Strength of the Week – Teamwork
As people we are social beings whose lives benefit from teamwork in all aspects. From raising children (as highlighted by the African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child”), to our lives at home, and as we know, teamwork is also critical in the workplace.
At St Michael’s we see the results of teamwork each day, beginning with our faith team in Pastoral Classes, which celebrate prayer together each morning and gather in Chapel generally weekly. While we would expect to and do see teamwork on the sporting field, we also see ongoing teamwork evolve in a range of other spaces, such as in the EcoGarden, especially now that it is blossoming with spring – Have you seen it lately? And of course, in the classroom and a range of co-curricular activities that enable our students to grow to be the learners and leaders of the world.
Pulse showcased the incredible talents of staff and students recently, as did the SALA Art Exhibition. Wellbeing and Health & PE week recently unfolded and encircled the St Michael’s community in a warm and colourful cloak of positive emotions; It really was teamwork in action. From students to teachers and non-teaching staff – everyone was on board to create a set of diverse and engaging opportunities for the whole community to enjoy and unite in.
Students smiled as they held the baby animals in the petting zoo, others savoured fresh fruit, zooper doopers, or donuts at recess or lunch, and they engaged with enthusiasm in sporting competitions and sang confidently as they participated in karaoke!
This week, Charities Week led by Year 10 and our Lasallian Leaders, has enabled a range of activities on offer for students over the course of the week. In this case, the teamwork will result in supporting others who can use our help – in the form of a number of charities.
Students participating in Wild Wednesday Challenges across Year 7-9 attended a bowling challenge, working in small teams towards building connections and experiencing flow and joy. A separate article is included in this week’s Star Newsletter.
These examples are representative of only a few of the experiences our students are offered at St Michael’s. It’s evident that our community really is blessed by these opportunities with teamwork at their core.
Teamwork inspires us towards stronger creativity and solution seeking and it energises and helps us reach our goals and work towards developing stronger wellbeing in ourselves and those whose lives we touch! It helps us to really be the community that is known, valued and cared for.
Enjoy your weekend!
Tonia Carfora, Year 7-9 Wellbeing Initiatives Leader