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Community Awareness Day (CAD) and Reflection Activity Day (RAD)

As part of our Retreat experience at the College, all Year 10 students were provided with the opportunity to attend two days of reflection and awareness raising.

Reflection Activity Day (RAD) recognises that we are reaching a turning point in our lives where we are confronted with the challenges of adolescence. During this day students take the opportunity to get honest and talk real about body image, worth and value and consider how their individual perspectives play a role in how they view their identity. In the ‘consent matters’ seminar students are assisted to develop skills to navigate shared decisions in a way that is consistently fair and respectful. The ‘health matters’ seminar looks at the issues associated with vaping to assist student to make important decisions for their health. With the assistance of the Life Matters presenters, students were able to broaden their awareness and understanding of a range of issues pertinent to their growth and future development.

Community Awareness Day (CAD) gave students the opportunity to both visit and learn more about the unsung heroes and people in our community who are struggling with life. After visiting various charities and organisations around the city, all classes assembled at the Irish Club in Carrington Street to share their experiences of all the wonderful workers and volunteers who make a difference in the lives of the people in our community, who are victims of homelessness, poverty, isolation, abuse and physical or mental illnesses. The college Lasallian Campus Minister, Sharina Rabusic facilitated the presentations about the work of organisations such as Caritas, Centacare, Yourtown, Vinnies, Foodbank, Lutheran Community Care, ARA Australian Refugee Association, Anglicare and Catherine House and a reflection on the Good Samaritan and prayer.

The days encouraged students to reflect on and reinforce our Lasallian Charism and college ethos in maintaining our commitment to Social Justice and supporting those in need in the community and developing as well-rounded individuals. The Year 10 students will be undertaking projects to support some of the charities visited during these days.

Robert Dempsey, Director of Mission