Secondary Campus
College Leader Andjela Stojanovic
The thing that I do that I am the proudest of is to go watch and support port power play…because it is my passion.
My greatest sporting moment is when I won first place at a dance competition.
Someone I admire….everyone in the Port Adelaide Football Club
Funniest moment in my life was when I saw Mr Heath at the football, and he saw my passionate side…
The best thing about attending SMC is the relationships formed with the teachers. I love being able to talk to someone every day.
Leadership means to me, Leadership is all about being that big brother/sister role model to the younger generation.
I have a pet that I have had for my whole life whose name is Leska.
This year as a College Leader I wish to be best known as the girl that’s so passionate about the Port Adelaide Football Club. I want to transfer this passion into my leadership.
A person I most admire is my mum because of everything she has taught me through life.
If I could create one change for SMC in 2021 it would be for everyone to be comfortable with teachers and to create those special bonds with them.
A quote that I believe in is, “It always seems impossible until its done”
A teacher at SMC I admire is Justin Emmerson, Rhiannon O’Hara and Ady Webb. Why? I’ve created special bonds with each of them, they’re more than teachers to me.
College Leader Tiahna Swanson

As a leader I would describe myself as enthusiastic, supportive, kind, and always willing to listen.
The thing that I do that I am the proudest of is my College Leadership role, as I take great pride in giving back to the community that has given so much to me.
My favourite band is Black Country New Road.
Someone I admire my parents! I am incredibly lucky to have such lovely parents, and I strive every day to be as kind and wonderful as they are.
In my spare time I like to listen to music, read, and spend time with family and friends.
The best thing about attending SMC is the brilliant teachers and supportive, caring community.
One chore I don’t like doing is cleaning my room.
I have a pet Labradoodle and Alaskan Malamute whose names are: Stevie and Mahla
This year as a College Leader I wish to be best known as a friendly face that anyone can approach, as well as a determined and passionate representative.
If I could create one change for SMC in 2021 it would be to further student voice through encouraging conversations between year levels.
A quote that I believe in is “Every day is all there is” – Joan Didion.
A teacher at SMC I admire is every single one. I could not be more grateful for all of the teachers who have taught and assisted me at St Michael’s. They truly bring our school’s endeavours to life, by helping us to be the best we can be.
Audiences were transported back to the 80s in this fast-paced murder mystery spoof, full of quirky characters, dynamic scenes and a twist that kept audiences guessing right up until the last moments of the play. This new work by local playwright Alby T Grace and the Year 11 Drama class was conceptualised through discussions and planning sessions. My Year 11 students had a clear idea of the type of play they wanted to create; something fun with strong visual and stylistic elements. They wanted a play that explored issues that teens face in a lighthearted way, but they also wanted a murder mystery with great 80s music.
The actors were an integral part of the play’s development; they spoke to Alby though a series of online chats about plot points they’d like included as well as the different characters they wanted to be represented. Students were also involved in the several different drafts of the script, giving feedback, and making script changes. This murder mystery parody still adheres to the conventions of the genre, and there are lots of nods to other famous literary works and cultural references that are interwoven throughout. Students learnt lots and had heaps of fun developing and rehearsing this dialogue-driven, nostalgic and vibrant play.
Ms Emily Burns, Drama Co-curricular and Events Coordinator

Year 9 students have been working on a new project this semester in the metal workshop, creating a set of garden tools. Students were given plans to create the shovel and then using the knowledge and skills they have developed, they try to design and create a three-prong cultivator. They were introduced to gas welding to join the metal pieces together and then applied the finishing touches with a plastic plug and leather strap. The feedback from students has been very positive and the result is a professional-looking project worthy of a spot on the shelves in Bunnings.
Mr Mark Stephens, Design & Technology Teacher – Secondary

Last Tuesday the Year 10 Italian class was blessed with a beautiful sunny day, and a plethora of good food to taste and learn about.
Our tour began at 9:00am when we departed to visit La Vera, a cheese factory at Newton. We then travelled to Mercato, a continental store at Campbelltown where we met the original owner of the business who regaled students with her story. After this, we travelled to the Continental Taralli Biscuits on St Bernard’s Road, where we were treated like members of the family and welcomed into their home as we learned the story of the family business and tried so many different taralli.
Pasta Deli at Glynde was our lunch stop. The delicious and authentic food hit the spot and we were treated again to a presentation about the regional history of the shop and given some delicious Zeppole to take home – yum!
An Italian food tour would not be complete without gelato – the next stop was Gelato Bello at Glynde. Students tried many different gusti before deciding on the one of their choice. Last, but not least was Rio Coffee, where the scent of freshly ground coffee pervaded all of our senses. Again, some very generous gifts of drinks and chocolates – we were so lucky!
As the day ended we rolled onto the bus, very full in body and soul with the delicious foods and stories of innovation, perseverance, and creativity we had heard. Overall, it was a very satisfying and inspiring day and how special to have the sunshine all day! Students will now work with information gathered to prepare an advertisement or a product packaging.
Mrs Tonia Carfora, Year 10 Italian Teacher

The Year 12 Leadership group, involving the College Leaders and House Captains, were lucky enough to be involved in a focus group run by Amy Wells on Monday of Week 9. Amy Wells (@theaimzrecovery) is an up-and-coming motivational speaker, who shared her story of resilience, determination and overcoming adversity after suffering a stroke in 2019 following a usual Sunday afternoon workout.
The students learnt about PINK – Purpose, Inner Talk, Never Give Up and Kindness Always – and were given tips and tricks to lessen their stress and focus on what is important to them. The leadership group really enjoyed the presentation, and we look forward to being able to welcome Amy back to the College in the future.
Ms Mel Fiacchi, Assistant Year 12 Director and Mr Mark Labrosciano, Year 12 Director

Week 9: Curiosity
Curiosity… where we would be without it? What innovations would we be missing in our daily lives? Would I be sitting here writing this on my laptop? Would we be able to turn on a heater to warm ourselves, or flick a switch to turn on a light? Imagine the medical treatment we would not have without the amazing curiosity of scientists and medical staff! All of these innovations are the fruits of someone’s curiosity and perseverance has helped to bring that dream to life.
Curiosity can also help us to confront challenge. When we feel challenged, looking at the situation with curiosity can make it seem less overwhelming. According to Martin Seligman and Chris Peterson, often considered to be the ‘fathers’ of positive psychology, curiosity is interest, novelty seeking and an openness to experience and represents ones’ intrinsic desire for experience and knowledge. Curiosity can help us engage in daily activities such as being absorbed in the plot of a movie, listening carefully to the news or a new song, or watching something in nature in wonder. (Seligman M E P and Peterson C, Character strengths and Virtues A handbook and classification)
In the Wellbeing Wednesday Prayer in the notices this week, the focus was on Jesus’ curiosity in wanting to know people, all people, and making time to listen – knowing, valuing, and caring for each person. Perhaps this curiosity can help our relationships be stronger too.
This week, students in Years 7 to 9 were engaged in the Brainstorm presentation of The Hurting Game. This one-hour performance focused on the hurt that we can create through social media and the lasting impacts this can have. It was also an opportunity for students to be curious and reflect on the nature of their digital footprint and the difference that kindness can make. Students from Year 9 have summarised their take-aways in a separate article in this week’s newsletter.
This week my tips to harnessing stronger curiosity included:
- Looking at things we find scary with a curious mind – it makes them MUCH less scary, try it!
- Trying to grow our interests in a field we love – our ‘SPARK’ or passion. Read, watch clips, talk to others about it. Who can help us develop it further?
- Trying a food we’ve never eaten before, read a new book, listen to a different genre of music or a podcast about something new.
- Making a connection with a new friend, or someone we haven’t spoken to before, and ask them about themselves and really listen.
- Exploring nature and open our eyes and our heart to seeing the wonder… ask ourselves… How can we can protect it better? What can we do better at SMC?
- Asking some really great questions about different things.
- Wondering about stuff… I wonder if/ how/ why… what if…?
Have a safe and happy weekend ahead! It is Week 10 next week – can you believe it? I often wonder, too, where the year is going!
Mrs Tonia Carfora, Year 7-9 Wellbeing Initiatives Leader
On Tuesday 22 June, our Year 9 student leaders visited the Year 1 students at the Primary Campus for an Empowerment Mentoring Session.
This program has been set up to provide our Year 1 students with positive, strong role models from the senior campus, and has also provided a practical opportunity for students to practice their leadership skills, and fits into St Michael’s vision of Community. The activities that were run included a ‘getting to know you’ dance, a quiz between the different groups, and a quick tour around the Primary Campus. We look forward to continuing the program in the second semester.
Mr Brent Parfrey, Year 9 Director

This week on Wednesday morning, after celebrating a beautiful mass reflecting on the Year 12 retreat, our Year 12 students had the opportunity to hear from old scholar Shamus Horgan (Class of 2021). Shamus is currently doing a year of mission as a Lasallian Volunteer at La Salle College in Middle Swan, Perth. He opened up about moving to Perth in February this year, living with other Lasallian volunteers, and how the year thus far has helped him build relationships with the community and learn more about himself.
Anyone interested in asking Shamus questions about his experience can contact him directly by email: shamus.horgan@cewa.edu.au
Ms Sharina Rabusic, Lasallian Campus Minister

On Wednesday 29 June, Brainstorm Productions visited the College to perform The Hurting Game, an engaging performance intended to raise awareness and offer strategies to students in the context of the situation where social media use creates hurt. Students were engaged in the one-hour performance in Founders Hall, and essentially understood that we can control our actions and responses, and when social media is used in kindness, people are not intentionally hurt. It also addressed the enduring nature of our digital footprint and how we should really do our best to make sure that it’s a positive one.
Year 9 students commented on the following points of learning:
- We have control over our own actions and how we respond to the actions of others. We can block, report, talk to a trusted adult and stand up to those who bully and isolate others using the support available.
- Friends listen to each other and support each other in confronting bullying and can also have a positive influence when others are being treated poorly.
- We can have better self-discipline with our phones and make sure they are used in a positive way.
- You should never change your personality for anyone.
- We should treat others with kindness as we don’t know what is happening at home for them.
- While I was watching it reminded me of something that had happened in my past.
- I learned that we should not allow social media to get into our heads in terms of popularity, body image and how we act with our friends.
- We should not compare ourselves to others.
- Brainstorm was interesting. I learned that people can really change over time and puberty and influencers can affect you.
- Always tell a trusted adult if you’re being harassed.
- It taught us abut warning signs that might indicate a person is suffering from an eating disorder.
- While the performance was good, I would have liked more discussion and detail about the bullying and strategies to avoid bullying.
- I thought the performance was good and it gave me a better understanding of cyberbullying and how people can be affected.
Mrs Tonia Carfora, Year 7-9 Wellbeing Initiatives Leader

- Students should be ready to enter Exam Room 15 minutes before the starting time. Please assemble in the adjacent courtyard; for example for all morning exams, please assemble by 8:40am, sign the attendance sheet outside the room and you will be directed from there.
- Students are not to enter the Exam Room until invited to do so.
- Students are to ensure that all the necessary equipment has been obtained for the Exam. NO borrowing will be permitted. NO pencil cases allowed.
- Where the exam is undertaken in electronic format, students are responsible for ensuring their laptop is fully charged and updated and wired headphones only are used if required (check requirements with Subject Teacher).
- Students plagiarizing will have their paper cancelled. However, the Exam must be completed. Obviously final assessment will be adversely affected.
- No student will be permitted to leave the Exam Room before the appointed finishing time.
- The allowance for Reading Time varies depending upon the particular exam. Students must listen carefully to instructions from the invigilator regarding reading time. All notes must be written on the sheet supplied ONLY. Before the Exam, consideration should be given as to how best to use this time. Check with teachers if uncertain.
- If a student is ill and unable to attend, a phone call must be made to Mr O’Reilly, ideally prior to the commencement of the exam.
- Full College uniform is required for all exams, including compliance with the Uniform Code.
- Students are encouraged to bring a dictionary into the examination room but only unmarked dictionaries are to be used.
- Students will not be required for formal lessons during the exam week. Instead, private study should take place at home.
- Graphic calculators need to be cleared for subjects other than Mathematics.
- For online exams students will need to clear their laptops of any unnecessary files, undertake a complete shutdown and restart the night before the exam to avoid being disrupted by updates, and ensure their laptops are fully charged.
- Mobile phones are NOT permitted. Teachers will not be responsible for these during the examination period.
Please note that exam results will be released via SEQTA in early Term 3.
Please note the following important date for students in Year 10. On this day, Heads of Department will present information regarding subjects in order for students to begin subject considerations for 2023.
This is an important discernment process for students as they contemplate future career pathways. This event is aimed at providing Year 10 students with information in relation to SACE subject offerings.
Year 10 (Year 11, 2023)
- Future Pathways Day: Monday 4 July. Students will have early dismissal this day at 1:25pm.
It is expected that all Year 10 students attend the event in order to be fully informed regarding prerequisite and minimum grade requirements for intended subject choices.
Further information regarding Subject Selection will be circulated early in Term 3.
Two teams, one Year 9 and 10 team and the other Year 7 and 8, will represent St Michael’s College by participating in this year’s Write a Book in a Day Event next term on Thursday 28 July.
“Teams of up to ten have just 12 hours to write and illustrate a book that will be uploaded to an online library for children in hospitals around Australia. Students enjoy working creatively and collaboratively while taking on the more serious task of raising funds for childhood cancer research.”
To sponsor a team and raise money for the Kid’s Cancer Project, please go to one of the following links below and donate to a worthy cause.
SMC TEAM 1 Sponsorship link Teams | Write a Book In a Day
SMC TEAM 1 Sponsorship link Teams | Write a Book In a Day
Mrs Maria Pepe-Micholos, Head of Library
The program will offer intensive, interactive language learning experiences for SA Yrs 10-12 language students in a range of languages. Key objective of the program is to improve your speaking skills through engaging language/cultural experiences. All programs delivered by expert, highly proficient presenters. Groups capped at 12 students (including the on-line options) so get in early!
DAY 1:
Thursday 14 July 2022 (10.00am – 3.30pm)
Face-to-face program for Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese & Spanish
On-line option for Indonesian, Japanese & Spanish
DAY 2: Friday 15 July 2022 (10.00am – 3.30pm)
Face-to-face program for Chinese, Indonesian & Italian
Venue: School of Languages, 255 Torrens Road, West Croydon.
Cost: $10 per day
School card / Healthcare card holders FREE
PLEASE NOTE: You can register for either 1 or 2 days as the program for each day will be different.
Limited places available! Register online here
Registrations close 12 July 2022
View flyer here