Secondary Campus
College Leader Rami Abu Hassan
As a leader I would describe myself as a passionate, helpful and hardworking person.
My favourite TV program is Cobra Kai
My favourite band is ACDC
I admire my father.
My greatest sporting moment was hitting a buzzer beater to win the game in basketball for my team when I was only 8 years old.
The best thing about attending SMC is the inclusiveness of the community.
My favourite book is Diary of a Wimpy Kid
In my spare time I like to play sport and hang out with friends and family.
One chore I don’t like doing is taking the bins out on bin day.
Leadership means a few different things to me –
- It means you bring others around you together as one. Great leaders have a way of supporting others and making them more productive and effective.
- Leadership means you put people in the right place at the right time. It’s tough, but when you help someone find their “groove” and you let them stay in their space, they can excel.
- With leadership comes trust and respect with those that you work with. I would like to encourage these qualities in all my peers.
A quote that I believe in “Actions speak louder than words”.
A teacher at SMC I admire is Mr Labrosciano because he is very helpful and also funny.
Benilde House Captain Teresa Arena

As a leader I would describe myself as an honest, open minded and kind-hearted person always willing to put others’ needs before myself.
The thing that I do that I am the proudest of is helping other people. I’m proud to have this quality as there are many people that need a helping hand.
My greatest sporting moment was winning the Athlete of the Year award at my cheerleading club.
My favourite band is Five Seconds of Summer.
I admire my Mum.
In my spare time I like to spend time with my family and friends and create memories, doing things such as eating at different places, going on holidays and beach days.
The best thing about attending SMC is the many memories I have created with my friends and the relationships formed with teachers.
Leadership to me means guiding and supporting people to ensure they work to the best of their ability and that they feel welcomed and wanted.
To be a Lasallian Leader means following the College’s Mission and Vision to create a community where everyone is known valued and cared for.
This year as a House Captain I wish to be best known as an approachable person that anyone can come to when needing help, and an uplifting Captain for Benilde!
Five words which best describe my personality are bubbly, happy, energetic, friendly, uplifting.
A quote that I believe in – “everything happens for reason”.
A teacher at SMC I admire is Mrs Porcelli because she is understanding, supportive and enthusiastic in her job and made Year 11 memorable.
As a new Teacher graduate, I am constantly looking for exciting and innovative ways of engaging students. When I found out I was going to be a Co-Pastoral teacher with Tess Morcom to a group of Year 7 boys, I knew I’d have my work cut out for me. Due to my love for all things international and being from South Africa myself, I thought having a Country of the Week focus would be a great opportunity to explore something I’m very passionate about but also something the students could benefit from. The ‘Country of the Week’ initiative encompasses greeting and farewelling one another in the national language of the country in focus, as well as discussing things like national food, landmarks, history and fun facts!
The focus of this week was Russia, which was suggested by one of our students who has a part Russian background. Thanks to Ms Morcom’s amazing memory of her students, she was able to remember Elina Gretchkosiy, who she had taught previously and the fact that she was of Russian heritage and visited her homeland relatively frequently. After little convincing, Elina, who is currently in her final year of schooling, delivered a fantastic presentation to her college peers about her life, Russian traditions, places of interest and correcting our pronunciations of Russian words.
Overall, it was a great start to the Country of the Week initiative and was thoroughly enjoyed by both students and teachers. We hope to have many more exciting and collaborative weeks such as this one in the future, but for now, DA SVIDANIA! (Goodbye!)
Mr Nolan Naicker, Design and Technology Teacher and Year 7 Pastoral Teacher.
Pictured: Elina Gretchkosiy (Year 12 ), Henry West and Rafferty Casey (Year 7) with Elina’s Babushka Dolls

The Eco Squad is a co-curricular group who work on a range of activities. Over the past three years we have
- established the orchard and vegetable garden on Lawrie St (next to the Uniform Shop),
- grown food that our Food Technology classes have used in their cooking practicals,
- run the Clean Up Australia Day activities for the College,
- planted the rosemary hedge in the ANZAC Courtyard,
- developed our own range of personal care products,
- made mosaics,
- worked on mats for charities that support people who are homeless,
- Visited Monarto Safari Park and planted trees as part of their revegetation work,
- Visited the Henley Beach Community Garden,
- Constructed shade structures and worked on paving projects in the garden.
New and continuing students who would like to participate are encouraged to register.
Students in Years 7 – 11 can register using this link https://forms.office.com/r/seniAipznA or by dropping in to The Garden on any Tuesday or Friday lunchtime.
Year 12 students who would like to be involved can speak to Ms Pearce during PC or by using the link.
Miss Catherine Pearce, Head of Humanities
MathsHelp is once again running every Thursday lunch time in LEC-03 (downstairs in the LEC). If students need some one-on-one assistance with any Maths problems, they are welcome to bring their lunch and come on Thursdays, starting in Week 4.
Ms Anne Finlay, Head of Mathematics
The Brain Bee Challenge is a free competition for all Year 10 Australian students and Year 11 students in New Zealand to learn about the brain and its functions, explore developments in neuroscience research, find out about careers in neuroscience and to dispel misconceptions about neurological and mental illnesses.
The program was started in Australia in 2006 to address several deficiencies in the public’s perception of science in general, and neuroscience in particular. The ABBC and NZBBC provides current and accurate information on the latest advances in neuroscience research, its value to the community, and promote careers in science and technology.
There are four rounds to the Australian and New Zealand Brain Bee Challenge:
Round 1: Online Quiz
Round 2: Regional Finals
Round 3: National Finals
Round 4: International Finals
For more information, please click here. https://help.educationperfect.com/article/23-what-is-the-brain-bee-challenge
Students interested in the competition should express their interest to their Science Teacher or contact Mr Alberton ( jack.alberton@smc.sa.edu.au )
The SA School Immunisation Program will be offered at St Michael’s College by the City of Charles Sturt.
All Year 8 students will be offered:
- Two doses of human papillomavirus vaccine, Gardasil 9 at two separate visits
- One dose of the diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough vaccine, Boostrix
All Year 10 students will be offered:
- One dose of meningococcal ACWY vaccine, Nimenrix
- Two doses of meningococcal B vaccine, Bexsero at two separate visits
Immunisation consent packs will be sent home with all Year 8 and Year 10 students. It is important that you read the information contained in the packs before you give consent for your child to be vaccinated at school.
All parents/legal guardians are required to complete, sign, and return the Consent Cards, even if you do not consent for the student to be vaccinated at school. Students aged 16 years and above can consent for themselves.
If you do not receive an immunisation consent pack from your child, please contact the school.
If you do not want your child to be vaccinated at school, they can attend our clinic. Please click here to visit the City of Charles Sturt website to make a booking.
Alternatively, please check with your doctor if they can provide this service free of charge.
If you have any questions about this program, please contact the Immunisation Section, SA Health, on 1300 232 272 or City of Charles Sturt on 8408 1111.
The Centenarian Portrait Project by Teenagers is a community arts project that promotes intergenerational friendships, celebrates life at 100 (in all its forms) and fights the negative ageing stigma.
The South Australian rendition will culminate in an exhibition in June 2022 presenting 100 portraits of 100-year-olds by local teenage artists, following a life-affirming inter-generational process. The program offers teenage artists the opportunity to get to know a local 100-year-old. They are currently looking for young people in Adelaide and its surrounds, who are interested in drawing, painting, etching (etc) a portrait of a South Australian centenarian.
Please visit their website for more information www.embraced.com.au
If you are interested, please contact Mrs Nicolle LeRay-Warren for more information the application process.

Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence is the ability to find, recognise and take pleasure in the existence of goodness in the physical and social worlds. A person who is strong in this strength frequently feels emotions such as admiration and wonder. Little children are champions at this- the whole world and the simplest things in it are constant sources of awe and wonder!
This character strength is fundamentally about noticing what’s right instead of what’s wrong. When we open our minds to notice the good, something wonderful happens. Our thinking becomes more open and we can feel our bodies relax. We are less likely to snap at others and our ideas can start to flow. The great thing is that the more open we are to looking for excellence and beauty, the more we will notice it!
We celebrate so much excellence at St Michael’s. This week we honoured the excellence of our graduating Class of 2021. The ceremony highlighted teaching and learning excellence, and demonstrated our perseverance as a community, to continue to celebrate achievements notwithstanding current constraints. The remarkable results of our Year 12’s filled us all with wonderful hope for the future.
Valen Kostich’s speech (Dux for 2021), was eloquent and humble and paid tribute to both his family and the education that had empowered him to explore his curiosities and position him to be a leader and learner for the world. In his personal address his words abounded with gratitude, teamwork, perseverance and also the appreciation of excellence. His embodiment of the Lasallian charism was noted by the Chair of the Board, Mrs Marie Dorrington.
In addition to academic excellence, we also remember that excellence and beauty take many forms and they are all equally stunning in their own ways. The beauty of our College garden creates a space for us to connect with nature, to watch insects thrive in their natural habitats and of course to nurture fruit and vegetables until they are ready to pick and enjoy. The garden is lovingly tended twice a week by our Eco Squad of Year 7-9 students, led by Ms Palmer and Ms Pearce, and some amazing Year 12 Leaders who have just begun to work with their younger ‘brothers and sisters’. This is one example of how St Michael’s College exudes beauty and excellence!
There is never a better time to look for and cherish the amazing good that surrounds us; families and friends, and all the people in our lives and their remarkable contributions, gifts and achievements, amazing nature spaces and places we share, to the technologies that make our life easier, our many opportunities, and our current relative ‘normality’ of life!
Year 7s recently filled a mural board with their beautiful hopes for the year ahead – many of these reflected a strong appreciation for beauty and excellence. Perhaps in 5 years’ time, these hopes will see them standing with pride on the podium at the Academic awards ceremony of 2027!
Have an awe-inspired week!
Mrs Tonia Carfora, Year 7-9 Wellbeing Initiatives Leader
Pictured: Year 7 Hope Board – Students record their hopes for the year on the board designed and crafted by Mrs Nicolle Le-Ray
Pictured: Eco Garden – Year 12 leaders and Eco Squad busy at work; harvesting and planting.