Primary Campus
On Thursday 11 November, Reception and Year 1 classes participated in a pizza making lesson.
This term our three Reception classes have been learning about Italy, and its food and culture. We’ve travelled through Venice, the city surrounded by water, Florence to find the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Rome where the famous Colosseum is found, and have enjoyed cooking lessons making the two most popular Italian foods, pasta, and pizza.
Students enjoyed topping their own pizzas with pomodoro (tomato sauce) and formaggio (cheese). I would like to thank Lucia’s Pizza & Spaghetti Bar in the Adelaide Central Market for kindly donating the pizza sauce, it was delicious!
We hope you enjoy our photos as much as we enjoyed being a part of the lesson and eating the pizza!
Signora Giulietta Saraceno, Italian Teacher – Primary
This year St Michael’s Primary joined 195 schools in South Australia and over 63,000 students to celebrate Physical Education Week. The week’s purpose is to promote and highlight the importance of Health and Physical Education in the Australian Curriculum and the learning and development of children and young people.
Students celebrated with a different themed activity each day. We had a health hustle for ‘Movement Monday’, an Olympic quiz for ‘Tokyo Tuesday’, a yoga session for ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’, a tennis challenge on ‘Target Thursday’, and lastly a fundamental skills course for ‘Fundamental Friday’.
We are so pleased with how many students got involved with these activities and congratulate both 2B and 4B on winning the Tokyo Tuesday quiz. Stay active!
Miss Annabel Lampard and Mr Dion Gazzettas, Physical Education Teachers – Primary
On Tuesday 16 November, the Primary Campus was visited by two AFLW Crows stars, Sarah Allen and Jas Simmons. Sarah and Jas ran a female football clinic with the 16 inaugural Reception girls and their Year 8 buddies from the Secondary Campus. The girls worked out that they had lots in common, just as Sarah and Jas were pioneers in woman’s football, our Reception girls are pioneers for all the female students to come through Primary. The girl’s enjoyed hearing Sarah and Jas’s stories and then had a fabulous time getting tips and tricks for their football skills before having a big game to finish.
We are so excited about how many options our female students now have within the AFL community and spotted a few future AFLW stars! #girlsrule
Miss Annabel Lampard, Pastoral Care Teacher – Primary
This term our Year 4s and their Reception buddies have been super busy in Chol’s garden. Our new garden has not disappointed us, producing loads of carrots, beetroot, potatoes, snow peas and spinach. The best part of gardening has been eating what we have grown, you can’t beat the taste of freshly picked organic carrots and snow peas that’s for sure!
As well as picking and eating, we have grown all our own seedlings and have been busy planting tomatoes, cucumbers, basil, and corn which will be ready after the holidays.
Mrs Robyn Palmer, Sustainability Officer
On Wednesday 17 November, Year 3 Art students were busy finishing their vintage transport posters and were then required to make a 3D design of their chosen transport object in ‘Makers Empire’. Using the new AR (Augmented Reality) update, they captured a photograph of themselves with their designs using the green screen as a background.
Green Screen by Do Ink makes it easy to create incredible green screen videos and images right on an iPad or iPhone. The app lets you combine photos and videos from the camera roll with live images from your iPad or iPhone’s camera. Jimmy is seen here riding his Vesper scooter outside the Colosseum!
Mrs Kate Tyrwhitt, Art & Design Teacher – Primary