A big congratulations to the following students on completing their Certificate II in Dance! We are thrilled for you to have reached your goal and now have your results.
Front Row: Ava Blefari, Zara Kannane, and Caylin Humphries
Back Row: Olivia Johnson, Sophie Angus, Sofia Perkovic, Kaiah Brockenbrow-Kilsby, and Molly Duncan
Singular Photo: Abby Burdett
Absent: Eloise Larsson

It has been a big journey full of fun and learning with some challenges along the way. We celebrate your commitment and persistence – well done!
Ms Hayley Kollevris, Dance Coordinator
Congratulations to Year 5 student, Lachlan Jones and Year 10 student James Bowling who represented South Australia and St Michael’s College over the weekend at the Australian Cross Country Championships. Lachlan was one of five students in his age group selected in South Australia for the event and battled a grueling and hilly 3km course against some of the best runners in the country.
Congratulations Lachlan and James. We look forward to following your future running endeavours.
Miss Annabel Lampard, Health and Physical Education Teacher

Congratulations to Jack Drozd, John Hallak, Rizwan Anwari, Charlie Santos-Tait and Daniel Romano who represented St Michael’s College and the Western District SAPSASA Soccer team at the SAPSASA State Soccer Championships held last week at Barrett Reserve. The boys showcased their soccer skills against the best young players from across the district. At the conclusion of the carnival the team finshed in 2nd place in Divisoon 1 winning a silver medal.
Well done boys, you should all be proud of your efforts!
Mr Dion Gazettas, Primary Sports Co-Curricular Coordinator

Congratulations to Year 7 student, Jude Cowan, who placed third in the SANFL Juniors medal count in the Under 12 South-West Division 1.
Well done Jude!