Absentee Line - Text 0417 596 611 or Phone Primary 8150 2397, Secondary 8150 2323 or Email student.reception@smc.sa.edu.au


Term 3 Week 2 2022

From the Principal

Dear St Michael’s College Community,

Yesterday the College staff and students at both campuses joined together online via Teams with our College Board Chair, Mrs Marie Dorrington OAM, to welcome the announcement of St Michael’s new Principal, Mr Tony Daley.  It was wonderful to see the College community join as one to hear this important news and to meet Mr Daley, albeit virtually, and to hear his enthusiasm to be joining us here at St Michael’s.

I share with you below the letter from Mrs Dorrington to our St Michael’s community.  We look forward to welcoming Mr Daley to the College in 2023.

Dear St Michael’s College Community

The St Michael’s College, Adelaide, Board is very excited to announce that Mr Tony Daley has been appointed Principal of St Michael’s College, Adelaide, effective from the commencement of the 2023 school year.  This follows a comprehensive consultation with members of the community, a national recruitment campaign held in partnership with Switch Education, and thorough discernment by the Interview Panel.

Tony is in his sixth year as Principal at St Patrick’s College, Launceston, a co-educational, dual-campus, 7-12 College with an enrolment of over 1560 students and 242 staff. He has also held a range of senior leadership roles in schools in Queensland, including St Hilda’s School, a P-12 Anglican Girls School, and John Paul College, a P-12 Co-Educational College with 2300 students.

An experienced educational leader, Tony believes that developing authentic relationships with the College community is important for successful leadership; that education needs to be accessible, engaging, creative and challenging, as well as meeting the needs of each student; and that the primary role of education is to equip the young people in our care with the skills, values and virtues to succeed in the world. He is very well known in his current community and is regularly invited to discuss community and educational issues on the ABC Morning Radio.

Tony holds a Master of Education from Australian Catholic University, a Bachelor of Science from Griffith University, a Graduate Certificate in Theology from Charles Sturt University, a Graduate Diploma in Teaching from QUT, and an Executive Leadership Certificate from Notre Dame University. He and his wife, Tina, have three adult children, and one grandchild. 

The College Board is confident that Tony Daley will lead St Michael’s College to “not only embrace the challenges of the future but to flourish as it continues to grow and develop in the years ahead”.

We look forward to welcoming Tony and Tina to Adelaide and especially to the St Michael’s College community.

Yours sincerely

Marie Dorrington OAM
Board Chair

Kind regards,

Mr Damian Patton
Acting Principal

Weekly Communication and Important Dates


Monday 8 August     
Year 11 (2023) SACE Evening 7:00 pm in the Mary MacKillop Centre
Year 12 (2022) SATAC Evening 7:00 pm in the Lasallian Education Centre
Careers Night 6:00 – 8:00 pm in the Lasallian Education Centre

Tuesday 9 August    
Year 7, 2023 Music Information Evening 7:00 pm in the Mary MacKillop Centre

Wednesday 10 August  
Secondary Musial Auditions 3:30 – 5:30 pm

Thursday 11 August     
Year 10 CAD/RAD

Friday 12 August   
Year 10 CAD/RAD
Primary Academic Awards Semester 1 and New Student Welcome Assembly


Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).

Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:

  • year of schooling
  • category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional
  • level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.

This information assists schools to:

  • formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools
  • consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools
  • develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.

The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.

The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy.

Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal

If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact the school.

Mr Michael Balic, Head of Inclusive Education


We are excited to announce that the 2023 College Musical will be ‘We Will Rock You’ by Queen and Ben Elton. ‘We Will Rock You’ takes place in a future age on a planet once called Earth (now called iPlanet) that is controlled by a mighty corporation called Globalsoft and led by the villainous Killer Queen. Rock music and all musical instruments are banned! The hope of breaking free rests with an unlikely resistance, an alliance of rebel Bohemians lead by Galileo and Scaramouche.

This hilarious futurist comedy contains Queen’s biggest hit songs including We Are The Champions, Radio Ga Ga, I Want To Break Free, Somebody To Love, Killer Queen, Don’t Stop Me Now, Under Pressure, Bohemian Rhapsody, Another One Bites The Dust and of course, We Will Rock You.

We will perform at the Woodville Town Hall in May 2023. Students at the Secondary Campus who are interested in auditioning for a lead role should contact Mrs Emily Burns for audition parts as well as check the morning notices for further Musical information, including being part of the band, ensemble, set painting crew and backstage crew. Students at the Primary Campus should contact Miss Talia Gaertner-Jones for Musical information.



Click here for Term Dates.
Click here for Uniform Shops hours and information.
Click here to purchase the Entertainment Book.
Click here for previous editions of The Star Newsletter.

Primary Campus


On Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day, the Brickworks Marketplace held a book launch and smoking ceremony for the winners of the “Drawing Us Together” NAIDOC Week 2022 illustration project.

The book is called “Being a Big Brother”, written by Alton Walley. The St Michael’s student designs that were the winning pages for our contribution to the book were created by Levi Biggs (6M) and Archie Duffet (6B). These students’ creative designs were published in the story and framed for the opening ceremony.

Kuma Kaaru did the Welcome to Country and performed a smoking ceremony and our St Michael’s students were very keen to cleanse their spirit with the smoke. They also performed a cultural dance involving the big red kangaroo which is a Kaurna traditional dance performed by the men. Jack Buckskin explained the spiritual significance of the ceremony and the Welcome to Country. The ceremony was held at the River Torrens site near the Brickworks Marketplace with many connections between, art, culture, spirituality and respect for Country and ancestry made at this special event.

Congratulations to Archie and Levi for being published illustrators!

Ms Kate Tyrwhitt, Art & Design Teacher and Indigenous Education Coordinator – Primary

Secondary Campus


Rachel Soderstrom from the Butterfly Foundation visited the Year 7 girls last Wednesday to discuss a range of issues surrounding Body Image in the Digital World. Theodore Roosevelt is credited with saying “Comparison is the thief of joy”, and Rachel’s presentation indicated some of the dangers of comparison to social media platform posts and those who influence the way we view and respond to body image ideals.

The one-hour presentation also offered some helpful tips intended to proactively inform our young people in relation to this pressure that research reports, is a significant area of concern for our young people, in particular, girls. Students were invited to adopt a range of simple proactive strategies including ensuring that they have a broad and balanced range of interests they ‘follow’ rather than a focus on the aesthetic, and that they similarly post on a broad range of their own interests, celebrating each of our own uniqueness.

Georgia and Lilah from 7GPC-02 reflect:

“Today we had a member from the Butterfly Foundation come and talk to us about body image. We talked about how social media can influence our thoughts on our own bodies. We also learned what appearance ideals are, which means society believes we should look like, for example having clear skin, a thin waist, or a face full of makeup. We are extremely grateful for this opportunity to be able to have someone to talk to us about topics like this.”

Mrs Tonia Carfora, Year 7-9 Wellbeing Initiatives Leader


On Thursday 28 July, our two St Michael’s teams participated in the National annual Write a Book in a Day event. Some of the participants have provided their thoughts on the day;

“Write a book in a day was heaps of fun. My team had two amazing illustrators who helped bring the characters to life with their illustrations and six wonderful authors who brought the characters’ personalities to life with their words. The stories improve each year and I can’t wait to write our story for next year”.Kiara Didyk (9GPC-05)

“I thoroughly enjoyed WABIAD. My team worked very well together this year as we planned it out thoroughly by assigning each writer two chapters to write, with a minimum and maximum word count for each chapter to fit the guidelines. My team finished an hour early because of how organised we were. I would recommend that if you decide to do WABIAD, the first hour or so is spent creating a plot and allocating who does what part”.Joshua Francis (8BPC-05)

“I would recommend WABIAD to other students because it is an extremely enjoyable experience where you can build positive relationships and work collaboratively with your peers”. – Jessica Squeo (8GPC-03)

“Write a Book in a Day 2022 was a fun and eventful day. The team collaborated very well and shared some great ideas with each other. We got to know each other better and it would be something I would recommend to people who like to illustrate or write. It was overall a valuable experience which I would do again”. – Kristian De Candia (10PC-10)

So far, the teams have raised $845 for The Kids’ Cancer Project. It is not too late to donate to this worthy cause. Sponsorship closes on 30 September!

SMC TEAM 1 Sponsorship link      Teams | Write a Book In a Day

SMC TEAM 1 Sponsorship link      Teams | Write a Book In a Day

Mrs Maria Pepe-Micholos, Head of Library


We are excited to have expanded our Co-curricular Dance program to broaden the skills and interests had by students at St Michael’s College. If you missed the ‘Come and Try’ classes in Week 1, please contact Ms Kollevris and come along to a class or style you might be interested in trying. Everyone is welcome!

Ms Hayley Kollevris, Dance Coordinator


Do you love dance? Are you involved in Dance Tuition at a private studio? Would you like to gain credit for the hours that you Dance at your studio? Would you like to increase your knowledge about Dance and the Dance Industry?

If you are:

  • 14 years or over
  • Highly self-motivated person

Enrolling in Cert 2 or 3 for 2023 could be a great opportunity for you.

A Completed CERT 2 in DANCE – 50 CREDIT POINTS!

A Completed CERT 3 in DANCE- 70 CREDIT POINTS!

Please register your interest with Ms Kollevris via email: Hayley.Kollevris@smc.sa.edu.au or come find her to have a chat. We are currently looking to enrol a select group of Year 9 Students for Cert 2 starting in Term 4, 2022.

Ms Hayley Kollevris, Dance Coordinator


Week 2: Perseverance

We can all think of people, both close to us, and known to us, who have persevered through great life challenges, from friends and family members to celebrities – perhaps even the athletes at the Commonwealth Games. If we think of First Nations Australians, for example (this week we remember National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day), we can see incredible examples of perseverance of a people and culture in the face of enormous challenge over enduring periods of time, to continue to hope and prevail. When we reflect on this fortitude, we can’t help but be inspired, and interestingly it seems that perseverance is in fact, contagious, as Caroline Adams Miller reports in Getting Grit (2017).

At St Michael’s, we work towards a better future in the development of the learners and leaders of the world we nurture, and we see evidence of this in many areas. Over the last two weeks we have seen the fruits of perseverance and love of learning in both of our Academic Assemblies where many students were acknowledged in their achievements and hard work. And hard work really is what’s needed when we aspire to excellence, as Aristotle is credited with once saying, “Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”   Something repeated. Over and over.

Common sense (and science) tells us that failure, though none of us particularly enjoys it, can be a great teacher. Though we often want to protect our children from disappointment, development of perseverance can be inspired by allowing them to see us experience disappointment at times and then observing our responses as we pick ourselves back up and ‘reset our sails’. It’s also important to let our children experience disappointment themselves – in a safe, supportive context.

When we overcome a setback, and perhaps think about earlier decisions that didn’t quite play out the way we had planned, and we try again, we develop what is known as “grit”. Angela Duckworth, an expert in this field, discusses grit as an essential quality for success in life in Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance (2016). She maintains that though natural talent matters, perseverance is much more critical than ability as a predictor of achievement.

Carol Dweck has long been considered to be an expert on “growth mindset” — the idea that we can grow our brain’s capacity to learn and to solve problems. She speaks about the power of YET- a little word that loads our thoughts with hope and potential. I don’t get it YET! In her book Mindset: Changing the Way You Think to Fulfill Your Potential (2017), Dweck explains the fundamental difference between growth and fixed mindsets. The impact of shifting our mindset can make all the difference to how we feel and the way in which we approach challenge. There are also many TED Talks on the subject, which can be easily located online.

It makes sense that perseverance is closely aligned to goal setting. It’s important as people that we set ourselves goals that can be achieved and also that we think about the steps in the process that will help us get there. It’s also helpful to tell those closest to us, our ‘cheer squad’, about our goals, so that we have their support and encouragement.

While perseverance is a strength that can encourage us to keep going when the going gets tough, it’s not accidental that our faith can help bolster it. In times of trouble and in times of joy, saying a prayer (or two) can support us along our journey. Faith can empower us to persevere. In addition to prayer, our attention to our many blessings – gratitude – can help us keep our balance and stay on course, despite challenges that life sends our way. Together with hope we can find the silver lining at the edge of the clouds that keep us on course, toward our end goals, when the sun emerges.

Wishing you perseverance, and the positive feelings and accomplishment that accompany it this week!

Mrs Tonia Carfora, Year 7-9 Wellbeing Initiatives Leader


Congratulations to the following students in Years 7 to 12 who achieved Academic Excellence and/or Academic Endeavour awards for their Semester 1 studies.

Year 7 - 9 Awards Year 10 - 12 Awards

Careers and VET Services


As South Australia faces an unprecedented skills shortage across multiple industries, there are many apprenticeship and traineeship positions being advertised. Here are just a few opportunities for students to consider:

School Based Apprenticeships
Automotive Body Repair Technician – (Loxton)
Automotive Underbody – (Mount Barker)
Baker – (Meningie)
Bricklaying and Blocklaying – (Murraylands and Adelaide Hills)
Business Administration – (Hilton)
Carpentry – (Adelaide, Norwood, and Goolwa)
Commercial Cookery – (Hay Valley)
Fabrication – (Regency Park)
Horticulture – (Riverland)
Plumbing – (Stirling)
Wall and Ceiling Tiling – (Adelaide)

Arboriculture – (Murray Bridge)
Business Administration – (Adelaide and Hilton)
Events Trainee – (Murray Bridge)
Horticulture – (Riverland)

Full Time Apprenticeships
Automotive Body Repair Technology – (Riverland)
Automotive Underbody Technology – (Mount Barker)
Baker – (Meningie)
Bricklaying and Blocklaying – (Murraylands and Adelaide Hills)
Cabinet Maker – (Murray Bridge)
Carpentry – (Adelaide and Norwood)
Carpentry/Installer – (Adelaide Hills)
Commercial Cookery – (Hay Valley)
Electrical Machine Repair – (Glandore)
Electrician – (Glandore)
Fabrication – (Murray Bridge, Adelaide Hills, and Regency Park)
Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology – (Murray Bridge)
Mechanical Engineering – (McLaren Vale)
Plumbing – (Stirling)
Sign Writer – (Murray Bridge)
Wall and Ceiling Tiling – (Adelaide)

Job descriptions can be viewed here


TAFE SA will be conducting a series of information sessions in the month of August, promoting the post school options in the Defence Industry. The next information Session will be held at TAFE SA Regency campus on Tuesday 23 August from 6:30pm – 7:30pm. Students who are interested to learn more about the possibility of a rewarding career in Defence can click here for more information.

For more information please click here.

Ms Leanne De Young, VET Coordinator


To ensure families can make the most of the Tertiary Pathways Night (with representation of the major SA Universities, TAFESA and SA Police) here at the College on the evening of Monday 8 August, we are offering a video presentation of the Year 12 SATAC presentation rather than present in person. We will be sending a link to the Parent Presentation on Thursday 11 August, apologies for the delay. We hope as a family you can now attend the event together, anytime between 6:00 – 8:00 pm. More information to come next week.


Students and their families predominantly in Years 10 – 12, are encouraged to attend the events listed below which may provide career opportunities previously not considered and to delve more deeply into Career paths currently being considered.

The Universities and TAFE open up like this once per year and you need to register in advance to attend. We hope this weekend you can sit down as a family and book into talks etc. that you may wish to attend.

University of Adelaide

On campus: Sunday, 14 August | Online: Friday, 19 August

Note: You need to register for both online and/or on campus – please be warned, it will book out!

Click here >  Open Day

Plan your day if attending on Campus here > Open Day Planner

UniSA Open Days

Online and On Campus > UniSA Open Day
Register for UniSA Open Days here > UniSA Open Day Registration

Online – Virtual Open Day, Tuesday 9 August, 4:00pm – 8:00pm 

Access all of your study and career information in one place. You can download resources, watch a degree presentation and join a live Q&A. You can also explore our student life and support services, or take a virtual tour around our campuses.

On Campus from 7-28 August 

Get to know UniSA by meeting teachers and explore the campus. Learn about your degree and career options by attending a panel presentation, tour the unique learning spaces and facilities, visit an information booth to connect with staff and students, talk to career advisers, or go through the university application process and alternative entry pathways (including UniSA College) with the UniSA team. Requires pre-registration.

  • City West + City East Campus Open Day, Sunday 14 August, 10:00am – 3:00pm
  • Mawson Lakes Campus Open Day, Sunday 21 August, 11:00am – 3:00pm
  • Magill Campus Open Day, Wednesday 24 August, 4:00pm – 7:30pm
  • Mount Gambier Campus Open Day, Sunday 7 August, 11:00am – 4:00pm
  • Whyalla Campus Open Day, Sunday 28 August, 11:00am – 3:00pm

Flinders University Open Days

Bedford Park: Friday 12 and Saturday 13 August 2022
Tonsley Campus: Friday 20 August

On Campus, register here

They have set Course talks and exciting displays, see the timetable here > Timetable

Online 365: Flinders provide extensive videos accessible all year at Flinders Online 365 > Online 365 Registration


Information Sessions
Many TAFESA Courses have Information Sessions scheduled on 10 and 24 August
There are many sessions covering everything from Acting to Veterinary Nursing, please check the list carefully. You need to register in advance > TAFESA Info Session

Defence Industry
TAFESA are also running a session on Careers Courses in the Defence Industry – Wednesday 17 August from 6.30-7.30 pm at the TAFE SA Regency Park (137 Days Road, Regency Park – Room H77). As the number of major Australian defence projects increase over the next decade, the demand for highly skilled and industry-ready employees is on the rise.
If you’re keen to work in this ever-expanding industry, attend our information session on Wednesday 17 August to learn about opportunities and TAFESA courses aligned to this industry.  It’s a chance for you to ask questions so you can choose the study path that’s right for you.

Check out their specialised webpage on Defence > Defence Info Session

Register your interest


Discovery Day
Not sure about your next step? An ICHM Discovery Day could be for you! ICHM Discovery Days aim to get you thinking differently about your post-high school studies and career development, covering a range of exciting topics including international business and tourism, luxury hotel design and hospitality opportunities. So join us for a day of fun and discovery while finding out about different areas of learning, that could help you develop and explore a future in hospitality and business management.

Wed 5 Oct 2022 9:30am – 3:30pm

ICHM Discovery Day Registration

What is included?

  • Interactive sessions with ICHM lecturers and key staff
  • Lunch with ICHM staff and students
  • Behind the scenes tours of Adelaide’s finest hotels and venues

Torrens University Virtual Open Day

Tuesday 16 August 2022: VirtualVirtual Open Day Registration

University of Melbourne Open Day

Register ASAP if interested in attending. Sunday 21 August 2022 from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Register > Click Here

Mrs Rose Coorey and Mr Anthony Vizaniaris, Career Counsellors


click here for fixtures and results



On Thursday 28 July, the Year 9/10 Netball Team had their second round of Knockout to try and gain entry to the State Finals Day. They were up against Trinity College who had a couple of tall key players and looked like a formidable opponent.

The first quarter was quite evenly matched, with SMC taking a slight lead at quarter time. The second quarter had SMC finding a bit more rhythm and conversion, widening the gap at halftime. The second half told a similar story, and all seven players on the court were stepping up and showing some fantastic leadership and intensity. Some smooth passages of play, effective defence and accurate shooting saw SMC come away with a great win, 62 to 45.

The Year 9/10 Team will now progress to the State Finals Round-Robin Day for the first time in years and are very excited to compete and represent St Michael’s College with pride.