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From the Deputy Principals

Student Uniforms, Personal Presentation And Mobile Devices

St Michael’s College is guided by the Lasallian core principles of faith, respect, service, and community. Since the beginning, our ethos has remained unchanged; “To touch the hearts of your pupils and inspire them with the Christian spirit is the greatest miracle you can perform.” Lasallian education dates back to the 17th century to French priest St John Baptist de La Salle establishing schools that welcomed all. There are now schools in over 80 countries.  The brothers’ work included daily meditations and clear instructions regarding system, order, and method. They also ensured that prayer was a part of each day for students, staff and upheld the highest personal presentation and uniform standards.

Over the past two years, we have been proud to collaborate, consult, and  partner with students, parents/caregivers and staff on various matters and have subsequently updated our uniform, personal presentation requirements and Student Mobile Device Policy.  These changes resulted from the collective community feedback, particularly from parent/caregivers and student.

Today we met with all Year 7 to 11 students to reset expectations and to encourage all to take pride in personal appearance, including the wearing of the College uniform.  We also reminded students that mobile phones are not allowed to be used between 8:40 am and 3:30 pm and that they must be switched off during the school day to allow better engagement, learning and face-to-face communication with their peers and staff.

The St Michael’s College uniform should provide students with a sense of identity and pride within the community. We require parental support in being clear of the expectations. Please refer to the list of summer uniform items below as a reminder of these expectations and discuss these with your child/ren.  We understand that students and families may need time to comply with some of the standards, and we ask that this be done quickly.  Please get in touch with the Pastoral Teacher if there are any issues.

The focus areas of the presentation to students include the following:

Summer uniform

  • Short sleeve white shirt with crest
  • Summer dress – worn to the knee
  • Shorts, trousers and socks, i.e. navy blue shorts worn with white crew socks, or navy trousers worn with grey or black socks

Personal presentation (key focus areas are):

  • Hair and being cleanly shaven
  • Jewellery – discreet items only (one each of ring, bracelet, necklace, watch, and two small studs/sleepers in each ear)
  • Makeup – a very light, barely visible foundation is the only makeup acceptable
  • Nails – nail polish, sculptured nails and nail extensions are not permitted

The complete Personal Presentation Guidelines are available here.

College staff will be pro-active in the coming weeks in working towards improving the standards of the College and we seek the support of students and families.

Mr Matthew Williams
Deputy Principal – Pastoral