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Primary Campus


Last week the Primary Campus participated in a ‘Nude Food Challenge’ run by Year 3 students. This challenge was not advertised to parents as we wished to get a true understanding of the amount of rubbish generated daily in our lunch boxes.

Looking at the data collected, it was evident that Recess generated the most rubbish with some classes averaging over 30 pieces per day. As the week progressed, however, the amount did go down, which is a testament to the dedication of students wanting to improve on their totals.

Congratulations to the winning Early Primary Class, RM (Ms Gaffney) with a total of 85 pieces of rubbish. The winning Upper Primary class was 4M (Mr Becker) with a total of 167 pieces of rubbish.

Now for the real challenge – let’s start our Nude Food Wednesdays!

We ask that all students do their best every Wednesday (starting from week 6) for the rest of Term 2 to have a nude food lunch box, and Year 3 students will keep a weekly tally. At the end of the term, the winning Early and Upper Primary classes will receive a pizza lunch.

For help on how to pack a nude food lunch, please click here.

Thank you for your ongoing cooperation in helping our school continuously improve on waste reduction.

Mrs Robyn Palmer, Sustainability Support Officer and Mr Matthew Faull, Year 3 Tea