Absentee Line - Text 0417 596 611 or Phone Primary 8150 2397, Secondary 8150 2323 or Email student.reception@smc.sa.edu.au


Term 3 Week 1 2022

From the Principal

Dear St Michael’s College Community,

Welcome back to Term 3.

As we commence a busy Term, particularly for Year 10 and 11 students who will shortly be considering their subject choices for next year, we welcome the 20 new Reception students who joined us at the Primary Campus for the mid-year intake.

We also remember Br Geoff Kennewell, De La Salle Brother and former staff member who passed away peacefully on Tuesday 12 July, surrounded by his loving family and the Brothers of the Cronulla community.  Br Geoff had a long association with St Michael’s College, starting as an early lay teacher in the 1960s along with Br John Pill. Both Br Geoff and Br John entered the De La Salle Brothers at the same time. Br Geoff taught and lived in the SMC Brothers community on several occasions over the years. In 2001, he was essential in helping establish Camp La Salle and the South Australian Lasallian Team (SALT) and remained connected to old scholars and members of the SMC community.

May Geoffrey Rest in Peace.

Research Project 2022 Results Release

Ms Bron Kemp, Acting Deputy Principal – Curriculum announced this week that the much anticipated results for the first round of SACE grades for the Year 12 Research Project were released on Tuesday.

“This is an extremely important subject for Year 12 students as it is a compulsory requirement that all students across South Australia undertake and, to achieve their SACE, it must be passed at “C” grade level or better.  It is a one-semester subject that is very much student-directed and designed to refine students’ research skills, analytical ability, and creativity resulting in research topics that are wide-ranging and highly interesting. 

 Yet again, our students have shown just how capable they are in this subject.  Twenty-eight students earned an “A+” with 64.4% of the cohort achieving in the “A” band.  This is greater than the combined total percentage of the remaining “B” and “C” grades:


These excellent results are reflective of the dedication and commitment of our students to their final year of secondary study, and I know that they will continue to work hard to ensure similar results in their remaining full-year subjects.  I also proudly acknowledge the role of their Research Project teachers who worked tirelessly to ensure all students achieved their very best.” 


Australian Education Act: School Performance Report 2021

In line with the Australian Education Act 2013 requirements, the College’s School Performance Report for 2021 has been completed and can be viewed on the College website via this link: School Performance Report 2021 or via SEQTA School Performance Report 2021 SEQTA

Kind regards,

Mr Damian Patton
Acting Principal

Weekly Communication and Important Dates


Tuesday 2 August
Year 10 (Year 11 2023) SACE Evening 7:00 pm in the Mary MacKillop Centre

Thursday 4 August         
Year 12 Seminar Day (Christian Family Centre)

Friday 5 August     
Reception classes – ‘100 Days of School’ Dress Up Day

Monday 8 August     
Year 11 (2023) SACE Evening 7:00 pm in the Mary MacKillop Centre
Year 12 (2022) SATAC Evening 7:00 pm in the Lasallian Education Centre
Careers Night 6:00 – 8:00 pm in the Lasallian Education Centre

Tuesday 9 August    
Year 7, 2023 Music Information Evening 7:00 pm in the Mary MacKillop Centre

Wednesday 10 August  
Secondary Musial Auditions 3:30 – 5:30 pm

Thursday 11 August     
Year 10 CAD/RAD

Friday 12 August   
Year 10 CAD/RAD
Primary Academic Awards Semester 1 and New Student Welcome Assembly


We are excited to announce that the 2023 College Musical will be ‘We Will Rock You’ by Queen and Ben Elton. ‘We Will Rock You’ takes place in a future age on a planet once called Earth (now called iPlanet) that is controlled by a mighty corporation called Globalsoft and led by the villainous Killer Queen. Rock music and all musical instruments are banned! The hope of breaking free rests with an unlikely resistance, an alliance of rebel Bohemians lead by Galileo and Scaramouche.

This hilarious futurist comedy contains Queen’s biggest hit songs including We Are The Champions, Radio Ga Ga, I Want To Break Free, Somebody To Love, Killer Queen, Don’t Stop Me Now, Under Pressure, Bohemian Rhapsody, Another One Bites The Dust and of course, We Will Rock You.

We will perform at the Woodville Town Hall in May 2023. Students at the Secondary Campus who are interested in auditioning for a lead role should contact Mrs Emily Burns for audition parts as well as check the morning notices for further Musical information, including being part of the band, ensemble, set painting crew and backstage crew. Students at the Primary Campus should contact Miss Talia Gaertner-Jones for Musical information.


Please read the following notice in relation to why the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment collects certain information about your child’s school, staff, and student body.

Privacy Notice 2022


Click here for Term Dates.
Click here for Uniform Shops hours and information.
Click here to purchase the Entertainment Book.
Click here for previous editions of The Star Newsletter.

Primary Campus


We couldn’t be more excited to welcome our newest group of students to St Michael’s College – our Lasallian STARS. On Monday 20 children arrived at our Primary Campus for their first day of school full of excitement and a few nerves! They have quickly settled in, familiarised themselves with the school, and have started to form some close friendships. Our youngest learners have shown great curiosity as they have discussed what is a school, why we have them, and what they would like to know about St Michael’s.

A school…

Harry: a school is something where you can learn things at. 

Victoria: schools are for having fun. There are lots of children there and they are all your friends. 

Eva: a school is for learning and playing in. There are teachers and friends that can help you. 

We look forward to following our Lasallian STARS learning journey.

Mrs Belinda Melville-Jones, Lasallian STARS Teacher 

Secondary Campus


Term 3 is the time when students and parents make important decisions regarding subject choices in preparation for future career pathways. These choices should be guided by student interest and success in preparatory subjects.

In Semester 2, students in Year 10 will be completing the Personal Learning Plan (PLP) as the first stage of their SACE Certificate. This is designed to assist students to identify possible career paths. Various Parent Information Nights are scheduled to explain the subject selection process and SACE Certificate requirements and the College recommends parents to attend these if at all possible.

Mr Anthony Vizaniaris and Ms Rose Coorey are available for careers counselling and Ms Leanne De Young will be available for advice on VET courses.

Year 12 (current)
Monday 8 August: 6.00 – 8.00 pm
LEC Ground Floor
Tertiary Information Evening: Displays by tertiary organisations
Optional attendance: Current Year 12 students and parents.

*Please note: Year 12 SATAC information will be delivered via video presentation which will be forwarded to Year 12 parents/caregivers

Year 11 (current)
Monday 8 August 7.00pm
MacKillop Centre
SACE Parent Information Evening
Attendance recommended: Current Year 11 parents
Students not required to attend
Monday 8 August 6.00 – 8.00 pm
LEC Ground Floor
Tertiary Information Evening: Displays by tertiary organisations
Optional attendance: Current Year 11 students and parents
Wednesday 17 August 9.00 amYear 12 2023 Subject Selection Assembly
Attendance compulsory: Current Year 11 students
Thursday 8 September 9.00 am – 8.30 pm
Resource Centre
Subject Selection Counselling Day
No Year 11 lessons
Current Year 11 students and parents required to attend prearranged interviews
Year 10 (current)
Tuesday 2 August 7.00 pm MacKillop Centre SACE Parent Information Evening
Attendance recommended: Current Year 10 Parents
Students not required to attend
Monday 8 August 6.00 – 8.00 pm LEC Ground FloorTertiary Information Evening: Displays by tertiary organisations
Optional attendance: Current Year 10 students and parents
Wednesday 10 August 9.00 amYear 11 2022 Subject Selection Assembly
Attendance compulsory: Current Year 10 students
Tuesday 30 August 9.00 am – 8.30 pm Resource CentreSubject Selection Counselling Day
No Year 10 lessons
Current Year 10 students and parents required to attend prearranged interviews
Years 7, 8 and 9 (current)
Wednesday 24 August Pastoral Care MacKillop Centre Student subject selection procedures assembly
Attendance compulsory: Current Years 7, 8 and 9 students

Mr Gavin O’Reilly, Acting Director of Curriculum & Assessment



In Week 10 of last term, seven of our Year 11 Lasallian Leaders along with Mr Robert Dempsey, Ms Catherine Pearce, and Ms Sharina Rabusic attended the Lasallian Youth Gathering in Sydney. Due to COVID, this was the first time since 2019 that Lasallian schools in the ANZPPNG District were able to gather in person.

Reflections from students:

“Lasallian Youth Gathering (LYG) was a four-day experience of faith, service, and community with its theme ‘Walking New Paths’ inspired by the De La Salle Brothers theme ‘Building New Paths to Transform Lives’. This experience did transform our lives as we were faced with meeting and interacting with other Lasallians from around the District.”

“All the guest speakers had important messages, however, the ones that stood out most to us were Franco De Joya as he shared a wise quote “Use your smile as a compass”, Brother Lewis, as he showed no matter what life you have come from, everyone is able to walk a new path.”

“Throughout LYG we stayed connected to the friends we made, and it was a great opportunity to meet other Lasallians and share our own experiences.”

 Ms Sharina Rabusic, Lasallian Campus Minister



During Term 2 Mr Pike’s Year 8 Girls class made sliding lidded boxes to donate to the Flinders Medical Centre Maternity Ward. Flinders Medical Centre staff then fill the boxes with gift items for families who have lost a loved one.

The girls applied their previously learned woodwork skills to produce a quality sliding lidded box of a specific size. The skills involved in this task were accurate marking out and measuring, machine use, accuracy of assembly, ensuring the box was square and sanding and finishing.

Once the boxes were assembled, students chose an appropriate image to laser engrave into the lid. With the assistance of Mr Pike each student then had to set up their image in Adobe Illustrator, adjust the size and image clarity before setting up the laser cutter ready to engrave. Students also laser engraved the base of the box with the message “This box was donated by St Michael’s College and produced by Year 8 Student (and their name)”. This was a nice message to personalise the construction.

Students enjoyed the task, they put a lot of effort into producing a sliding lidded box of excellent quality, understanding that it would be donated and was going towards a very worthy cause. The hospital was very appreciative of the donation and commented that the boxes were of excellent quality.

Here are some quotes from the students:

“In Design and Tech, we made hospital boxes which were such a fun and challenging task. We had to sand, glue, nail and laser cut the boxes. It was enjoyable constructing the whole box, especially the laser cutting, and it is so nice to know that they are going to a good cause.” –  Isabella Dragani”

“When making my box I enjoyed putting the parts together and I enjoyed picking out a image to go on the lid.” -Giorgia Bufo

Mr Darren Pike, Design and Technology Teacher




Love of learning is a strength that teachers love to see in their students, parents encourage in their children and employers seek to develop and nurture in their employees. It’s one of the strengths we celebrate this week in our Academic Assemblies, where academic endeavour and achievement are publicly acknowledged and congratulated.

Love of Learning is about being willing to learn knowledge or skills and the good feelings we experience while doing this. These new experiences enable us to learn or practice new things and give us the joy of learning for the sake of learning itself.

When we simply love what we are doing/learning, we can enter a state of flow where we forget time and can challenge ourselves to improve our skills and achieve mastery of a specific task/body of knowledge. The tasks don’t stress us out because we find them so enjoyable.

This week I visited Ms Oliviero’s Year 7 class to hear about some brilliant work they completed late last term. They had created Bitmojis (as per the photos) and represented their strongest three character strengths with them. While I was there, I asked the students what they loved learning and how it made them feel. Here are some of their answers:

Zara: I love learning about problem solving because it gives challenges where you have to think of ways of solving the problem.

Bianca: I love to learn about Art because it’s fun to create pictures using my imagination. It makes me feel calm and relaxed.

Poppy: I love to learn Drama as it provides me with a way to get away from all of the busy subjects for a while and makes me more confident around others and in general.

Shilah: I love learning about PE because it is fun and all of my PE teachers have been great and supportive. I love learning about English because my English teacher is my Pastoral Teacher and I have a very good relationship with her and in all the lessons time flies by.

Hannah: I love learning about Science and Maths as there are so many topics you can learn about and it gives me a challenge, which I like. I also love trying something new as it’s good to get out of my comfort zone.

Jasmina: I love learning Italian because I get to learn a different language and learn more about the culture and style. It makes me feel happy and excited that I have the opportunity.

Maya: Something I love learning about is Design and Tech. I love it because I get to create things and do hands-on tasks. I also loved having Mr Parker as my teacher; he was loads of fun. The lessons made me feel happy and excited.

Carissa: I love learning Maths because it’s the same in every country, all around the world. I feel challenged when I try a new problem, but it feels like I’m accomplishing something when I get it right.

Kayla: I love learning about how different sports are played and the nutrition part of athletics and performance. This interests me because I have a passion for sport and I want to know more about what’s out there besides the sports I play. Learning about nutrition will also improve my knowledge for the future. When I learn about this it’s something I’m engaged in, and I have fun; I feel interested and happy.

Hope: I love learning generally because of all the caring and helpful teachers that support us and because of all of the amazing subjects that SMC provides.

I would say these comments sum up Love of Learning well; there’s also strong evidence in these comments of perseverance, curiosity and flow! Also heartwarming to notice their gratitude!

A strong Love of Learning positions us well to explore our curiosities, flourish and become the learners and leaders of the world. It sounds like Ms Oliviero’s class is on the right track! Well done everyone!

Stay safe and well!

Mrs Tonia Carfora, Year 7 – 9 Wellbeing Initiatives Leader



Two teams, one Year 9 and 10 team and the other Year 7 and 8, will represent St Michael’s College by participating in this year’s Write a Book in a Day Event.

“Teams of up to ten have just 12 hours to write and illustrate a book that will be uploaded to an online library for children in hospitals around Australia. Students enjoy working creatively and collaboratively while taking on the more serious task of raising funds for childhood cancer research.”

To sponsor a team and raise money for the Kid’s Cancer Project, please go to one of the following links below and donate to a worthy cause.

SMC TEAM 1 Sponsorship link        Teams | Write a Book In a Day

SMC TEAM 1 Sponsorship link        Teams | Write a Book In a Day

Mrs Maria Pepe-Micholos, Head of Library

Careers and VET Services


To ensure families can make the most of the Tertiary Pathways Night (with representation of the major SA Universities, TAFESA and SA Police) here at the College on the evening of Monday 8 August, we are offering a video presentation of the Year 12 SATAC presentation rather than present in person. We will be sending a link to the Parent Presentation on Monday 8 August. We hope as a family you can now attend the event together, anytime between 6:00 – 8:00 pm. More information next week.


Students and their families predominantly in Years 10 – 12, are encouraged to attend the events listed below which may provide career opportunities previously not considered and to delve more deeply into Career paths currently being considered.

The Universities and TAFE open up like this once per year and you need to register in advance to attend. We hope this weekend you can sit down as a family and book into talks etc. that you may wish to attend.

University of Adelaide

On campus: Sunday, 14 August | Online: Friday, 19 August

Note: You need to register for both online and/or on campus – please be warned, it will book out!

Click here >  Open Day

Plan your day if attending on Campus here > Open Day Planner

UniSA Open Days

Online and On Campus > UniSA Open Day
Register for UniSA Open Days here > UniSA Open Day Registration

Online – Virtual Open Day, Tuesday 9 August, 4:00pm – 8:00pm 

Access all of your study and career information in one place. You can download resources, watch a degree presentation and join a live Q&A. You can also explore our student life and support services, or take a virtual tour around our campuses.

On Campus from 7-28 August 

Get to know UniSA by meeting teachers and explore the campus. Learn about your degree and career options by attending a panel presentation, tour the unique learning spaces and facilities, visit an information booth to connect with staff and students, talk to career advisers, or go through the university application process and alternative entry pathways (including UniSA College) with the UniSA team. Requires pre-registration.

  • City West + City East Campus Open Day, Sunday 14 August, 10:00am – 3:00pm
  • Mawson Lakes Campus Open Day, Sunday 21 August, 11:00am – 3:00pm
  • Magill Campus Open Day, Wednesday 24 August, 4:00pm – 7:30pm
  • Mount Gambier Campus Open Day, Sunday 7 August, 11:00am – 4:00pm
  • Whyalla Campus Open Day, Sunday 28 August, 11:00am – 3:00pm

Flinders University Open Days

Bedford Park: Friday 12 and Saturday 13 August 2022
Tonsley Campus: Friday 20 August

On Campus, register here

They have set Course talks and exciting displays, see the timetable here > Timetable

Online 365: Flinders provide extensive videos accessible all year at Flinders Online 365 > Online 365 Registration


Information Sessions
Many TAFESA Courses have Information Sessions scheduled on 10 and 24 August
There are many sessions covering everything from Acting to Veterinary Nursing, please check the list carefully. You need to register in advance > TAFESA Info Session

Defence Industry
TAFESA are also running a session on Careers Courses in the Defence Industry – Wednesday 17 August from 6.30-7.30 pm at the TAFE SA Regency Park (137 Days Road, Regency Park – Room H77). As the number of major Australian defence projects increase over the next decade, the demand for highly skilled and industry-ready employees is on the rise.
If you’re keen to work in this ever-expanding industry, attend our information session on Wednesday 17 August to learn about opportunities and TAFESA courses aligned to this industry.  It’s a chance for you to ask questions so you can choose the study path that’s right for you.

Check out their specialised webpage on Defence > Defence Info Session

Register your interest


Discovery Day
Not sure about your next step? An ICHM Discovery Day could be for you! ICHM Discovery Days aim to get you thinking differently about your post-high school studies and career development, covering a range of exciting topics including international business and tourism, luxury hotel design and hospitality opportunities. So join us for a day of fun and discovery while finding out about different areas of learning, that could help you develop and explore a future in hospitality and business management.

Wed 5 Oct 2022 9:30am – 3:30pm

ICHM Discovery Day Registration

What is included?

  • Interactive sessions with ICHM lecturers and key staff
  • Lunch with ICHM staff and students
  • Behind the scenes tours of Adelaide’s finest hotels and venues

Torrens University Virtual Open Day

Tuesday 16 August 2022: VirtualVirtual Open Day Registration

University of Melbourne Open Day

Register ASAP if interested in attending. Sunday 21 August 2022 from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Register > Click Here

Mrs Rose Coorey, Career Counsellor


Today (29 July), 30 Year 10 students commenced a five-day Try-A-Trade Construction Program where they will be introduced to the areas of Carpentry, Bricklaying, Tiling and Paving. In addition, they will obtain a ‘White Card’ which is the mandatory work health and safety training required prior to undertaking construction work.

This program is designed to introduce students to career pathways in the Building and Construction Industry, enhance student learning and increase exposure to trade areas that students may be unfamiliar with and prepare students for entering a Building and Construction Flexible Industry pathways course in 2023.

We wish our students well as they participate in this exciting opportunity at Western Technical College.

To find out more about or College’s VET Program, please visit our website or contact Leanne De Young, VET Coordinator via email leanne.deyoung@smc.sa.edu.au or call the College on 8356 5966.


The Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE) is Australia’s most awarded 3D animation, game design and visual FX educator. AIE will be holding an Open Day on Sunday 14 August 2022, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

AIE’s Open Day is a great opportunity to meet their teachers, staff and students. The day will cover everything you need to know about the:

  • careers in games and VFX that they train students for;
  • studios and industries that they work with;
  • courses they offer – from beginners to professional mastery, and;
  • the software, skills and knowledge they teach.

AIE’s Open Day will also include presentations on entry requirements and how to apply > AIE Open Day



If you’re looking to work in a salon with an owner who truly cares about professional and personal growth, and a team that will support you – this just may be the job for you!

Position Available: school-based or full-time apprentice

Location: Seaton, South Australia

Our website: www.coilhairstudio.com.au

Our Instagram: @coilhairstudio

For more information, please call Silvia on 0448 001 243.

To apply send your Resume to silvia@nationalssr.com.au

Ms Leanne De Young, VET Coordinator



On Tuesday, the College hosted and played in the Semi-Final round of Girls Statewide Knockout football (Year7-9) against Nuriootpa High, Golden Grove High, and Tatachilla Lutheran College.

Game one was against Golden Grove. Golden Grove started strong, and had excellent ball movement out of the middle, scoring the first goal. Zahlia Neimann was strong in the ruck and worked well with the likes of Jemma Mutton and Jaeda Keeble to get the ball out of the middle, and we looked dangerous early, but missed some crucial opportunities, with dropped marks and missed shots at goals, until Cleo Simpson got us our first major. At times we were a little too tentative and not sure with our hands with both marking and handballing. The other team had trained much more than us and had also been doing football as a subject all year which again was evident with those they had around the ball. Unfortunately, we couldn’t match their intensity, and ended up falling short, losing our first game. SMC 3.4.22 defeated by Golden Grove HS 5.5.35. Goal Scorers: 2, C. Spanagel, 1, C. Simpson. Best Players: C. Spanagel, Z. Niemann, C. Simpson, J. Mutton.

Game two was against Tatachilla, and our girls had a point to prove. We started convincingly, and never looked back. Kennedy Santos looked strong in our forward line and kicked our first goal before unfortunately coming off with an ankle injury. Elissa Morgan, Ruby Lynch and Chloe Spanagel worked well in defence and held Tatachilla scoreless in the first. Erin O’Shea found her stride in game two, kicking four majors and beating her defenders in a foot race for ground balls. The girls finished the day strong and definitely showed off their abilities. SMC 8.7.55 defeated Tatachilla 1.1.7. Goal Scorers: 4, E. O’Shea, 1, J. Keeble, J. Mutton, Z. Niemann, K. Santos. Best Players: E. O’Shea, C. Spanagel, R. Lynch, E. Morgan.

Unfortunately, the girls have missed out on moving through to the Grand Final. I would like to thank the girls for their commitment and dedication, and congratulate them on their skill level and sportsmanship. A big thank you to Mrs Burton, Mr Young and Ms Morcom for your help over the year. We look forward to making it further in 2023.  A key point of learning for all of us is that we need to train more often and as squad in preparation for such tournaments to be more successful.

Mr Matthew Williams, Head Coach
Ms Mel Fiacchi, Assistant Coach