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Secondary Campus


College Leader Anah Reaiche

As a leader I would describe myself as someone who is inclusive, outgoing, and fun to be around, and a leader who wants the best for everyone.

I am proudest of my determination because I believe that it has had a massive impact on everything I do and I wouldn’t be the person I am today without this quality instilled in me

My favourite TV programs are Friends, Jane the Virgin, the 100, Shameless, Glee, Outer Banks, and any Marvel Show.

My greatest sporting moment was getting two feature pieces in my competition hip-hop crew.

In my spare time I like to listen to music and dance around my living room.

Leadership means to me putting others before yourself and guiding those around you to be the best versions of themselves.

To be a Lasallian Leader means to treat everyone with kindness and create a community where everyone is respected.

Five words which best describe my personality are loud, determined, loyal, passionate, and kind.

If I could create one change for SMC in 2022 it would be to create change in the performing arts, especially drama. I want to help create a strong community surrounding drama and show kids that doing drama and the arts is just as valid as doing chemistry or specialist maths.

A teacher at SMC I admire is Ms O’Hara because she has been such an incredible support system and just an all-round good person while I have been at St Michael’s and has made my time so enjoyable. She is one of the kindest and most compassionate people I have met in my entire life and is so incredibly strong and just such a joy to be around. The way Ms O’Hara is always first to put others before herself is so incredibly inspiring and the way she is always there for me and any of her students, when there is a need, is the reason I admire her the most.

Mutien House Captain Ben Stavrides

As a leader I would describe myself as resilient, honest, and hard-working

I am the proudest of my schoolwork and captaining my cricket team because it shows that my hard work has paid off.

My greatest sporting moment is winning a footy flag for the school playing in the second team.

My favourite song is Lots of Nothing by Spacey Jane.

In my spare time I like to go to the gym.

The best thing about attending SMC is the wide variety of opportunities offered to students.

Leadership means to me being approachable and being a role model for younger students.

I have a pet dog whose name is Rory.

To be a Lasallian Leader means helping others with kindness and following the school values.

Five words which best describe my personality are friendly, reliable, confident, resilient, and respectful.

People I most admire are Steph Curry and Kobe Bryant.

Something funny that has happened to me was watching my mate kick a 30m barrel in school footy against Scotch College last year.


On Wednesday 1 June, Year 10 girls attended a Periods, Pain and Endometriosis presentation (PPEP) facilitated by the Pelvic Pain Foundation of Australia. The presentation was well-received by students, with many positive comments and feedback:

  • “It was an extremely informative and good presentation/talk.”
  • “It was nice not having it all gendered.”
  • “The presentation was incredible! Everyone that walked out of the room learnt something that may benefit them now or in the future. We were all extremely grateful to have been able to learn and talk about a topic that is usually kept to ourselves but we all experience.”

The program aims to make students aware of the latest information about pelvic pain and guide them to the latest resources and effective treatments. Year 10 boys will attend a PPEP presentation in Term 3.

The PPEP Talk runs a free online session for students who have attended the PPEP Talk presentation in schools who have identified a complex pain concern or want their caregiver to know more. Students attend with a caregiver and can ask questions to Gynaecologist and Pain Specialist, Dr Susan Evans.

Students can register for upcoming sessions here (www.trybooking.com/BLDRE) or view the attached PPEP Talk Next Steps flyer for more information.

Ms Liesel Dunstan, Year 10 Assistant Director


2 June is an Italian national holiday for the Festa Della Repubblica. It celebrates the official day Italy became a Republic after World War II. As this year’s Italian Week coincided with Sorry Day and National Reconciliation Week, it was also a wonderful time to celebrate diversity, culture, and all languages in Australia.

Each morning during Pastoral Care, students participated in Italian-themed challenges, such as singing an Italian song as a class and identifying various Italian Calciatori (soccer players). Some students attended a lunchtime film viewing of Cattivissimo Me (Despicable Me) with popcorn for a complete cinematic experience. Year 7 students enjoyed delicious Italian zeppole (Italian donuts) while Year 8 students feasted on focaccia-style pizza. Some students also participated in Italian dancing, such as the viral TikTok dance ‘Jerusalema.’ The Year 11 and 12 students of Italian enjoyed a regional Italian cooking workshop with celebrity chef, Rosa Matto, demonstrating outstanding teamwork, zest, humility and gratitude.

To conclude the week, Year 9 students participated in the annual Campionato Italiano (Soccer tournament), with AC Milan (Prof.Andreula’s class) winning with the overall most points, according to the Serie A rules. Signora Carfora’s class represented Napoli, Signora Giglio’s class represented Juventus (Turin), and Proferessoressa Andreula’s classes represented Atalanta (Bergamo) and AC Milan. Well done to all those who participated and demonstrated character strengths of perseverance, persistence and zest.

What a fantastic way to close Italian Week 2022, and what a fine example of exciting opportunities that can come with studying Italiano at St Michael’s College and beyond. Thank you to all staff and students involved!

Viva la Repubblica! Viva l’Italia!

 Ms Olivia Andreula, Italian Coordinator


Italy is synonymous with culture, innovation, art, music, family and fine cuisine. This week, as a part of Italian Week celebrations, Year 11 and 12 students worked with celebrity chef, Rosa Matto and her colleague Nancy to enhance their understanding of Italian regional cuisine and the factors that have influenced its development throughout history. Geography, climate, centuries of foreign domination, the industrial revolution and the impact of education and language also featured in this discussion.

This day-long workshop saw students cooking an amazing range of handmade pasta- cavatelli, maccheroni alla chitarra, ravioli, some mains that typified ‘la cucina povera’ including malfatti, canederli and braciole di melanzane, and finally, some tricky but delicious biscuits in ricciarelli, biscotti al limone and more – truly a labour of love!

In fine Italian form, students worked together to innovate like the family they have become. As a sequel to our earlier immersion day two weeks ago, this experience allowed students to continue developing their understanding of the culture and the influences that have impacted it, living it from the inside out. The Year 11 and 12s are a remarkable group of young people who embrace every learning opportunity together. Their love of learning and open-mindedness position them to truly become the best they can be – fine innovators, leaders and learners for the world (they are excellent dancers too).

Bravissimi! Sono orgogliosa di tutti voi, ragazzi! 

Signora Carfora 


During Week 4, Year 9 Pastoral Care classes spent some time out of class for a special focus on ‘wellbeing’. On Monday, the girls’ classes experienced Enlighten Day, which covered various topics such as body image and the media, friendships and relationships, and meditation. On Tuesday, the boys’ classes spent time with Ash Manuel from Growing with Gratitude, where they focused on developing their character strength of gratitude through self-reflective activities and practical group work.

“The Enlighten education program ran by Rosie was a great experience for the Year 9 girls this year. We thought it was highly interactive with lots of fun activities and workshops, and a very informative and educational guide for a Year 9 student going through the teenage changes in their lives.” – Paige McEgan and Marianthi Atsikbasis (9GPC-03)

 “Growing with Gratitude was a fantastic time for all of the boys. Everyone enjoyed the host, Ash, and especially the various activities like blanket volleyball, “Empathy” basketball (with a blindfold), Gratitude Monopoly, and writing a letter of thanks to a teacher. The purpose of this day was to realise that we shouldn’t take anything for granted, and to develop our character strengths of gratitude, teamwork and resilience.” – Jonathan Cesare (9BPC-05)

Ms Jessica Capitanio, Year 9 Assistant Director


The Year 9 Science program recently saw students participate in an incursion related to Forensics. As part of the incursion, students were introduced to a fictional conspiracy case and were required to uncover the suspects’ motives involved in the case. Students worked collaboratively to analyse evidence using a range of forensic techniques. Presenter, Millie, who recently completed her studies in Forensics, taught students how fingerprinting, handwriting analysis, DNA profiling, digital microscopy and blood detection can be used to solve real-world mysteries. Students were challenged to interpret digital evidence, ballistics, tyre tread impressions and an autopsy report to solve the case in which they were presented. Students enjoyed the activity sparking their curiosity and helping them realise the relevance and use of science outside the classroom.

Mr Jack Alberton, Head of Science


As part of National Reconciliation Week, students were asked to answer questions regarding the week, such as why they think it is important. Students who participated went in the running to win a Port Adelaide Indigenous Guernsey and Scarf. Congratulations to Jessica Gerace and Jessica Burton for providing the most thought-provoking answers. Please read their responses below:

Jessica Gerace (Winner PAFC Indigenous Guernsey)

“Reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-indigenous peoples, for the benefit of all Australians. It’s focused on building relationships, respect and trust between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Supporting Reconciliation means working to overcome the division, particularly closing “the gap”, and inequality between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. Reconciliation lies at the heart of maintaining peace in the community, specifically in promoting local Reconciliation initiatives between divided communities. Acknowledging Reconciliation, allows the community to recognise and respect the First Peoples of this land, and acknowledge the past injustices, and the ongoing inequalities experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians and the community to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, as well as to explore how the community can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The dates for NRW remain the same each year from the 27th of May to the 3rd of June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the Reconciliation journey; the successful 1917 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively. Overall, Reconciliation is an important week, and it’s crucial that society develops an understanding as well as acknowledging and recognising the first peoples on this land and to create equality as well as equity.

Reconciliation is important for all Australians and the community to learn, contribute, and celebrate the rich diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories. As a community, as individuals, and as a school, we can take crucial steps towards Reconciliation each day of the week. To achieve Reconciliation, we can develop strong relationships built on acknowledgement and respect, we can donate, and include a program that educates and allows individuals within the college to contribute and recognise the importance of this week. In general, as a community, we can undertake these sorts of activities for NRW to learn, acknowledge, and take action towards achieving Reconciliation in Australia.”

Jessica Burton (Winner – PAFC Indigenous Scarf)

“I believe that Reconciliation is important for our community as it brings people together and unites Australia as one nation. For change to be made and the unfinished business of reconciliation to be complete, Australia needs to stand together as one nation and speak up for what is right. Dating back to when the first fleet came to Australia, people of different ethnicities have always been treated differently, Reconciliation Week is a way to celebrate differences and celebrate the anniversary of the 1967 Referendum, which allowed Indigenous Australians and Torres Strait Islanders to vote.

National Reconciliation Week is a fantastic opportunity for all Australians of all ages and ethnicities to be educated on the history of Australia’s first people. It is a week where we are able to celebrate the achievements of many Indigenous Australians as well as how far Australia has come as a nation towards race equality. Although for a long time it was denied, we all now understand that Indigenous Australians were denied of their rights for many years. Although the world is a lot more equal, there is still a long way to go to make an equal country for all people, a country without racist remarks and a welcoming country whom treats everyone with respect no matter what they look like, sound like or act like.

This years National Reconciliation Week motto is Be Brave Make Change, I believe that this means that we need to stand boldly and advocate racism against our nations first people to stop. It takes a whole nation to make change and in order to fully celebrate all that the Indigenous Australians have been able to achieve, we need to stand together as one and vow to be better people and stand up for the rights of all people.

Personally, I think that the school should dedicate a morning where all students are out of lessons and spend the morning in their pastoral classes discussing reconciliation, what it means for Australia and how we can help to make a better, more equal country. Another option could be to have an incursion with an Indigenous elder from the local community. Thirdly I think that we should have a fundraising/fete day where students across the school community set up a variety of stalls advocating for or selling many different things to raise money for Indigenous foundations and charities. As apart of this day we could invite in an Indigenous music artist to perform for the school community and have stalls set up auctioning indigenous artwork painted by local artists and other mementoes such as local works and different indigenous sporting guernseys.

Mr Andrew Spencer, Indigenous Coordinator


Every Wednesday afternoon, a small band of intrepid students make their way to the reflective garden to wonder. We wanted to share with the St Michael’s community how the Reflective Garden helps us grow via our word cloud chart below:


Written by students Ava, Izla, Tio, and Cartia


On Friday 3 June, the Year 9 Drama class presented their vibrant and hilarious production of ‘The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet’ to friends and family. This comic parody of Shakespeare’s classic featured narrators dressed as Cat in the Hat, Thing 1 and Thing 2, a synchronised ballroom dance, balloon sword fights and a happy ending featuring an all-cast group hug.

Students honed their comic performance skills and had a lot of fun. The cast and crew worked together brilliantly, both during rehearsals and on the performance evening. Congratulations to the Year 9 Drama class for a fantastic and memorable show!

Ms Emily Burns, Drama Co-curricular and Events Coordinator


Week 6: Prudence

 Prudence is about keeping ourselves safe. It allows us to follow our dreams with care, minimising the risks of hurting ourselves or others. In life we have to strike a balance – we don’t want to be scared to pursue our goals, but we should also exercise care in our decision making, stopping and reflecting on the impact of our words and actions before we let them fly. This helps us to avoid situations we regret later and sees us empowered to flourish safely as we navigate life. Proverbs 16:16 asks us to “Learn prudence which is more precious than gold.”

Last week in Reconciliation Week, with Mr Spencer’s leadership, we reflected on the errors of the past, and hope with all our hearts that as people we make better and more equitable choices in the future. We can think about the decisions we make in daily life and the long-reaching impact they may have.

Over the week, students have reflected on the value of prudence in their workshops with Enlighten Education – considering the impact and reality of social media imaging, for example, and also considering our words and responses in standing for what is right.

This week we also see Life Education lessons unfold in Year 8 and 9, with a focus on the dangers of drugs and alcohol. The sessions intend to provide an awareness and reality check towards informing healthier choices in our young people – being prudent.

Year 7 and Year 8 students also heard from their respective Year Level Directors, Mr Jones and Mr Flaherty this week, with a strong focus on the benefits of exercising prudence, towards us being the community that knows, values and cares for each other. Mr Jones spoke about prudence in our use of social media, prudence in our interactions and prudence in caring for our environment. Mr Simpson also addressed Year 7s about prudence with their organisation, and Mr Kitschke spoke to the group about being prudent in the way we present ourselves and wear our uniform with pride.

In my email to the school community this week, I discussed the following as strategies for the development of prudence, and some could be very challenging!

  • THINKING A LOT before we speak or post. What will be the consequences? Will it be an impression of us parents or grandparents would be happy with?
  • STAYING away from gossip… when we have nothing nice to say, say nothing.
  • Ask …. do I really need to respond now or can I think about it a bit more?
  • Talking to someone older and wiser than us before making big decisions.
  • Making decisions when we are feeling relaxed, not angry or anxious. Write down a list of pros and cons to help work it out.
  • Checking our facts – thinking about the other side of a situation and how the other person might be feeling.
  • Planning our time to allow for all of our responsibilities including homework and assignments.
  • Keeping our goals in mind- checking our progress.
  • Asking whether we are treating others as we would like to be treated.
  • LISTENING to the voice in our head that tells us something is NOT the best choice.
  • Practicing patience when someone or something pushes our buttons. Start by counting to at least 10.

Enjoy the colours of autumn that surround us all at the moment and have a wonderful week ahead!

Mrs Tonia Carfora, Year 7-9 Wellbeing Initiatives Leader


This is a brand new, bespoke SACE course designed by students, teachers and industry professionals to connect learners to the contemporary cybersphere in ways no subject has before. Learners engage with a wide range of up-to-date cyber issues, ranging from data security and corporate risk management to quantum computing and social media ethics.

Students will cover three sample units of work in the 10-credit course. The sample units of work are:

  • Cyber Actors (People)
  • Cybersecurity Documentation (Process)
  • Cyber Attacks (Technology)

Online Delivery
This is an online course taught by a cross-curricular team of teachers in partnership with relevant local and interstate industry professionals. Instruction and assessment are driven by collaboration, design thinking processes and real-world engagement.

This 10-credit, Stage 1 course in Cyber Studies is approximately 60 hours of course time, delivered online through the Microsoft Teams platform. Students will engage with recorded lecture content and participate in online tutorials and discussion boards. The pilot course will span 18 weeks and be delivered in Semester 2, 2022.

Lectures will be published via Teams on Mondays for students to view asynchronously. Tutorials run from 5:30 to 6:30 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays; students are strongly encouraged to participate, but recordings will be available. While the course has a cost, this fee will be covered by St Michael’s College for any Year 10 or 11 students who wish to enrol.

Please email Maria.Cardillo@SMC.sa.edu.au to register your interest.

Mrs Maria Cardillo, Head of Digital Technologies


On Wednesday 1 June, a small group of students engaged in a wellbeing day to develop positive relationships and learn about Aboriginal history. This was the first excursion as part of the inaugural Student Engagement Project this year and fittingly commemorates Reconciliation Week. This day educated students on Aboriginal Visual Art and Australian native plants. They viewed the debut exhibition ‘Rainbow Dreamz’ by primary school educator and local Kaurna artist Mali Isabel at Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute, and walked through the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.

Ms Zara Zampaglione, Teacher & Student Engagement – Secondary