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Primary Campus

Mattia’s Pizza Incursion

On Monday 14th November Year 6 classes were fortunate enough to be given a pizza making lesson by Mattia. Mattia shared his knowledge of pizza making and taught us how to make traditional pizza dough from scratch. The boys were very keen to taste the end product and were very impressed. Grazie mille Mattia!

Ms Giulietta Saraceno, Languages Teacher

P.E. Week

This week the Primary Campus celebrated South Australian Physical Education Week. This is a week celebrated within many South Australian Schools to celebrate Health & Physical Education and why this learning area is so crucial to students physical, emotional, cognitive, spiritual and social health.  We celebrated as a school through a meditation on Mindful Monday, a class quiz on Teamwork Tuesday, a steps challenge on Walking Wednesday, skipping and balloon tennis on Try Something New Thursday and finished off with a healthy buddy lunch on Feed Me Friday. Check out the photos below to see all the action!

In addition to this we had our Year 6 House Captains run a fitness station at ACHPER’s Come and Try P.E. Week clinic for Year 2’s and had our Year 2’s also attend the clinic! The leaders ran a station for four different schools and had outstanding feedback. The Year 2’s got to try out a range of different stations including ones led by school leaders, Rugby SA, Lacrosse SA, Tennis SA, and Soccer!

Miss Annabel Lampard, Health and Physical Education Teacher

How do I make a difference? – Vinnies Christmas Appeal Food Drive

Ms Patrizia Puglia, Director of Religion and Spirituality