Science Week
This week is National Science Week, and the theme for this year is ‘Innovation – Powering Future Industries’. As part of Science Week, students had the opportunity to celebrate science both inside and outside the classroom.
Each morning commenced with the Science Week Quiz in Pastoral Classes. Students competed against other classes where they tested their knowledge across a range of scientific domains. This was well-received by classes and opened some interesting topics of conversation in the mornings! Some students also elected to take part in the ‘Innovation Challenge’. Students were challenged to consider an issue that needs to be solved and design an innovative solution to this problem. Some of these submissions considered solutions to problems in agriculture, medicine, environmental management, and space!
Physics students were involved in a presentation with two CSIRO researchers who explained the physics behind the hyperspectral cameras they have developed, which have recently been launched into space on a satellite. These cameras will be used to monitor water quality across different locations to test if it is safe for drinking. Students also learned about the career paths possible with the CSIRO and more broadly in STEM.
Year 7 students were entertained by a live presentation related to the power of AI and how it can be used to solve problems in everyday life. Students became familiar with how AI innovation is used in industry and science, as well as its sometimes unintended consequences.
Early in the week, a number of students from Year 7 through to Year 9 competed in a science-themed escape room. Students needed to solve a series of challenges where they drew on their knowledge from a range of science disciplines. They had 40 minutes to escape the room by solving each of the challenges. The winning teams from each year level were lucky enough to win a series of science-related prizes.
Students were fascinated by the Liquid Nitrogen Show in the Turon Courtyard. Students saw the amazing transformations that can happen at ultra-low temperatures. Some lucky students had the opportunity to use the liquid nitrogen to instantly freeze bananas, flowers, and squash balls. They then saw how brittle the materials became, shattering on impact. Students were amazed at the misty fog produced when liquid nitrogen was poured into a mixture of water and bubble bath solution.
Students also had the opportunity to launch bottle rockets during lunchtime on Thursday. Students found the perfect water-to-air ratio, which saw the rockets almost burst out of the atmosphere.
Thank you to all the staff who assisted with activities throughout the week and to those who celebrated this year’s theme of Innovation in their classrooms!
Jack Alberton, Acting Head of Department – Science