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Celebrating the SACE achievements of the graduating Class of 2022

The St Michael’s College community celebrates the SACE achievements of the graduating Class of 2022.  Whilst we know that education is about much more than academic results, the annual release of the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) results and Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) is always much anticipated. The SACE results provide a snapshot of student learning in their Stage 2 subjects, an indication of the skills, knowledge, understandings and capabilities evidenced, and a formal acknowledgement of the successful completion of 13 years of schooling. The ATAR is a ranking utilised by those looking to move into tertiary study either directly or soon after school.
Congratulations to all SMC students recognised in this release, but also to the many others who have achieved their own personal successes. ATARs and SACE achievement do not define our students’ future success, and certainly do not define students.
Our students have maintained a strong commitment to learning, engaged in community life and most importantly shown great care and support for each other. The positive partnership and dedication of the staff, students and families continues to be the fabric of St Michael’s College.
St Michael’s College is committed to being an inclusive and respectful community where each individual is known, valued and cared for, enabling them to feel confident to explore their curiosities, flourish and fully realise their potential. Our hope is that our graduands have been able to experience this and are now empowered to better choose who they become as people, learners and leaders in this ever-changing world.
Congratulations also to College Dux, Holly Dini who achieved an ATAR of 99.85 and four merits.
See the 2022 student achievements summary here: