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Term 4 Week 7 2021

From the Principal

Dear St Michael’s College Community,

Following Tuesday’s College Leadership Seminar Day, I’m pleased to announce the following appointments for 2022:

College Captains: Massimo Cavallo and Avah Topp.








College Vice Captains: Rana Hussien and Lyndon Williamson.








College Leaders 2022: Rami Abu Hassan, Megan Adrain, Sebastian Benedetti, Madison Caldwell, Lina Ciampa, Danica Colella, Bethany Corbett, Tayla Dawkins, Romy D’sylva Peck, William Jordan, Elisia Kousiandas, David Levett, Lucas Pacicca, Anah Reaiche, Lucas Sebastiano, Claudia Sherratt, Andjela Stojanovic, Tiahna Swanson, Mikayla Verrilli, and Joshua Winston.

Congratulations to our Captains and the student College Leaders who have been elected to these servant leadership positions by their peers and College staff. We offer them our best wishes and full support. Whilst being outstanding young people in their own right, this group is also very much representative of the wider student cohort and one of the reasons being an educator is such an enjoyable experience.

As part of the College Leadership Seminar Day, there is a presentation from each of our prospective College Captains. I proudly offer a glimpse of these through the following excerpts:

At St Michael’s College, “community” is more than a group of people and bigger than the classrooms we learn in. It is people who work together, who challenge each other, who care about each other and who create a safe space with and for each other. In any community, there will be moments worth celebrating and times when we will face challenges. But that’s what growing is about. At St Michael’s, we persist through the hard times to come out the other side even stronger, more connected and more resilient. We work together to create a more inclusive, stronger and committed community.

Leadership is not about spoken language or looks, rather leadership is the calling of one’s soul. A calling to be of service to others. To create community. To empower people to be the best version of themselves. To model, that when we live the truth of who we are, people respect the dignity and grace of our choices.

Community Challenge Choice. I believe that these form the backbone of our school community and is the reason why our community is as positive as it is. This positivity is why I and other students will always be willing to help others; be open to listening to other ideas; and act quickly upon issues. I believe this is special to St Michael’s and we must cultivate it for future students who will see it in our leadership. As St John Baptist de La Salle once said, ‘the way you behave should be a model for those you teach’.

I have consciously experienced the qualities St Michael’s has to offer to all its students, and as a result I am inspired to apply for this role as my contribution for sustaining the values of the college. The support, environment and culture of St Michael’s has enabled me to flourish academically, as well as enabling the renewal of my faith.

Leadership could be defined as the action of leading, encouraging, influencing or guiding a group of people or an organisation to be the best version of themselves. On my first day of Year 8, I felt very nervous, but was eager to meet new people. I remember a teacher came up to me, talked to me, and gave me the confidence to join a new group of people and socialise. This helped me feel known valued and cared for and was a real life example of the St Michael’s College community providing, influencing, and encouraging people who need it most to be the best they can be.

I want to help to “enable each and every student to feel confident and explore their curiosities”. Seen in our College vision and mission, these elements of confidence and curiosity are to me some of the most important factors when it comes to bringing up young people. Our curiosity about others and the world are what drive us to achieve and discover great things.

I arrived at St Michael’s with little confidence, and a few idiosyncrasies to my name, though very quickly realised that the College community goes above and beyond in achieving its mission and vision, as I felt welcomed, accepted and included. That would not occur without the tenacity and humility of its leaders. Leadership is more than confidence, or badge wearing, or a line on a resume, it requires communication, empathy, and an intersectional approach in role modelling, where the needs, interests and passions of all can be heard, and acknowledged. Recognition and support form an essential part of individual growth, as outlined through our core value of ‘challenge’.

There is no greater success then seeing those around you grow. A great leader shows kindness and undying support no matter the circumstances, is encouraging and approachable, is someone people look to for inspiration when at a loss, is someone who listens and empathises and is a voice when they feel unheard. A leader also sets an example for younger ones around them, demonstrating a mature outlook and providing a positive mindset on all aspects of life.

At St Michael’s, we believe in being a community; creating an inclusive and safe environment that allows everyone to be the best they can be. We believe in challenge; working together to overcome obstacles, which help us grow and learn. We believe in choice; the ability to choose our own pathway, positively influencing the lives of others.

As I move on from my role as Principal at St Michael’s, I continue to have great confidence and hope in the youth of today. I see this every day and am again affirmed and inspired through the example shown by next year’s College Leaders. There is a true sense of understanding the value of self and others and I wish our leaders and all the students at St Michael’s every success.

I personally pray that St Michael the Archangel watch over and protect the students of our College, inspiring them with the strength and humility to live life to the full with courage, commitment and honour.

Kind regards,

John Foley

Weekly Communication and Important Dates

Weekly Communication and Important Dates


Mrs Patricia Cowan
Much loved Nanna of Jude (Year 6) and Miles (Year 8).

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest In Peace. Amen.


30 November
Pulse 13 Musical Showcase – click here to purchase tickets

1 December
Boardies Day (Secondary Campus) – gold coin donation Surf Life Saving SA Fundraiser

2 December
SMC’s Got Talent (Secondary Campus)
Year 6 Presentation Evening

3 December
Classes conclude for 2021
Primary dismissal – 12:40pm
Secondary dismissal – 12:45pm


Please note that the last day of trade for the Uniform Shop in 2021 is Thursday 2 December. The Uniform Shop will reopen in 2022 on Monday 17 January. Please refer to the link below for 2021/2022 holiday trading hours.

Uniform Shop Holiday Trading Hours


Click here for Term Dates.
Click here for Uniform Shop hours and information.
Click here to purchase the Entertainment Book.

For previous editions of The Star Newsletter, if using Desktop, please navigate to the side bar to view previous editions or if viewing on a mobile phone scroll to the bottom of the page.

Whole School


National Recycling Week was celebrated at the College last week, with the focus on helping to reduce our waste and to recycle correctly. Planet Ark established National Recycling Week back in 1996 and every year we come up with various activities to make recycling a whole lot easier.

The Primary Campus shared daily Planet Ark tips to our parent community, including those that you see below. Simple changes such as never placing recyclables in plastic bags when it goes into our home yellow bins is something we can all do. Unfortunately when this occurs, the recycling from our yellow bin ends up going to landfill instead.

At the Secondary Campus our focus was on educating staff and students on the correct use of our yard recycling bins. We ran a Year 7 – 11 recycling quiz where the winning class, 8GPC-02 were treated to Zooper Doopers (a classic favourite!). Some tricky items were in the quiz such as disposable face masks and bamboo cutlery which can in fact go into two different coloured recycling bins.

Another challenge run at the Secondary Campus by the Eco Squad was the ‘Recycling Challenge’ where Year 7 and 8 students raced the clock to recycle all items correctly. This was a whole lot of fun and with the prize at stake being a Canteen voucher, students were very competitive. Congratulations to our Year 7 winner, Aidan Grieger coming in at 15 seconds, and to our Year 8 winner Anthony Marafioti with a scorching time of 10 seconds, both winning in the ‘tongs division’. Special mention in the ‘bare knuckles division’ goes to Jack Musci with an absolutely devasting time of 4.23 seconds!

Besides having fun with recycling, the biggest message that we hoped to portray was how easy it is to recycle in our school, and that we don’t actually need red landfill bins. We have only ten remaining at the Secondary Campus and two at the Primary Campus.

It is actually much simpler than home recycling if you follow these two simple rules: Food in GREEN and the rest in YELLOW. 

Happy Recycling Everyone!

Mrs Robyn Palmer, Sustainability Officer


Advent comes from the Latin word meaning “coming”. Jesus is coming, and Advent is intended to be a season of preparation for His arrival. While we typically regard Advent as a joyous season, it is also intended to be a period of preparation much like Lent. Prayer, penance and fasting are appropriate during this season.

As we begin the season of Advent on Sunday, your family may like to make an advent wreath together and use it for prayer in the lead up to Christmas.

Best wishes for the Advent season and Christmas ahead.

Mr Robert Dempsey, Director of Mission

Primary Campus


On Monday 22 November, the Year 6 cohort visited Rocco’s Pizza at their new additional site on Grange Road, Fulham Gardens. The students were given a lesson on the importance of healthy eating versus processed foods. Rocco spoke about the sourdough base, the pizza toppings and how our bodies process certain foods.

The students had a wonderful experience where they observed the process of making and cooking the pizza in a wood oven and finished their visit with taste testing the margherita and salami pizzas.

Thank you to Rocco and the team for sharing your knowledge with us and giving us the opportunity to enjoy your wonderful pizzas!

Mrs Giulietta Saraceno, Italian Teacher – Primary

Secondary Campus


On Friday 19 November, the Year 10 cohort gathered in the Chapel for a Year Level gathering. This included the recognition of several students including those who have been assisting junior students at various schools with reading, also known as the ‘student2student reading challenge’ for The Smith Family. Students then viewed over 240 photos from when they were in Year 8 and this gave them the opportunity to reflect on their past few years at SMC.

The cohort then travelled by bus to AFL MAX at The Adelaide Airport precinct. While at AFL Max, students participated in a supervised 2-hour program across eight activities such as AFL mini games, bouncing castles, abseiling, wall-climbing and target setting. This day also gave all students the opportunity to catch up before their exams in Week 7.

Mr Andrew Spencer, Year 10 Director


Year 9 Art students have been exploring multidisciplinary artist and designer, Tiff Manuell. Manuell’s focus has been abstract, expressionistic artworks brought to life with acrylics on artist canvas and most popularly known on her clutches. Students were given the project to create their own Tiff Manuell inspired clutch and share their experience below:

“The theme for this project was to explore the use of different colour palettes and painting techniques to create a final, Tiff Manuell inspired clutch piece with a colourful, abstract design. Throughout the project I have developed my ideas by stepping outside my comfort zone and experimenting with different colours and ways of expressing myself through shapes and lines. My work started with simple shapes and colours, developing into the use of multiple colours on backgrounds, water colour paint, use of sponges, dry brushing and dripping”. – Sophia Goldsworthy (9GPC-04)

 “Throughout this project I have gained knowledge and experience in different skills such as how to create a paint drip effect. First you have to thin your paint through watering it down and then placing you page upright and using a paint brush to drip paint downwards. I have also learnt how to use alternate painting devices including sponges and palette knives and how to layer paint with a sharp finish when painting lines, specifically when using white paint”. – Nicolle Mihnev (9GPC-03)

Ms Tess Morcom, Design and Technology Teacher – Secondary


On Wednesday 17 November, Year 7 students from 7GPC-02 participated in a Slow Food project as part of their Italian studies this term.

The teaching and learning environment of this unit reflects a Content and Language Integrated Learning Pedagogy (CLIL) wherein students will learn the content of another area of the curriculum through the target language.

In preparation for this activity, students were required to create a traditional antipasto dish from their chosen region in Italy. They were also required to use seasonal ingredients and were able to source some ingredients from the herb garden at school. Students also learned food preparation skills and hygiene considerations, all delivered in the Italian language.

It has been an enjoyable and innovative way of learning and teaching Italian through this project-based approach. Students were able to improve their Italian as well as learn the content of various other learning areas, such as food technology, through Italian.

I am extremely proud of the innovation demonstrated by the students during this project.

Miss Olivia Andreula, Italian Teacher – Secondary


This term the Year 10 Science Around Us class have been studying Space Sciences. Students have learned about galaxies, stars, and the solar system. Students have also learned of evidence which supports the idea of the Big Bang Theory. To support their study, the class were offered the opportunity to visit the Adelaide Planetarium. See what the class thought of the experience below:

“Our class, along with Mrs Casserly, visited the Adelaide Planetarium at Mawson Lakes to consolidate our knowledge and understanding of space. The session we attended was run by an astronomer who was able to take us on a journey into space and explore all the planets, constellations, and stars including indigenous and traditional star lore, and mythology. We got to imagine what the sun will look like when it becomes a white dwarf as well as how to identity planets and galaxies in the Adelaide sky. We were fortunate to watch a short film on Australian Space Exploration which provided context for what we are achieving in this area more locally. Thank you to Mr Alberton for his help in organising the excursion, we all had a fantastic time”. – Year 10 Science Around Us Class

Mr Jack Alberton, Acting Head of Science – Secondary


St Michael’s College Indigenous Program has been hosting Aboriginal Artist Chris Crebbin as an artist in residence in Term 4 as part of working with the Catholic Education South Australia Aboriginal Education Program.

Chris, who has the Aboriginal name, Burthurmarr (meaning brolga and native companion), has been working with some of our Indigenous and non-Indigenous students. The group have been taking a journey that reflects on respectfully exploring Aboriginal Arts and Cultural traditions.

Chris has the ability to deliver storytelling in an open and caring way by sharing personal insights into his life that have included issues with racism, developing his own identity, and examples of his own family challenges. This opportunity allowed our students to build a working relationship with Chris through art, thus helping students to feel comfortable with asking questions whilst exploring a range of artistic techniques and learning about sociocultural issues.

This significant experience gave students an understanding about the importance of recognizing and respecting the traditions and culture of Australia’s First Peoples.

Mr Andrew Spencer, Indigenous Coordinator – Secondary


In Week 3 of Term 4, Mrs Kearin’s Year 11 Geography class, accompanied by Mr Chatterton, embarked on a three-day Geography Camp to the South Coast of the Fleurieu Peninsula, particularly Port Elliot, Victor Harbor and surrounds. Establishing our basecamp at the Port Elliot YHA, we conducted fieldwork revolving around coastal environments and processes of erosion, as well as studying how humans interact with the environment and the effects of tourism and recreational activities at locations including Granite Island, Port Elliot, Victor Harbor Town Centre, and Waitpinga Beach. The camp was of great value in developing our fieldwork skills and collecting data necessary to complete our Fieldwork Assignment on a local geographical issue of our choosing.

As well as the educational aspects of the Geography camp, it was also a great opportunity to get to know our classmates and teachers outside of an everyday classroom setting. Some of the highlights included the traditional game of ‘Aussie Rules Marks Up’ to introduce our English classmate David to footy, the teacher versus student table tennis match between Mr Chatterton and Georgie that lasted for some 200 points, and students engaging in the art of backseat driving while travelling on the bus.

Whilst returning on the causeway from fieldwork on Granite Island, a few of us were even treated to some entertainment involving Ms Kearins’ brand-new straw hat, the wind, the ocean and a hasty rescue by some nearby construction workers in their small boat! We had the ability to develop our social capabilities on the camp, by planning our meals, shopping for supplies and cooking our own dinner in small groups on the first night, and going out for a class meal on the second.

I’m sure I speak on behalf of my fellow classmates and teachers in saying that the camp was of great educational and social value to all of us. For me at least, it was a great opportunity to get out of the classroom and participate in more practical Geography, whilst also enjoying the company of others and having fun too. The camp is definitely a perk of studying Year 11 Geography! I would like to thank Mrs Kearins for her efforts in organising and conducting the camp, and Mr Chatterton for accompanying our class and providing both a wealth of knowledge and various anecdotes about places we visited and things we saw. The camp was truly fun!

Written by Year 11 student Benjamin Ryan (11PC-05)


In 2021, senior dance students worked with Claudia Papillo on a lyrical/contemporary piece for their final assessment. Claudia then invited the students to make a promotional video for the school as part of her education studies at Flinders University. Together with old scholar, David Roberts (2020) who is studying a Bachelor of Film and Television at the University of South Australia, this film was created.

Mrs Dani Caputo, Dance Coordinator – Secondary


Since the beginning of August, Year 9 students have been collecting bread tags to support the’ Bread Tags for Wheelchairs’ charity. The organisation uses the funds from the recycled bread tags to buy wheelchairs for the disadvantaged, mainly in South Africa. The students did an amazing job of collecting hundreds of bread tags, and the drive culminated with a mosaic competition that brought out some unique and creative designs. Thank you to all students, parents and staff who supported this very worthwhile charity drive.

Mrs Anna Haracic, Assistant Year 9 Director, and Mr Brent Parfrey, Year 9 Director


On Tuesday 23 November, a group of Year 7 to 9 students had the pleasure of visiting Hahndorf, determined to brave the rain, pet some animals and eat some strawberries!

Flynn found his calling among the farm animals, while Isaac and Jason were determined to spend all their money… and did so. Hannah and Kayla marveled at the peacock, pleading without success for it to open its feathery tail, and Ava perfected her delightful impersonation of a nanny goat – or was it a lamb? Either way it was a very happy impersonation! Ali did his best to take on the camel without getting bitten, while Jack and Brodie looked on with the cool air of an 80’s grunge band crew, sneaking pats with the kangaroos when nobody was looking. Isabella bonded with a guinea pig over a shared love of carrots, and Courtney and Charlotte delighted in feeding the baby lambs and goats with carrots and potatoes. Ms Pope proved a natural in the milking pen, while Ms Ravenscroft leapt tall strawberry bushes in a single bound to find the juiciest, reddest and sweetest strawberries in the patch.

A special thank you to Mrs Pellicone for all her work in the background to make the day a hitch free success, the front office staff for their support with phones and first aid supplies, to the teachers who covered us in our absence, and to the SMC community for supporting such a wonderful activity!

Ms Heidi Claus, Counsellor/Learning Support – Secondary


Week 7: Love

As I wrote earlier this year, love’s power is very clear. It is one of the most empowering character strengths of all. They say it can ‘move mountains’ and energise us towards objectives like no other catalyst. Just think about what you would do for your children or loved ones, and what you have done! Many of us can attest to actions and change they would have never thought possible without such a powerful force of nature.

On Tuesday as I watched the news and saw the footage of loving reunions as the borders reopened, there was no doubt about the power of love. The reunions were so joyful and demonstrated the overwhelmingly emotional feeling of having a personal connection with people we love.

In his letter to the Corinthians (Chapter 13 verses 4-7), St Paul defined love:

‘Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres”.

Together with the other strengths of the last two weeks; kindness and gratitude, love is like the third of the triple antigen ‘vaccine’ that protects our wellbeing and our relationships with others.

Over past years we have become increasingly aware of the endless interconnectedness of the world, and of the truth that none of us can live well in isolation. Love creates positive emotions which help us to overcome loneliness, anxiety, and depression; it is linked to good health and longevity; and provides a sense of purpose in life. Love, as we were reminded at Year 9 Retreat with its focus on Laudato Si’, also needs to be directed at the world we live in, at other peoples and at the environment, so that we can safeguard our world for future generations.

But life wasn’t meant to be easy, as they say, and there are days when we are all tested, especially when circumstances out of our control surround us, and contribute to momentary loss of focus. Having said this, seeing a situation through the lens of love does always help us to view things in a more positive way. It helps us feel better and be healthier, and fundamentally helps each of us to contribute to the community where we are all known, valued and cared for.

We can all accept the challenge of working with love in mind in many ways. We can show our Love for others through the generosity of spirit and we can use it to support social justice initiatives such as the Vinnie’s Drive and Moore St. This love speaks volumes and has far reaching consequences, as the love of Jesus works through us to help those in need.

As a community, we all show love towards each other, supporting each other in the hardest of times and celebrating together in times of joy.  We look forward to the special time of Christmas as we celebrate Advent in coming weeks, together.

Wishing you warmth and love as we approach the end of the term and the Christmas season!

Mrs Tonia Carfora, Year 7-9 Learning and Wellbeing Initiatives Leader


As the year comes to a close, Year 7 and 8 classes are busily gathering items for donations to St Vincent de Paul for Christmas Hampers.

Any food donations will be greatly appreciated. We thank the St Michael’s Community for their kindness and generosity of spirit in bringing hope and gratitude into the homes of many families.

Year 7 and 8 Pastoral Teams

Careers and VET Services


Current Year 12 students will have recently received an email from the College Careers Counsellors which included a 25 page ‘Final Careers Newsletter’. This was sent to student’s private email address which will now be the main form of communication going forward.


Whilst our Year 11 students are well prepared for success as they enter into Year 12, some students may like to consider extra preparation though private tuition companies As such, we provide the links below for your own assessment. Different companies offer a variety of subjects and some provide specific study skill courses, with most offering an early bird discount. We supply the links for your families own consideration.





Applications are now open for students who want to be a part of the National Youth Science Forum in 2022.

The NYSF Year 12 program offers an exciting range of in-person and digital science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) experiences for participants across Australia. If you’re a Year 11 student and passionate about STEM, please apply now!

The program will run for 12 days from 10 to 25 January 2022. It will be delivered as a mixed-mode experience – a combination of in-person and digital events. For those who choose not to or who are unable to attend the in-person visits, there will be a range of digital STEM visits across the week. Their digital program has the ability to feature a vast array of speakers from Australia and around the world and will feature STEM experts from many of the in-person locations and beyond.

Applications are open until 30 November. To find out more and apply, please click here.


For information regarding exciting TAFESA short course options in the holidays here.


Girls of Impact is an award winning not for profit organisation helping female high school students to get ready for the future of work and support them. This is achieved through targeted, long term support to help overcome the barriers that discourage young women from pursuing pathways in areas like STEM. This is done through working with schools nationally to run workshops, work experience and meet industry mentors.

In collaboration with industry leaders and partners, they are running a national program starting in February 2022 aimed at female high school students in Years 10 to 12. This is called the ‘Big Sister Academy’, and it’s designed to build, inspire and nurture the next generation of female leaders, change-makers and STEM champions so that young women can step into the workforce. They currently have 30 free scholarships available nationally and would love to share them with our female students or parents/caregivers in case they would be interested in applying.

To find out more about The Academy, please click here. There is an information session on 8 December 2021, if you would like to take part in this online session please click here to register.

For more information, please contact Mrs Kemp.

Mrs Rose Coorey and Mr Anthony Vizaniaris, Careers Counsellors