge, when I spoke to my Year 11 students about an idea for Wellbeing Week, fast approaching in Week 7. They generously offered to support the younger classes in one of the events without even batting an eyelid or asking what they might gain from selflessly giving their time. That sort of leadership, as Massimo and Avah indicated, emanates from the heart and is the most authentic of all. Thank you Annalisa, Isabella, Sofia, Roseanna, and Allegra, you inspire me!
These brief anecdotes show that as people we have opportunities to lead in both the real world and virtual worlds, all the time, whether we hold a title and a badge or not. We can stand for what is right, in line with the personal values we hold dear, and those the College seeks to inspire. We can take care with our words and actions, in person and online, and hope to always leave those around us feeling better and more supported after they have interacted with us. Making a difference.
Last week our new principal, Mr Tony Daley, was also introduced to the school community in a virtual online gathering with the entire College student and staff body, together. The timing coincided with National Principal’s Day on Friday, acknowledging the efforts of those who work in this role, including our Acting Principal, Mr Damian Patton.
Leadership is not an easy course at times, but it can have far-reaching consequences in the change it can bring for the better. Together with humility and kindness, the influence we can have on our world, really can be sensational.
At St Michael’s College, we hope that through a quality Lasallian education, inspired by the Gospel and a concern for social justice, students are empowered to better choose who they become as people, learners, and leaders in the world. Leadership, as a strength, strongly supports this vision.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead!
Mrs Tonia Carfora, Year 7-9 Wellbeing Initiatives Leader
Hi, I’m Tasha Palumbo, the new Student Counsellor at St Michael’s College. I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I’m a Social Worker with over 18 years of experience, working in various non-government settings, across a range of areas including adolescent mental health, children and families, homelessness, drugs and alcohol, therapeutic counselling, case management, family work, group work, crisis intervention and team management. I’m passionate about helping young people navigate daily challenges and promote positive wellbeing. Although I’ve worked in many government, independent and catholic schools across metropolitan Adelaide as an external provider, this is my first school-based position and I’m looking forward to my journey within this great community at St Michael’s College.
If you have any questions about student counselling or how to access an appointment, please contact Student Services.