From the Principal
Dear St Michael’s College Community,
Founder’s Day Mass
Founder’s Day is a time to reflect on the rich history of the Lasallian mission and celebrate the man whose vision and dedication to providing a human and Christian education to the young, especially the poor, launched the worldwide Lasallian network. Each year, Lasallians honor St John Baptist de La Salle, founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and patron saint of teachers, on May 15, known as Founder’s Day.
St Michael’s College is a part of that network, and we acknowledge the importance of the foundations that De La Salle set out, and on which this school is based. The theme for the 2022 Mass, Lasallians Without Limits, reminds us of the influence Lasallians have around the world and the challenges we face to create sustainable communities and be stewards of our fragile planet for future generations.
Once again, due to COVID restrictions, arrangements were modified with a small group of special guests, staff and students joining together in the Chapel for a Mass led by Fr McCormack with other students engaging in the ceremony via a live-stream to their classes.

At the conclusion of the Mass, Fr McCormack blessed the 2022 Lasallian Youth Leaders and Board Chair, Mrs Marie Dorrington OAM and Deputy Chair, Mr Damien Foulis, presented Staff Service Awards to long-serving staff members. We thank the following staff for their dedicated and valued contributions to the St Michael’s College community.
40 Years
Roger Dugan
30 Years
Grant Turner
20 Years
Ray Becker
Maria Cardillo
Cathie Gaffney
Robert Dempsey
Andrew Hynes
Pat Pietsch
10 Years
Paul Flaherty
Katrina Kreis
Maree Plew
Paula Rogers
Election of the New Superior General of the Brothers of the Christian Schools
On 18 May 2022, during the 46th General Chapter of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, the Assembly of 70 Chapter Brothers, meeting in the Aula Magna of the Generalate in Rome, elected Brother Armin Luistro 28th Superior General of the Institute.
Brother Armin also holds a Doctorate in Educational Management from Saint La Salle University in Bacolod and a Master’s Degree in Religious Education and Values from De La Salle University in Manila. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy and Humanities from De La Salle University.
Read further about Brother Armin’s teaching career and his life as a Brother here.
Kind regards,
Mr Damian Patton
Acting Principal
On Monday 23 May 2022, parents/caregivers will receive an email regarding the Parent and Caregiver Survey (PaCS). With an emphasis on continual improvement, the College has engaged Curtin University’s ‘National Schools Improvement (NSI) Partnerships Effective School Improvement Program’, to seek key stakeholder feedback.
The PaCS collects Parent/Caregiver experiences regarding:
- teacher support, student behaviour, student progress and assessment criteria;
- affirmation of diversity, welcoming ethos and communication, and
- aspirations for your child’s education and your satisfaction with the College.
We invite and encourage you to participate in the PaCS.