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Careers & VET: Further Updates and Information

Career Research Opportunities

The University of Adelaide offer an online learning module to assist students with career planning into University. ENGAGE@Adelaide delivers free support for Year 12 students to develop their understanding of the SATAC process, learn essential university knowledge, and prepare for life after high school.

See: https://www.adelaide.edu.au/schools/resources-for-year-12s/engage-adelaide

Rural Postcode Scheme

Lived in the country for 5 years? You may be able to apply for entry consideration via a rural postcode scheme.

Flinders University: If you have had a rural postcode as primary place of residence of 5 years, students can attach a Statutory Declaration to their Year 12 SATAC application for entry consideration into many health related courses via the Rural Postcode Scheme.

See: https://www.flinders.edu.au/study/health/rural-remote-sub-quotas

University of Adelaide: offer entry consideration into Medicine and Dentistry via a rural postcode scheme and also via the Indigenous Pathways Scheme.

Please check in with Ms Coorey for more information.

UniSA Updates

A reminder to check last week’s newsletter for all the UniSA updates – so many opportunities!

See: https://smc.sa.edu.au/news-articles/careers-vet-unisa-update/ 

Rose Coorey, Careers Counsellor