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Congratulations to Year 12 student Monet Lyle (12PC-10) and Year 10 student Lily-Mae Balkwill (10PC-05) who have been selected in the 2022 State Netball Team Squad. Monet has been selected for the 19U team and Lily-Mae for the 17U team. The squads will come together in January to train prior to the final Team and Development Squad announcement in February.

The SMC community wish you both the best of luck!


Congratulations to Year 10 student Paul Choimes (10PC-10) who has been awarded the ADF (Australian Defence Force) Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Award.

The ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork Awards began in 2006 to recognise students who demonstrate leadership and teamwork within both the school and the broader local community. At the same time, they recognise those who display strong values, such as doing one’s best, respect for others and “mateship”, characteristics that are integral to Australian society. The awards are an important initiative by the Australian Government in conjunction with the Australian Defence Force designed to encourage senior students – tomorrow’s leaders – to actively participate in the life of their schools and local communities.

The Battle of Long Tan holds a special place in the hearts and minds of Australians. It is also a fitting tribute to the Long Tan veterans, as the very traits they demonstrated such as determination, mateship, teamwork, tenacity, compassion, and leadership, are the same attributes we hope to encourage and recognise in students.

Well done Paul!


Congratulations to Year 10 Student Isla Allen (10PC-03) on winning the SeaLink “Ferry of the Future School Competition”.

Secondary students in South Australia were encouraged to apply their learnings from STEM subjects and draw on eco-friendly transport solutions for inspiration, by designing a ferry which further nurtures sustainable best practices.

Isla produced an outstanding entry that was both creative and thoughtful, and has won herself a family holiday to Kangaroo Island.

Well done Isla!