From the Deputy Principals
Dear St Michael’s College Community,
We are proud of our students who approached remote learning with confidence, commitment and a willingness to engage.
Thank you to our staff and parents/caregivers for your continued support. We would like to share some positive responses that were received during this period:
“Thank you for your hard work, dedication and continued enthusiasm in teaching remotely. You successfully provided a range of engaging, contemporary and rigorous tasks that captivated my son to continue his learning journey in the home environment.”
“Just wanted to express our gratitude for all your hard work, patience and support over the past week with home learning. We really appreciate it!”
“I wanted to thank you for making these two days of home schooling an achievable task for everyone. My child really loved doing the work and was proud of what that they were able to achieve in this situation. Having you there to support, share and connect in the online group most certainly helped.”
“I would like to express my thanks to all the teachers at St Michael’s who have been managing their own families and personal matters whilst continuing to educate and connect with our children. My daughter, who is committed to her study and anxious about getting the results that she wants has thrived. From my observations the teachers have done well to ensure that the learning has continued at the highest standard they can, and my daughter has had a chance to connect with her teachers in a different way.”
“Online learning was a very positive experience for my daughter. It was great to see her engage with her teachers and continue working whilst at home. I was impressed with the setup and approach by her teachers.”
“Home schooling is so much fun, every day is its own adventure!”
“Thanks for your efforts in switching all your learning online with minimal notice so our boys can keep learning. My son is completely engaged, ready to go in the morning and I even had to remind him to come out for lunch yesterday!! I guess that’s a good sign.”
Whilst the remote learning model has been well supported by staff, students and families, it cannot compete with being reconnected in person as we experienced at St Michael’s this week.
As we returned to ‘normal’ school routines on Wednesday, we have been impressed by the way in which our community, parents, students and staff, have complied with the SA Government directives in relation to the wearing of masks, distancing and gathering. The College will continue to follow these recommendations and thank you in anticipation of your ongoing support.
Kind regards,
Damian Patton, Deputy Principal Primary
Bron Kemp, Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning
Matthew Williams, Deputy Principal Pastoral
Amanda Price, Deputy Principal Staff and Strategy