Pastoral Care and Wellbeing
JUDGEMENT – Term 2, week 1

Judgement or open-mindedness is a strength which can help us know ourselves and others better and see the world through a lens which is less likely to be affected by bias. Usually when we’re more open-minded, we’re less likely to make decisions that become regrets, because we consider all aspects of the situation and evaluate our attitudes with mindful care.
The skill of listening effectively and delivering practical advice can be so very helpful, especially amongst friends. As a result, judgement does help us to develop meaningful and lasting relationships, of all kinds, and we know how important this is to our health and wellbeing.
As we have just begun the month of May, a month dedicated to the Virgin Mary, associated with new life and renewal, we can wonder about and appreciate how impossibly hard Mary’s life must have been. From the incredulous moment of knowing that she was to be the mother of Jesus, to witnessing his torturous death. It’s impossible to imagine both the joy and the pain she must have endured. In some way, in Mary we also see a sense of incredible wisdom, judgement and open-mindedness, and she continues to be a source of inspiration and comfort during many moments in our lives when we turn to her.
Like faith, science also evidences that as a strength, open-mindedness or judgement can be developed and improved. When we’re confronted with a new situation and need to make a decision or take a stance, our brains scan our memory for relevant information so that we can respond appropriately. When we jump to conclusions, we can get stuck on one idea, and fail to consider alternative information that might just be helpful; as though we’re wearing blinkers. In times of change using judgement can be helpful as it enables us to see beyond our preconceived ideas, and helps us to make decisions more effectively, being mindful of the influence of the manipulation that can exist across a range of communication mechanisms.
When we consider our collective and individual history as people, we notice that events can be viewed with a stronger open mind; stronger judgement. By being open to understanding the range of perspectives that have shaped people’s lives in the past, we can understand conflicting beliefs and ideologies, which is sometimes referred to as historical empathy. The Australian Curriculum affirms that such opportunities for development can nurture empathy which “promotes deeper understanding of ‘difference’ in the past and – where appropriate – tolerance and acceptance in the present”. Perhaps this might just help us, as people, to avoid repeating mistakes of the past; and position us better to move forward in hope and harmony.
When we take some time to be curious and reflect on our beliefs and worldview including what experiences have shaped them and consider with an open mind the perspectives of others, judgement can lead to more effective decision making, problem solving and stronger interpersonal relationships and faith, all of which benefit the broader community.
Judgement can empower us to better know, value and care for each other across time and space, can support us in celebrating the uniqueness of each person and help us to be stronger learners and leaders for the world.
Wishing us all a healthy and happy Week 1!
Tonia Carfora, Year 7-9 Wellbeing Initiatives Leader