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Term 2 Week 1 2022

From the Principal

Dear St Michael’s College Community,

Secondary Parent/Teacher Interviews

Thank you to those parents and caregivers who have already engaged in Teams or phone parent/teacher interviews. They are an important element of our partnership between home and school and provides students with potential strategies for improved learning outcomes. We also encourage ongoing communication at any other time outside formal parent/teacher interviews. A reminder the second parent/teacher meeting time is Thursday 12 May from 2pm.

Caica Cup 2022

The annual Caica Cup was held this week.  This unique event sees St Michael’s College and Henley High School students compete in a range of sporting activities over two days. The concept was originally devised to develop the community relationship between the two Cudmore Terrace tenants and highlight both the personal and the sporting talents of the students.

Once again we are impressed by the outstanding spirit and sportsmanship displayed by all participants.

The Cup is named after Paul Caica, former member for Colton and a long-time friend of both schools. Congratulations to Henley High, who took home the Cup following many tight contests. St Michael’s secured wins in Senior Girls’ Football, Senior and Junior Girls’ Basketball, Senior Girls’ Netball and Junior Boys’ Soccer.

A big thank you to the organisers, particularly Jordan Young and Leanne Burton from SMC and Henley High’s James Treagus, as well as the staff and students from both schools. We look forward to the Caica Cup in the coming years and continuing to foster the already positive relationship between the two schools and their communities.

Mothers Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all mums:  Mums, Step mums, mums through adoption, foster mums, mum-in-laws, mums to be, angel mums, women who play a significant role in caring for others and children who are not their own, mums who have lost, those who desire to be mums and dads who are also ‘mums’.

Thank you … and enjoy your special day this Sunday.

Kind regards,

Mr Damian Patton
Acting Principal

Weekly Communication and Important Dates


Mr John Circosta
Much loved great-grandfather of Alessio Vozzo (Year 11)

Mr Peter Dichiera
Much loved father of old scholars Pino (Class of 1984), Danny (Class of 1985), Robert (Class of 1986), Cosi (Class of 1988) and Maurice (Class of 1990) and grandfather to current students Andrew (Year 9) and Oliver (Year 8)

Mrs Anna De Ruvo

Much loved mother of old scholar Joseph De Ruvo (Class of 1978) and Nonna of Joseph Costa (Class of 2010) and Anthony Costa (Class of 2012) and current students Anah (Year 12), Alec (Year 10) and Micah Reaiche (Year 8).

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest In Peace. Amen

Important Dates

8 May
Mother’s Day

12 May
Year 7-12 Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews 2:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Secondary Campus Early Dismissal at 12:45 pm

Please click here to view our online calendar.

Year 12 Ties

Year 12 ties are available from the Bookroom to purchase for $22. For cash payments please go directly to the Bookroom. If paying with credit card, please pay at the front office and bring the receipt to the Bookroom for collection of the tie.

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop are now accepting bookings for winter uniform fittings.

Please book now by contacting 8150 2306.

Click here for Term Dates.
Click here for Uniform Shop hours and information.
Click here to purchase the Entertainment Book.

For previous editions of The Star Newsletter, if using Desktop, please navigate to the side bar to view previous editions or if viewing on a mobile phone scroll to the bottom of the page.

Not all College activities make it into The Star so please be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date.

Primary Campus

Mothers, Making and Many Smells

Welcome back to Term 2 it is great to see all students looking neat and smart in their winter uniforms. Whilst the end of the semester might seem like a long way off, this term will no doubt fly past like any other busy term. I encourage all families and the students, especially, to work collaboratively with our highly committed staff in preparing for the end of Semester 1 so that each child is given the best opportunity to make the most of their talents. Hopefully, very few students will be looking at their school report and be thinking “If only I’d …”

Schools don’t exist in a vacuum and this term we will be observing some important national events including ANZAC day (A bit late) Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week.

As is the norm in a primary school we hit the ground running. Students in Year 4 have completed the first part of their reconciliation journey a true rite of passage and an important milestone for them and their families. Also, students have been in the makers space designing, mixing, and creating wonderful gifts for the significant females in their lives. The Innovation Centre was awash with smells of lavender, lemon, and mint. As a community that cares for the planet, the products were all organic, recycled, and completely lush.

So, as we enter soup season stay connected and keep an eye out for all the great learning experiences and things that our students and staff are up to.

Mrs Joanne Gilmore, Director of Teaching and Learning   
#alwayslearning alwayswillbe

Drawing us Together Illustration Competition – NAIDOC Week 2022

Last year, St Michael’s College participated in the Drawing Us Together illustration competition to celebrate NAIDOC Week at the Brickworks Marketplace. As part of this project students partnered with an indigenous author to develop a children’s story book and were given 2 to 4 pages of the book to design and illustrate which were displayed in the Brickworks Marketplace. The community voted on their favourite illustration for each page. Year 6 students Jake Lalic and Zac Mullins received the highest votes for their designs therefore featuring in the community book initiative of NAIDOC Week 2021.

An Aboriginal Smoking Ceremony and the awards were held at the Brickworks gum tree site next to the Torrens River. It was a small ceremony done by the Kuma Kaaru which was organised by the Brickworks Marketplace and Charter Hall. You can view the video below.

Primary students will once again be participating in this project, and we look forward to seeing the wonderful creations of our Primary students.

Ms Kate Tyrwhitt, Art & Design Teacher – Indigenous Education Coordinator-Primary

Secondary Campus

Get to know our College Leaders and House Captains

College Leader Romy D’Sylva-Peck

I am the proudest of being a dance teacher because I enjoy inspiring and mentoring young children who love my passion as much as I do.

My greatest sporting moment was achieving an Honors award for a dance exam despite training with a broken shoulder.

Someone I admire is my Mum as she always gives helpful advice and is always there for me. She keeps me grounded and from over-thinking. Mum is my biggest supporter.

The funniest moment in my life was being so upset when my fish died and wanting to have a funeral for it. The funny part is I got the song wrong and played ‘Here comes the bride’ as I lowered it to the ground.

Leadership means to me having commitment to lead by example, being responsible, hardworking, and encouraging of others.

I have a pet dog whose name is Jabba.

To be a Lasallian Leader means to role model the school values. Being respectful in our community through my hard work and perseverance, as well as being authentic with myself and encouraging others to be the best they can be.

This year as a College Leader I wish to be best known as kind, hardworking, approachable and encouraging.

A teacher at SMC I admire is Mr De Silva, as he always knows how to put a smile on your face. Mr DeSilva always encourages his students to be the best they can be and makes learning exciting.

A quote that I believe in is “kindness costs nothing”.

Jaime House Captain William Hennessy

The things that I am proudest of are my sporting achievements across footy and cricket because it has been influential in my life.

My favourite TV program is the Inbetweeners due to its non-stop banter.

My greatest sporting moment is the 2s flag that Mr Williams guided us to.

Someone I admire is Nelson Mandela for his strength and influence on the lives of many people.

My favourite book is the Great Gatsby, I love the storyline and the thrill of it.

One chore I don’t like doing is the dishes, just use paper plates and recycle them.

To be a Lasallian Leader means to guide others in the right direction.

Five words which best describe my personality are laid back, passionate, happy, funny and inspired.

If I could create one change for SMC in 2021 it would be to give out scholarships, just to better the school in every department.

A quote that I believe in is “When the going gets tough. The tough get going” Love hearing it on gameday.

A teacher at SMC I admire is Ms O’Hara because she always makes time for a laugh even at her own expense.

Sacramental Preparation Program

St Michael’s College will once again be organising a Sacramental preparation program for secondary campus students.

This program will offer your child the opportunity to prepare and receive the Catholic sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation. This is being organised in cooperation with the Henley Parish but there may be the option to receive the sacrament in your own Parish.

Students will need to attend 7 sessions. There will also be 2 parent sessions to explain how to support your child in this important celebration. The program will start in Term 2, Week 7 (Monday 13 June). The preparation sessions will be held during and after school time.

Please inform our Youth Leader of your interest in the Sacramental program via email: sharina.rabusic@smc.sa.edu.au

Blessings and prayers,

Sr Nithya CP, Pastoral Support Worker  

Student Parent/Teacher Interviews

A reminder that day 2 of Student/Parent/Teacher Interviews will be conducted on Thursday 12th May. Opportunities may still be available for appointments. Should you wish to enquire, please call Lynda White on 8150 2368 or email: Lynda.White@smc.sa.edu.au

NAPLAN: Years 7 and 9

NAPLAN for Years 7 and Year 9 will be conducted in weeks 2 and 3 of this term.

Students must:

NAPLAN Online testing will take place during weeks 2 and 3 of Term 2:  May 11, 16 and 17 May.


  • Laptops must be fully charged.
  • Laptops must be restarted (updates run if applicable) each day of the week during PC
  • Students must bring Headphones (wired only – no airpods permitted
  • Pen or Pencil – note paper supplied
  • Students must be on time.

Students are NOT permitted to bring into their tests any of the following:

  • Rulers
  • Books, including dictionaries
  • Mobile phones / air pods
  • Protractors/mathematics templates
  • Calculators
Italian Commedia Performance

Year 8 students and a Year 10 Drama class had the opportunity to view a Pinocchio performance, delivered in the Italian comedy style, Commedia dell’Arte. The classic Pinocchio tale was brought to life by the exaggerated and quirky style of acting, that invites audience interaction, improvisation, and laughter.

The Year 10 Drama classes participated in a workshop in the Commedia dell’Arte acting style. All students enjoyed learning the physicality of the Commedia characters and performing lazzi to each other. We look forward to seeing Commedia dell’Arte-inspired performances from this group of actors in the future!

“It was a very interesting and funny performance to watch and we are very thankful for the opportunity” – Lani Pearson, Year 8.

It was great to see both teachers and students enjoying the last day of term with cross-curricula links to Italian and drama.

Ms Andreula, Italian Coordinator – Italian/Religion/English Teacher and Mrs Zappia, Subject Coordinator – Drama & 9GPC.3 Pastoral Care Teacher          

Homework Club Terms 2 and 3

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 3:30-4:30pm in the library.

A great opportunity for students to set up the habit of doing homework straight after school or improving study habits. During this time, there will be teachers present to assist students with their work.

Mrs Maria Pepe-Micholos, Head of Library

Year 10 Leaders Activity for Year 7 Students

A group of Year 10 leaders organised a morning of cooking for their youngest peers and newest members to the College. Year 10 students worked with and supported the Year 7 students along with two Year 12 leaders. The senior students wanted to do an activity to make sure Year 7 students feel known, valued and cared for at St Michael’s College. Year 10 student Joshua Wallace worked with Year 7 student Riley Bell and revealed they were also buddies in Year 6 and Year 3 when at the Primary Campus.

Ms Liesel Dunstan, Assistant Year 10 Director – Food Technology Teacher

Masterchefs in the Food Tech Kitchen

Year 11 Food and Hospitality students had the task of preparing and presenting a gourmet dessert reflective of current industry standards. Year 11 students Jonny and Joel used dry ice to create a smoky effect for their Creative Dessert.

Ms Liesel Dunstan, Assistant Year 10 Director – Food Technology Teacher

Years 7-9 Wellbeing Character Strength Focus


Judgement or open-mindedness is a strength which can help us know ourselves and others better and see the world through a lens which is less likely to be affected by bias. Usually when we are more open-minded, we are less likely to make decisions that become regrets, because we consider all aspects of the situation and evaluate our attitudes with mindful care.  We can also become more empowered critical thinkers and can challenge our own assumptions in a way that promotes our own growth as people.

The skill of listening effectively – being open-minded- and delivering practical advice can be so very helpful, especially amongst friends. As a result, Judgement does help us to develop meaningful and lasting relationships, of all kinds, and we know how important this is to our health and wellbeing.

This week in our staff meeting prayer, Ms. Louise Day invited us to reflect on Mary, as we have just begun the month of May, a month dedicated to the Virgin Mary, associated with new life and renewal. Sometimes I find myself wondering if we can really appreciate how impossibly hard Mary’s life must have been. From the incredulous moment of knowing that she was to be the mother of Jesus, to witnessing his torturous death. It’s impossible to imagine both the joy and the pain she must have navigated. In some way, in Mary we also see a sense of incredible wisdom- judgement and open-mindedness, and she continues to be a source of inspiration and comfort during many moments in our lives when we turn to her.

Like faith, science also evidences that as a strength, open-mindedness or Judgement can be developed and improved. When we’re confronted with a new situation and need to make a decision or take a stance, our brains scan our memory for relevant information so that we can respond appropriately. When we jump to conclusions, we can get stuck on one idea, and fail to consider alternative information that might just be helpful; as though we are wearing blinkers. In times of change (most days at the moment ?) using Judgement can be helpful as it enables us to see beyond our preconceived ideas, and helps us to make decisions more effectively, being mindful of the influence of the manipulation that can exist across a range of communication mechanisms.

When we consider our collective and individual history as people, we notice that events can be viewed with a stronger open mind; stronger Judgement. By being open to understanding the range of perspectives that have shaped people’s lives in the past, we can understand conflicting beliefs and ideologies, which is sometimes referred to as historical empathy. The Australian Curriculum affirms that such opportunities for development can nurture empathy which “promotes deeper understanding of ‘difference’ in the past and – where appropriate –tolerance and acceptance in the present”. Perhaps this might just help us, as people, to avoid repeating mistakes of the past; and position us better to move forward in hope and harmony.

When we take some time to be curious and reflect on our beliefs and worldview including what experiences have shaped them and consider with an open mind the perspectives of others, Judgement can lead to more effective decision making, problem solving and stronger interpersonal relationships and faith, all of which benefit the broader community.

Judgement can empower us to better know, value and care for each other across time and space, can support us in celebrating the uniqueness of each person and help us to be stronger learners and leaders for the world.

Wishing us all a healthy and happy Week 1 and weekend ahead!

Mrs Tonia Carfora, Year 7-9 Wellbeing Initiatives Leader


State Surfing Competition – Round 1

A group of Year 8 and 9 girls took on the first round of the girl’s whitewater surf competitions at Southport beach. Our St Michael’s team was strong having a great day catching waves and taking out all placings for the round.

We also had Oskar Kilpatrick and Max Wandel compete in the Open Senior boys.

Max and Oskar did very well to make the final and finishing in 2nd place.


South Australia in the Australian Little Athletics Championships

Congratulations to Year 8 student, Finn Spanagel who was selected to represent South Australia in the Australian Little Athletics Championships.
Finn was selected for U13 High Jump, Long Jump and 80m hurdles. He was also nominated as State team Captain.
Finn had a very successful weekend and came first, winning the gold medal in the High Jump, with a jump of 1.7m. This was a personal best performance and equalled his local club (Woodville Little Athletics) record set back in the 1982-83 season.

Well done, Finn!

Eagles Debutant

Well done to Eagles debutant Georgie Blades (Year 11) who was presented with her League guernsey on Saturday.

You can watch the video here > https://fb.watch/cQplddOeRC/

The South Australian Gymnastics Awards

Some great news for Sienna Nesci (Year 9) and a great achievement – The South Australian Gymnastics Awards were held last weekend and Sienna was awarded the Junior Elite Athlete of the Year award for Women’s Artistic Gymnastics. She has also been selected on the South Australian State Team travelling to QLD from the 18- 27 May to compete at the Australian Gymnastics Championships in May.

Congratulations Sienna, the College community wishes you the best of luck!