Primary Campus
A big warm welcome to our Mid-Year Reception students who started school on Monday, 19 July. It was an exciting day and all of our Receptions embraced their new schooling experience, classmates and friends. The students learning will be enhanced with the two extra terms in Reception and will provide extended opportunities to set them up for success as they get a ‘head start’ into their schooling. We welcome the students and their families to the St Michael’s community. For more images click here.

For more photos, please click here
Year 6 students were invited to participate in the Brickworks Marketplace ‘Drawing Us Together’ community book initiative in honour of NAIDOC Week 2021. Motivated by the 2021 NAIDOC message “Heal Country”, shopping centres engaged with author, Maree Yoelu (McCarthy), a Wadjigany woman from the western Wagait region of the Northern Territories to write a children’s short story titled ‘Dancing for Country’. The story is about Nana Ruby and her shadow, her Grandson Claude, and their relationship to the land and their desire to help heal country when they see the land is hurting.
Students designed illustrations for each of the pages within the storybook and these were showcased at Brickworks from 6 to 18 July. Votes were cast by the public for their favourite designs and the top ten illustrations will later be included in the book. 185 votes took place over the two-week period and we are pleased to announce that two St Michael’s students have been chosen. Congratulations to Jake Lalic (6M) and Zac Mullins (6M)!
Ms Kate Tyrwhitt, Art & Design Teacher and Indigenous Focus Teacher – Primary