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Term 1 Week 6 2023

From the Principal

Welcome to Week 6! I must say Week 5 was a little blurry for me due to a bout of COVID I picked up from the CESA Principal’s Conference. I was kept well-informed in what was happening at the College and one of the talking points from last week was the launch of MAD Day. The video of the students from our sister schools in Pakistan gave our students true insight into the barriers that exist for children learning in other countries around the world. St Michael’s College and our Lasallian Charism values the opportunities for our students to participate and engage in activities that can help others less fortunate than ourselves. When you look at things from a very practical nature it is only fate that brought us to be born into such an affluent community.

The word that encompasses all of this is Empathy. The ability to understand other people’s situations. The ability to put yourself in another person’s shoes. These are all values and traits that can make you a better person in the community and in life. That is why these types of days are so important to our community. MAD day, Retreats and other serving activities develop the true self outside of the classroom. This is why it so important for all students to engage in these activities so can I please ask for the parents and care givers to support the Mission of the College by ensuring all students are here on these days and fully participate in the activities.

This week has seen the Arts being showcased around the College. Music, Drama and Visual Arts have all been showcased throughout the week. One of the highlights was attending an Art Lesson for taken by renowned indigenous Artist David Booth the spark in those Year 7 students was certainly uplifting.  Thank you to all the staff that made the week such a success.

Finally, Athletics Day was held last week and for the Year 12’s their last Carnival of their schooling life. Various costumes adorning the track was a sight to see for all involved. These types of days take much organisation from the staff involved, and the College is grateful for granting our students so many opportunities.

At the Primary Campus, our Welcome Mass was held in the Founders Friday Week 4. A little later than usual due to building works but the morning was a great success and to see the Reception students walk across the stage for the first time and receive their certificates was a delight for all those present.

I hope you all enjoy a restful long weekend and God Bless.

Mr Tony Daley