Primary Campus
On Wednesday 29 June the Year 5/6 Football Team competed in the SANFL West Adelaide Football Cup Carnival held at Hisense Stadium. On a sunny day, the boys showcased their football skills against 16 other football teams from across the district.
At the conclusion of the carnival our team won 8 out of the 10 games progressing into the Grand Final. Unfortunately, we narrowly lost the Grand Final but all students represented St Michael’s College with great sportsmanship, enthusiasm, and resilience on the day.
Mr Dion Gazettas, Primary Sports Coordinator
On Monday, the Receptions welcomed three visitors from the Secondary Campus to help us learn about refugees and their journeys to a happy life in Australia. Zahra, Rana and Khaled spoke to us about why they had to leave their homes, how they travelled to find a new place they could call home, and how they coped with having to leave their homes. They spoke passionately about what they missed and how sometimes they were sad or worried and the Reception students showed great empathy whilst listening to their stories. They also asked heart-felt questions showing how they had listened to the stories they were being told.
Here are a few of their comments;
“We learnt about why they were Refugees – because they had wars in their country, and they had to find different ways to get out of their country and come to Adelaide”. – Mia
“They didn’t have a place to live so they had to go on a camel and travel for 7 days”. – Nate
“They left because they had to join an army, and they were too young”. – Thomas
“There was a war, they had to go to a different country. They chose Australia so they were safe”. – Lucy
“They needed to leave their home because there was a war going on. They all go to St Michael’s because it is safe and they enjoy it”. – Kai
What a wonderful example of cross-campus cooperation and Lasallian empathy! We would like to thank Zahra, Rana and Khaled for their time and for sharing their stories with us and Ms Henry and Miss Cole for facilitating the visit. We are also delighted that they have found a happy and safe place to live and that they love being part of our St Michael’s Lasallian family.
Ms Cathie Gaffney, Reception Teacher

The community shopped up a storm and we just about avoided the storm!! Despite the weather, the hardened garden veterans of Year 5 and 6 guided by Robyn, created a market stall ready to share our wares with our community.
There were lots of items on offer – fresh organic fruit and veggies, terrariums, seedlings, preserved lemons, the decadent De La Sauce and the luxurious lettuce to name a few.
We knew the stall would be worth a lot just because of the lettuce HOWEVER we raised an outstanding $700 in just under 60 minutes. We thank the generosity and great shopping habits of all those that purchased. The funds raised will contribute to setting up kitchen gardens in other school around Australia for those who are not quite as fortunate as us at the moment.
Joanne Gilmore on behalf of the Garden Team