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From the Principal

Dear St Michael’s College,

I have been given the privilege to preside as Acting Principal whilst John Foley is on leave. I use the word ‘privilege’ because as a past scholar of St Michael’s College, I am extremely grateful and proud to be a part of this wonderful community.  Attending St Michael’s also provided me with some wonderful lifelong connections which I trust many families in our community have or will develop. I look forward to working with the wider St Michael’s community over the next few weeks.


Thursday 9 September 2021 was R U OK? Day.

R U OK? Day is a National day of action dedicated to reminding everyone to ask, “Are you OK?” and to remember every day of the year to support people who may be struggling with life’s ups and downs.

This year in the build-up to R U OK? Day we’re encouraging everyone to trust the signs, trust your gut and ask R U OK?

We want everyone to feel confident that they know the signs of someone who might need support by listening to what they’re saying, seeing what they’re doing or knowing what’s going on in their life. Whenever you notice a change, no matter how small, we want you to trust your gut and start an R U OK? conversation.

It is also important that our young people are aware of the support groups that are in our community. They can be found on the College’s student SEQTA platform homepage.

Further education resources for primary and secondary students can be found at https://www.ruok.org.au/education

Mr Kitschke’s Wellbeing Week article highlights the many activities that took place this week at the Secondary Campus.  Thanks to all the organisers for their great efforts!


Next week Year 6 students head off to She-Oak Run at Finniss for their camp. We trust it will provide this group an opportunity to build stronger relationships prior to embarking on their secondary education at the Henley Campus. The focus will be on resilience, team-building, problem-solving, and most of all, enjoyment. Activities will include kayaking, raft building, water testing, team initiative obstacle course, orienteering and many more. In preparation for the camp, all Year 6 students have been working with the Primary Leadership Team as well as their class teachers with a focus on ‘leadership’. Leadership will also be a focus and further explored during the camp experience.

Kind regards,

Mr Damian Patton
Acting Principal