From the Principal
Dear St Michael’s College Community,
Our Graduation Mass, celebrated this Thursday evening, was a wonderful opportunity to farewell our Graduating Class of 2021.
Our College Captains, Alice Kneebone and Sebastian Leaney, have represented the Year 12 cohort exceptionally well in what has been another challenging year.
We share below excerpts from their Grad Mass presentation…
It is sad to think that our time together has come to an end. Writing this address has been, honestly, an emotional rollercoaster. From reminiscing the best times, to remembering the worst, it has truly been a cathartic experience.
Ten months ago, we stood before you and the College community as freshly selected Captains, not knowing where this year would take us, or how our public speaking would go, terrified to stumble over our own words or trip up the stairs in front of hundreds, if not thousands of people.
Our Vice Captains, Sam and Elena, along with the rest of the College Leaders have truly done wonderful things for our school. From early mornings at breakfast club, to a helping hand on the BBQ’s and raising money for those in need, the team has been outstanding.
We can speak for all the students when we say that it feels like we walked into Turon for our first day of Year 8 just yesterday. 250 new faces, new staff, new surroundings, new beginnings. And for 50 of us, we started our St Michael’s journey at Beverley, 13 long years ago. … No matter when we joined St Michael’s, this community has welcomed us with open arms, made us feel valued and cared for, and shaped us into who we are today, a cohort of fine young adults.
We always have a sense of pride when we get to say we go to St Michael’s College. Even though from now on, we won’t be here physically, this school will always be a part of who we are, and we will continue to say with pride, ‘I went to St Michael’s College.’
A main reason as to why this school will always be a part of who we are is the staff and the teachers, those who guided us every step of the way. That is why, firstly, we would like to thank all our Pastoral and Subject Teachers this year in particular. From help with assignments, to deep conversations about our futures, you all have given your students the opportunity to flourish and excel in their chosen areas of expertise. And for that, we say thank you.
To Mr Labrosciano and Mrs Webb, thank you for the way you have looked after our year level. All our shortcomings, successes, shenanigans, the support you both have given us is something we will never forget. For that, we say thank you.
We’d also like to thank you, the parents and carers, for going above and beyond for us this year, in what has been a year of challenges that none of us would have ever expected. You have put up with our irregular sleep patterns, intensely high stress levels and breakdowns, but most importantly, your support when times were tough and when moments like this … didn’t seem achievable, is something that we all cannot thank you enough for.
Finally, while we held a celebration earlier today, as the Year 12’s farewelled Mr Foley, we would like to thank him for being an outstanding Principal to this College. Your 17 years of service to our school will not go unnoticed. We cannot thank you enough for the smiles and insightful conversations you would give anyone who walked past you. And finally, we cannot thank you enough for the way you have handled this year, a year unlike any other. From the bottom of our hearts, it has been an honour being your College Captains this year, and on behalf of the Year 12 cohort, we wish you a happy and successful future.
Our time together will not be remembered by grades, or regretting the nights we stayed up studying, or popularity or Instagram likes, but by the relationships we have made. The hearts that have been loved, and the hearts that have been broken. The friendships made, that will last for many years to come.
To the graduating Class of 2021, it has been an honour and a privilege being your College Captains. Thank you all for the memories, and thank you all for being the best cohort we could ever have asked for.
Alice & Sebastian
Following the formal part of the Graduation Mass, a number of award presentations, including the esteemed De La Salle Award were presented to students. Next week’s Star will provide an overview of these prestigious awards.
Kind regards,
John Foley