Strength of the Week – Zest
As I write this, I am waiting nervously for the Matildas’ match against England to begin. I can almost feel the energy coming from the screen! Zest, as a character strength, refers to the force that propels us forward in whatever our endeavours might be. When we approach life with zest, we show excitement, energy and stronger willpower to get the job done and do it well. Like the Matildas!
According to the VIA website, “those who are high in zest are excited to get up in the morning, and they live life like an adventure.” While this may not come naturally to all of us… especially this last part… we can all work on it! Sometimes it’s about changing the way we think about things! Someone once said in addressing a group of student leaders, that when he looked in the mirror every morning, he made a conscious choice that the day was going to be a good one! It really can be about a shift in mindset and zest has a role to play here.
Interestingly, zest is directly related to our physical and mental wellbeing. There is a lot of research that shows a strong connection between overall life satisfaction and engagement (the way we buy in), and zest, and it’s accepted that zest is helpful in motivating and facilitating perseverance and grit. Both of there so very important to our sense of achievement, as Mr Daley has said.
This week at St Michael’s students and staff have had so many opportunities to engage with lots of zest! Of course, each lesson brings its opportunities, but outside of this we have revelled in different experiences. From footy grand finals, to a plethora of exciting learning experiences during Science Week, to a range of excursions. And this is only last week!
In the classroom and in our community, life definitely benefits when zest is present! And that goes without saying the volumes of zest needed to enable so many enriching activities on behalf of organisers!
In the world of work, where many of us spend many hours a day, studies have shown that zest is one of the most important predictors of work-related wellbeing and satisfaction. It seems that when we work through zest, we experience more gratitude, hope, and love and this can make a difference to how we navigate stress and challenge. More positive learners and leaders for the world. That sounds good to me.
Though I find it hard when I am bleary eyed at the end of the week, I will look for zest when my alarm goes off at 6am tomorrow! I will try to draw on the inspiration the Matildas have gifted to all of us!
Have a great Week 4 and weekend ahead! So proud of the Matildas! What great role models for Australians young and older!
Tonia Carfora, Year 7-9 Wellbeing Initiatives Leader