Primary Campus
We kicked off Science Week with a team of Year 5 students making it through to the South Australian Grand Final of the CESA STEM MAD showcase. Nabhya, Oliver, Samuel and Isaac worked together and created a product called Eco Dogs and at the Grand Final they pitched their idea to the esteemed Judges from CESA, Makers Empire and Lumination Education to Make a Difference (MAD) in the world.
This was their design process:

- People feel lonely and anxious because of COVID and lockdowns.
- The problem is being lonely and anxious can affect your mental health and make you lose hope.
- A pet would help! What about a virtual pet that you could care for?
- What if the pet could connect you through an app to other people and you make friends? What if the pet was linked to a game? What if the game created points that converted into tree planting and made a difference to the planet too?
And so the ECO dog was created…..

Sadly, we didn’t receive a prize, but the students learned much from the other 12 schools that made it to the final. They also met Dr Sarah Cannard, Space Engineer who is the Project Director at AROSE (Australian Remote Operations for Space and Earth). Dr Cannard emphasised to us all the importance of following your passions, working hard and gaining expert knowledge is what leads to creativity.
If you like podcasts – 5B recently released some podcasts looking at the future of technology – quite entertaining and as rich and varied as the students who created them. We are lucky that our continued partnership with ARCH D expanded to Year 5 late last term and 5M could be releasing their podcasts soon.
Click here to listen to our 5B podcasts, and some others that were produced this year.

I spy with my little eye…..
A quick scoot around the campus this week and you may have seen:
- Lasallian Stars are learning to use Makers Empire 3D design in Digital Technology lessons. In the training lab some students have made the “fish out of water” task where fish are placed back into the glass tank.
- Year 1 artist at work using Wingaru Kids education to learn about First Nations toys made from natural materials. They learned that spinifex resin was used as an adhesive and it much like glass. It was also used to make tools such as spear heads. Annalise drew and made her own toys out of a variety of materials.

- Year 5 students have been learning about the local master glass blowing artist, Tom Moore. His whimsical designs contain hybrid characters and have incredible detail and colour techniques fashioned from glass. His artworks have been exhibited in the Magic Object exhibition at the Art Gallery of SA in the past and currently at the Jam Factory. See Luke’s amazing drawing of his shark truck design.

- Year 2 looking at the history of mirrors.
- Buddy demonstrations of balloon cars with Year 2 and 4 and some up close and personal encounters through the magnifying glass of the frogs in the wetlands.
- 6M made their own VR headsets.
- Year 3 on the tools with Lego WE do kids kits.
- More buddies in Year 1 and 3 with stained glass cookie baking, and even a good old marble run.
These were just some of the activities for Science week.

Of course, Science and STEM learning happens all year around at the Primary Campus. We suggest that you have a think how you could include Science the next time you are out and about with your child/ren? We would love to hear about what you came up with.
Let’s get back to basics and wonder about how things work and why things are the way we are. I highly recommend a book I have just started reading “The Sky is for Everyone” – it’s a collection of essays by Women Scientists that celebrates advances made by women in the field of astronomy, physics and astrophysics. Most powerfully for me, were the personal stories and advice shared by these great intellectual thinkers.
The big take away messages from these inspiring women were:
- Follow your dreams, wonder and question everything.
- With so many aspects of science to think about, surely only boring people find Science boring?
Ms Joanne Gilmore, Director Teaching & Learning
Last Thursday, over 40 St Michael’s Primary students participated in the Annual Catholic Schools Cross Country Carnival held at the East Parklands Oval.
On a gloomy day, the boys competed against over 30 Catholic Primary Schools from across the state, with each running event consisting of over 200 runners.
As a school, we had some outstanding team and individual results, and we congratulate the following students and groups on their achievements:
- Brodie Didyk received a Gold Medal in his Year 3 Division A race.
- Lachlan Jones received a Silver medal in his Year 5 Division A race.
- Ari Parisi finished first in his Division C Year 6 race.
- Tyler Freeborn finished fourth in his Division A Year 4 Race.
- Year 3 A and B Division Team Winners.
- Year 5 A and B Division Team Winners.
Students were also lucky to meet Commonwealth Games Gold Medalist Marathon Runner, Jessica Stenson, who shared her experiences and knowledge with the group.
Congratulations to all students for participating and representing the College with pride.
Miss Annabel Lampard, Health and Physical Education Teacher

On Friday 12 August, the Primary Campus held a celebration to welcome the new members of our College community. The Lasallian STARS who began their learning journey at the Mid-Year intake this term were welcomed, along with a number of students who have joined us in various year levels throughout this year. Each student was formally acknowledged and welcomed with a certificate. These students have already made a positive impact on the College and should be proud of their transition thus far. We look forward to supporting and watching each of you continue to grow in your journey at SMC.
As part of this celebration our College Junior Choir also had their first performance and stole the show with their great rendition of ‘Cover Me In Sunshine’. The Junior Choir is made up of students from Years 1 and 2 and are led by Miss Katie Pomery. The Junior Choir has been rehearsing since the middle of Term 2 and are doing a wonderful job.
Miss Gaertner-Jones had the opportunity to present a piece of music with her Primary Stage Band which is made up of students from Years 2 to 6. Later this term they will be performing at Pulse, the whole College music night, where the community can hear them perform live! Information regarding Pulse will be released soon.
We again extend our welcome to the new members of our school community, both the students and their families. We hope your time at St Michael’s College will be full of fun, enjoyment, learning and lifelong friendships.
Mr Nathan Rose, Acting Director – Student Wellbeing & Administration

Reception students are currently learning about the ‘Celebrations in our Church’ in Religion and have been sharing photos of our own celebrations. One celebration that many children have experienced but may not remember is ‘Baptism’. The children have enjoyed seeing themselves and hearing about their Baptism experiences from their parents. Together we have learnt about the different symbols that are used during a Baptism (water, oil, candle, white clothing etc) and what they represent.
In our Discovery Play, we have set up a Baptism play area where the students roleplay their understandings of the Baptism ritual. Through this play, they are deepening their understanding of being welcomed into God’s family and the celebrations in our Church.
Ms Cathie Gaffney, Reception Teacher