From the Principal
Dear St Michael’s College Community,
EDTECHSA Educator Of The Year
Congratulations to Ms Kate Tyrwhitt who has been named as the EdTechSA Educator of the Year.
Kate is a specialist teacher of Visual Arts and Design at the Primary Campus and has been awarded this title in recognition for her contribution to the use of ICTs in the school.
Kate has been a driving force behind the integration of a wide range of digital technologies to enhance student learning at the Primary Campus. She has pioneered the use of Showbie and Green Screen both for and with teachers, has designed and conducted global design projects with educators in several countries which has had a direct and positive impact upon student engagement and motivation, and in her own classroom practice, utilises various technologies so that all students can access their creative capabilities. Some of these technologies include Augmented Reality, laser cutting, Flipgrid, CoSpaces, 3D Design and printing using Makers Empire, and Tinkercad.
Kate has also presented at CEGSA since 2007, EdTechSA conferences, ACCE in Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney, and the National Art Gallery in Canberra to showcase students’ use of iPads in Visual Arts education.
Congratulations Kate, the College is grateful for your contributions to our school community!
Mission Action Day (MAD)
Thank you to all staff and students involved in this week’s Mission Action Day and for the generous support offered by our families. The fun activities are a great way to reward our students for their resilience and commitment to learning over a challenging Term 1. The ongoing nurturing of a genuine concern for social justice is an important element of an education at St Michael’s College and Mission Action Day is one of the ways that we work together to support those most in need. Each year the funds raised through MAD go to a range of local charities and national and international organisations to assist those less fortunate. Sometimes we might think that our individual donations are unable to help others very much, but when all of us at St Michael’s College work together in a spirit of community, we can reach targets that can make a significant difference to the marginalised and most in need. Thank you.

As we move into our final week of Term 1, we focus on Holy Week and the significance of the week being part of a Catholic school in the Lasallian tradition. Students at both Campuses will participate in liturgies within their pastoral/homeroom class and pray and reflect on the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. I encourage families to make the Easter story a part of their conversation at home over the coming week and look for opportunities to celebrate in your parishes.
As Pope Francis reminds us in his message for Lent 2022, we are called to “sow seeds of goodness for the benefit of others”, and to take daily concrete actions in favour of our brothers and sisters. This means actively choosing to make visible, and hear the voices, of those people who are on the margins.
With all that is happening in Australia with the floods, and the conflict in Ukraine, we are reminded over this Easter period to pay attention to, and think of, what we can do for others.
End of Term
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole school community for their support over Term 1. It was a hybrid start to the year and then challenging times for staff, students and families with COVID-19 and isolation rules. The commitment from our staff has allowed us to get through the term without any Year Level or school closure. This could not have happened without the shared responsibility from families.
A quick look back at the Term 1 calendar gives a clear picture of what we were able to achieve at St Michael’s College. In addition to the ongoing core commitment to teaching, learning and wellbeing, the range of opportunities undertaken across the College this term has been extensive and includes: Easter Liturgies; Mission Action Day; Primary Academic Awards (Semester 2, 2021) and New Student Welcome Assembly; Portfolio Conference Evening via Teams; Joey Cricket; Crazy Hair/Hat Day; PodCasting; International Women’s Day; De La Sauce Day; Secondary Campus leadership and social justice programs; summer sport and co-curricular activities; Year 7 Retreat; athletics carnival; College tour; Arts Week; drama and dance performances; curriculum excursions; Year 12 retreats and garden activities.
As we come to the end of a productive term, I thank staff, students and families for the ongoing support, commitment, and partnership required to provide an education where young people continue to thrive.
Kind regards,
Mr Damian Patton
Acting Principal