From the Principal
Having watched the news over the past few weeks my heart has been breaking for the people of Turkey and Syria. Night after night you see the devastation and the never-ending increase in the number of deaths recorded. The College’s prayers and sympathies go out to all of those affected by this tragedy.
Recently, I read a book called The Resilience Project by Hugh van Cuylenburg. He talked about how if we concentrate on the virtues of being grateful, having empathy and developing mindfulness we can better handle the challenges of life.
Today, young people or should I say all people need to learn to put themselves in the other person’s shoes. We need to have empathy for how another person is feeling. This then leads us to be kinder to each other. This also helps us, because when we are kind or we help someone a chemical is released in our bodies called oxytocin. This chemical stimulates our brain to feel better and gives us more energy.
It is often said that the gift is in the giving and while you should not set out to help yourself it certainly is a beneficial side effect in helping others. In a Lasallian College this is what I believe human education is, where students learn to be empathetic to others in order to grow as a person.
This certainly has been a busy start to the year. It has been pleasing to see the St Michael’s community coming together through the various functions that have taken place.
Through Year Level Welcome Evenings, the 2022 Year 12 Academic Assembly and the Welcome Mass and it was extremely pleasing to see so many supporters on Saturday at the 1st 11 Cricket match, where the team claimed victory over Rostrevor College.
I look forward to meeting many parents over the coming weeks at the various Co curricular activities in which St Michael’s College students are involved.
God Bless
Mr Tony Daley