Primary Campus
On Friday 1 April the Primary House Captains organised a Crazy Hat, Hair, and House Colour Day to raise money for MAD. Primary students came to school with whacky, wonderful, and whimsical hair styles and hats and House Captains visited each class and awarded House Spirit Points to those donning their best look.
At lunch time the festivities continued with a ‘Guess the Lollies in the Jar’ game. Well done to Zac Colella (4M) and Hugo Ryder (RG) for their winning guesses!
Overall, the Primary Campus raised over $400. We thank the House Captains for their wonderful ideas and efforts, and Miss Annabel Lampard, Mr Aaron Sayers and Miss Talia Gaertner-Jones for organizing the day.
Miss Talia Gaertner-Jones, Music and Performing Arts Teacher

The Reception students have recently been learning about Holy Week and the Season of Lent. Each day they have been counting down the 40 days of Lent as we journey closer to Easter. Students have learnt about each of the significant days including Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. They created palm leaves and acted out the story of Palm Sunday with students dressing up like Jesus or the disciples and waving their palms as they walked past. They also created a water paint and silhouette artwork to remind us that Jesus died on the cross for us. Students have retold the story in their own words:
“Jesus rode on a donkey. There was Thursday and he ate bread with everyone. On Friday he died. Then on Easter Sunday he was alive”. – Sabby
“First was Palm Sunday and Jesus came. People threw jackets on the floor so he wouldn’t hurt his feet. Then he gave some of his friends bread and someone who wasn’t his friend. Then a pair of baddies hurt Jesus, and everyone thought he died on the cross. Then he was alive! Then everyone was surprised”. – Charlotte
“Jesus rode on the donkey. Jesus talked about God with his disciples. He died on the cross. He came back”. – Ava S
“People waved the leaves and said Hosanna. Jesus had dinner with his disciples. He died on the cross. He came back to life”. – Hugo
“He told his friends that he was going to die. He handed them wine and bread. He wanted to die for us. When he died, he came back alive again. He died on the cross. When they buried him they put a rock there”. – Maya
“Jesus died. He drank wine and ate bread. He died on the cross. He wanted to die so the bad things would go away. Jesus’ friends saw him starting to die. He died a super long time ago”. – James
“Jesus and his friends went to a festival, and everyone thought he was the king. He was nice to everyone, and everyone sung ‘Hosanna, Hosanna’”. – Alina
“At Easter time Jesus died to save the people”. – Francis
Reception Teachers

On Thursday 31 March the Primary Campus held their annual House Cross Country Championship event. The event was run in Year Levels and live streamed to parents/caregivers with commentary undertaken by staff and Year 6 students. On a cool 22 degree day, the Reception to Year 1 students started the proceedings in the morning. It was a great atmosphere with the students cheering each other on and getting into the cross-country spirit! There were some outstanding individual efforts throughout the morning, and everyone involved should be proud of their achievements. In the afternoon, the Year 2 to Year 6 boys stepped onto the track running a much larger course. All boys showed great commitment and enthusiasm completing the course to the best of their abilities. At the conclusion of the event St Paul’s (Blue) were crowned as the winners of the shield. Thank you to all staff members for their involvement on the day.
Reception and Year 1 Male and Female Place Getters
RG – Boys – 1st Jed Smitham, 2nd Carter Rowe, 3rd Archer Childs
RG Girls – 1st Samara Russo, 2nd Ava Marino, 3rd Addison Seekamp
RM Boys – 1st, Ollie Kennedy, 2nd Kai Nicks, 3rd Sonny Usher
RM Girls – 1st Kristiana Tsaconas, 2nd Mila Priebe, 3rd Olive Fowler Walker
RB Boys – 1st Zane Ragland, 2nd Lachlan Didyk, 3rd Zachary Charlton
RB Girls – 1st Ava Duregon, 2nd Eviana Ngov, 3rd Zara Pietrobon
RW Boys – 1st Christian Spartalis, 2nd Archie Mesite, 3rd Hayden Sharp
RW Girls – 1st Abbey Marks, 2nd Pia Pontikinas, 3rd Aria Porcelli
1M Boys – 1st Patrick Curran, 2nd Carter Graves, 3rd Eddie Phillips
1M Girls – 1st Indi Ford, 2nd Annalise Cirillo, 3rd Milla Bruno
1B Boys – 1st Henry Wood, 2nd Alfie Quaini, 3rd Nathan Mangal
1B Girls – 1st Eve Jelonek, 2nd Chelsea Howard, 3rd Mia Salinas Solana
1G Boys – 1st Cruze Lamberti, 2nd Kieran Wheeler, 3rd Angus Rawe
1G Girls – 1st Ella Nicks, 2nd Emma Hernandez, 3rd Victoria Pllumbi
Year 2 – 6 Place Getters
YEAR 2 – 1st Mason Graves, 2nd Nicholas Upitis, 3rd James Licari, 4th Rocky Priebe
YEAR 3 – 1st Brodie Didyk, 2nd Naaz Nagi, 3rd Dion Tsoulakis, 4th Bradley Panagaris
YEAR 4 – 1st Jake Upitis, 2nd Xavier Bourn, 3rd Max Quaini, 4th Marcus Marino
YEAR 5 – 1st Lachlan Jones, 2nd Oliver Pearn, 3rd Joshua Grieger, 4th Ethan Tsoulakis
YEAR 6 – 1st Daniel Romano, 2nd Jack Drozd, 3rd Charlie Santos Tait, 4th Finn Maddern

Mr Dion Gazettas, Physical Education Teacher and Primary Sports Co-curricular Coordinator